Chapter 67 Obtaining Jiga Chimera!
  "What are these?!"

"What's going on?"

"very scary!"


When humans saw the remaining resentful souls floating in the sky, they suddenly became completely frightened.

They don't know exactly what these are.

But when they see these souls, they can't help but feel fear! ! !
  But Lin Tian knew very well that this was the power of the Evil Heart King Dark Shadow Mage.

He sent the monsters to this parallel time and space for the Ultra Warriors to destroy.

Then, the resentful souls of these monsters were gathered together.

Only in this way can we create the ultimate devil! ! !

I saw that all the resentful souls in the air finally condensed together, forming a huge purple demonic energy group.

The demonic energy surrounded it for a moment, and finally exploded, revealing the appearance of the monster inside.

It was a huge monster.

It is more than 500 meters high from bottom to top.

The two huge monster heads on his upper body looked extremely thin.

But it can still be seen that the two heads are King Shilbagon and King Goldras who were previously defeated by Lin Tian's monsters!
  The limbs on both sides of the body are also composed of these two guys.

What connects the head and limbs is the head of the Hippolyte.

His head has obviously been enlarged, and the tentacles that originally extended have also grown from his shoulders and waist.

Under the body part, King Gesla's huge mouth opened wide, looking like it could swallow an Ultra Warrior whole.

How can one not be frightened by such a terrifying monster?

Create fear, amplify fear, and finally consume fear.

Fear can make him stronger, make him bigger and stronger, and create greater glory!

  Lin Tian is here!
  Lin Tian raised a slight smile at the corner of his mouth and shook his hand casually.

The Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument instantly appeared in his hand, golden light blooming.

He raised the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument and waved it towards Ultraman Tiga.

A ray of light instantly shot out from the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument and landed next to Diga.

Seeing this scene, Diga was slightly startled, and then calmed down.

He knew that this was Lin Tian's monster.

It's that EX Jay Ponton.

I just saw it.

However, when the light faded, the appearance of the monster was revealed, which frightened Diga.

This is not EX Jay Ponton at all!
  But another completely different monster! ! !

Lin Tian actually has more than one monster?


Diga was completely numb.

What the hell is going on here?
  The EX Jay Ponton that appeared earlier was already terrifying in strength.

In an instant, he killed King Shilbagon and King Goldras.

Those two guys were like little chickens in front of EX Jie Ponton, and they were beaten casually.

How strong can this monster next to me be? ? ?
  This monster stood next to Tiga.

The huge wings are like Kunpeng, covering the sky and the sun.

And he is none other than EX brother Morant! ! !

The moment EX brother Morant appeared.

It's not just Tiga.

All the humans who were paying attention to Diga at this moment were stunned.

How come the monster is on the same side as Ultraman Tiga?
  Looking at that appearance, he actually came to help Diga? ? ?
  Somewhere in the city.

The Dark Shadow Mage also looked at the guy who landed next to Diga with a look of astonishment.

Why does that guy have another monster?

The dark shadow mage snorted coldly.

do not care.

No matter how many monsters you have, they can't compare to my Giga Chimera!

"Giga Chimera! Destroy them!"

After the Dark Shadow Mage finished speaking, the giant monster several hundred meters high floating in the air suddenly started to move.

The monster aimed at Diga and EX Go Morante on the ground. There were tentacles on all four sides of the body that belonged to the Hippolytes, and it quickly launched countless terrifying energy fireballs towards Diga and the others.

These energy fireballs hit the ground near Tiga in the blink of an eye.

Diga quickly opened his shield to resist.

But EX brother Morant is different.

At this moment, EX brother Morant has already connected with Lin Tian's consciousness.

Lin Tian thought about it.

With a lift of the wrist.

The bracelet on his wrist instantly turned into the shield of Palagi and was put on EX Morant.

This scene shocked everyone again.


Can monsters wear armor?

EX brother Morant flapped his wings fiercely.

The next second, the body flew straight towards Jiga Chimera in the sky.

