Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 66 Dagu, you are Diga! The ultimate fusion monster, Giga Chimera!

Chapter 66 Dagu, you are Diga! The ultimate fusion monster, Giga Chimera!

  I am the last of the Seven Ultra Warriors, Ultraman Tiga?
  Hearing Lin Tian's words, Dagu was stunned.

What an international joke?
  How can this be?

Tiga Altman?
  He had never heard of it.

Have you ever seen a similar tokusatsu drama on TV?

But why does this name always feel so familiar?

It's like I've been with him my whole life.

"Ultraman Tiga"

Dagu couldn't help lowering his head and began to ponder.

The seaside in the distance.

The little girl seemed to be waiting for Dagu.

Dagu didn't move, so she didn't move.

"There are some things you need to think of yourself."

"If you can't remember, you won't be able to awaken the power of the Ultra Warriors."

Lin Tian said lightly.

This is also impossible.

After all, it was parallel time and space, and even as powerful as Lin Tian, ​​he could not forcefully awaken them.

You can only follow the method in the original plot.

Dagu froze on the spot.

Remember something?

What the hell is it?
  Dagu broke his head and still couldn't remember what he had forgotten.

"Don't give up until the last moment, and Ultraman will definitely come."

Suddenly, right at this moment.

Three figures walked towards them along the edge of the platform.

They are three old men.

"Dago, you told us this when you were a child."

Seeing these three old men, Lin Tian recognized their identities in an instant.

The first Ultraman, Ultraman Ace, and Ultraman Seven!
  Dagu was stunned when he heard what the three uncles said.


The first-generation Ultraman nodded directly, and Ace directly covered his chest.

Inside, there is a passion and a lifelong dream.

"That's right, we haven't forgotten our dream because the belief in Ultraman shown in your eyes is unforgettable to us."

After hearing what Uncle Beidou said, Dagu froze on the spot and kept repeating what he just said.

"Do you believe Ultraman's expression in his eyes?"

The first generation nodded directly and said with a smile: "Yes, it is the look in your eyes that believes in the existence of Ultraman."

Suddenly, Dagu's eyes lit up.

Scenes burst out in his mind.

These scenes seem to be scenes from when he was a child with several playmates.

Several friends jumped high together and shouted Ultraman!
  At some point, their childhood had long been forgotten by them.

At this moment, Dagu seemed to suddenly remember what he had forgotten.

He turned to look at my little girl waiting for him on the shore.

The picture of being with a little girl when I was a child came to mind.

"I hope that the star of Ohte will always shine brightly in everyone's hearts."

"If the world is really in crisis, will you transform into Ultraman and save the world?"

Dagu clearly remembers the question the little girl asked him.

and his answer was
  Dagu said while recalling: "I will definitely do it!"

Dagu's words were decisive, and there was no longer any doubts and hesitations before.

His eyes were firm and his chest was rising and falling with excitement.

"Lin Tian, ​​I remembered, I remembered everything."

"It turns out that I am the last of these seven warriors!"


Memories of parallel time and space suddenly poured into Dagu's mind.

He had already recalled his identity.

It turned out that Lin Tian was right.

He is Ultraman Tiga! ! !

Thinking of all this, Da Gu immediately turned his head and walked towards the little girl on the coast.

Lin Tian also smiled slightly, raised his arms, held the back of his head with both hands, and prepared to watch a show quietly.

"Who are you.?"

At this time, the three of them from the first generation came to Lin Tian.

The three of them looked at Lin Tian quietly, always feeling an indescribable strange feeling.

Lin Tian glanced at them calmly.

Lin Tian knew that the first generation and the others should have recovered some memories.

It's just that this is a parallel time and space.

Even Membius didn't recognize him.

Naturally, they wouldn't know each other from the first generation.

After thinking about it, Lin Tian said directly: "I am a wandering wanderer in the universe."

Although this is someone else's wise saying, but now that I say it first, it shouldn't be considered plagiarism, right?

After hearing Lin Tian's words, the first generation and the three of them looked at each other, obviously feeling very interesting.

Since this young man is here to help Dagu, he should not be an enemy.

The three of them smiled, turned around and left without saying anything more. On the other side of Dagu, he had already arrived in front of the little girl.

The little girl looked at Dagu with a smile on her face.

"You finally remembered it all?"

Obviously, the little girl has been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

Dagu nodded heavily.

"Yes, I remembered the agreement we made back then!"

The little girl immediately smiled with satisfaction.

The next second, she turned into light and disappeared.

The little girl is obsessed with everything.

Now that Da Gu has remembered everything, she should naturally disappear.

Looking at the place where the little girl disappeared, Dagu felt lonely in his eyes.

But the next second, his hand suddenly became smooth.

A divine light rod filled with strange energy suddenly appeared in his hand.

Holding this strange yet familiar divine light rod, Dagu felt mixed feelings in his heart.

At this moment when the dust settled.

Mutation prominence!

boom! ! !
  A huge fireball hit the ground nearby.

The explosion of fire instantly broke the peace in Dagu's heart.

Afterwards, dozens more fireballs continued to fall.

The fire continued.

When launched, these fireballs turned out to be the Hippolytes who had disappeared before! ! !
  "Despair, humans!"

The Hippolyte taunted as he fired fireballs to destroy the city.

"Humanity has no future!"

"Perish, perish, perish!"

The Hippolytes laughed over and over again.

And somewhere in the city.

The Evil Heart King Dark Shadow Mage stood there with a proud smile on his lips under his cloak.


Soon this world will be destroyed by him!

At this time, Lin Tian's body appeared directly next to Dagu.

He looked at Dagu and asked, "Are you ready?"

Dagu nodded heavily.

The next second, he opened the divine light stick and raised it high in the air.


In an instant.

The bright brilliance lit up a pillar of light in the city.

When the light disappeared, Ultraman Tiga's figure appeared directly in everyone's eyes.

"That's Ultraman!!!"

"Great, Ultraman is here to save us."

"Come on Ultraman!"


The appearance of Tiga seems to have ignited a glimmer of hope in this desperate world.

People suddenly became angry.

One of the crowd, Dagu's fiancée Lina, also looked at Diga excitedly.

"Da Gu."

When Tiga appeared, he immediately took a fighting stance and prepared to do his best to destroy the Hippolytes!
  The Hippolytes are also preparing to fight with all their strength.

Yet at this moment.

A terrifying black-purple thunder and lightning suddenly fell from the sky.

It hit the Hippolyte star directly.

He didn't even have time to scream.

The body was directly beaten into powder.

Nani? ? ?

This scene stunned everyone.

what's going on?
  The monster was struck by lightning before it could take action? ? ?
  Lin Tian also looked at this scene blankly.

He knows what's going on.

The evil king is so cruel!

as predicted.

The next second, several huge soul bodies suddenly floated slowly in the city.

These are the same monsters that were previously defeated by Ultra Warriors and EX Jay Ponton.

King of Glass.

King Ponton.

King Shilbagon.

King Goldras.

And the Hippolyte star who was just struck to death by lightning!
  In addition, there are countless small strands of dark energy floating slowly from the ground.

All this energy, centered on the souls of the five-headed monsters, eventually converged into an extremely large mass of dark energy at high altitude!

The ultimate fusion monster, Giga Chimera.

Coming soon! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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