Even if he was attacked by fireballs along the way, EX Morant could easily crush the energy of the fireballs instantly by waving the big sword in his hand.

In just a few breaths, EX brother Morant arrived in front of Jiga Chimera. The silver sword in his hand was immediately slashed out.


A tearing sound was heard.

The eyeball-like tentacles of Jiga Chimera were instantly cut off and fell off.

It hurriedly raised its four arms and slapped EX Brother Morant.

However, EX brother Morant is so fast that Jiga Chimera cannot catch him.

In the blink of an eye, EX brother Morant came behind him.

Lin Tian looked at this scene and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

How many monsters are there?

Back then, Beria was a monster with hundreds of bodies, and it was all killed by labor.

What capabilities can these monsters formed by the fusion of your resentful souls have?
  Jiga Chimera's tentacles were cut off.

Naturally, Tiga no longer needs to maintain a shield.

He suddenly flew into the sky, preparing to attack Jiga Chimera with EX brother Morant.

However, this time.

Six more rays of light suddenly appeared in the sky.

Lin Tian was stunned for a moment.

I rub!

These guys woke up so quickly?

When the six rays of light that appeared in the sky slowly passed away, the figures within them were also revealed.

It was the first generation, Jack and Severn, Ace and the others.

And, of course, Dyna and Gaia.

Now, the Ultra brothers are just one short of the last one.

When Diga watched them appear, he nodded excitedly.

The first generation also waved their hands, and a ray of light fell on the stone statue of Mebius on the seaside.

The stone statue collapsed instantly, and Mebius returned full of energy.

He flew directly into the sky to reunite with his brothers.

The Austrians nodded to each other, and then looked at Jiga Chimera.

But when they saw it, they were instantly shocked.

How can Jiga Chimera have the energy to care about them at the moment?

Lin Tian's EX brother Morant kept swimming around Jiga Chimera and attacking.

Jiga Chimera's hand was cut off, and then her foot was cut off.

The damage it sustained gradually increased.

Jiga Chimera can't do anything to EX brother Morant.

Somewhere in a dark corner of the city.

The Dark Shadow Mage looked at the battle taking place in the sky in shock.

What happened to that monster?
  How could it be so scary?
  This strength is simply countless times more powerful than the Jiga Chimera he summoned! ! !

If this continues, Jiga Chimera will not be his opponent at all!

What should I do now?
  The Dark Shadow Mage panicked, completely panicked.

He didn't expect that Lin Tian, ​​who suddenly had a sudden change, had such a powerful monster.

As for Lin Tian, ​​he is almost done playing.

The reason why he spent so long with Jiga Chimera was just that he wanted to experience aerial combat with the consciousness of EX Go Morant.

With a thought in his mind, the Shield of Palagi on EX Go Morant turned directly into a huge bow and arrow and appeared in EX Go Morant's hands.

EX brother Morant raised his bow and arrow, flapped his wings and slowly rose into the sky
  Then he drew the bow string as hard as he could.

next second.


The ultimate EX brother Morant, who was instantly full of strength, shot out the light arrow directly.

At this moment, Jiga Chimera wanted to use the final move, Calamity Explosion, to attack EX Go Morant.


Jiga Chimera's energy had just begun to accumulate, and the attack from EX Go Morant had already arrived in the blink of an eye.


Just for a moment.

The terrifying light bow and arrow directly penetrated Jiga Chimera's body.

A sword pierced through the heart.

The energy that had been accumulated just now collapsed instantly.

The light in the eyes of those combined monsters also gradually dissipated.

This monster composed of resentful souls finally rested in peace.

His body also slowly disappeared under the devouring light.

Chiga Chimera, died!
  Lin Tian looked at this scene with satisfaction.

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

【Ding! ! ! 】

【Your Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument is extremely touched to see you liberating Giga Chimera. 】

[Therefore, I specially resurrected Jiga Chimera and conquered it for you! ! ! 】

[Congratulations on getting the monster - Jiga Chimera! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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