Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 68 Lin Tian: My monster is here to open the hot spot! Destroy the evil heart king!

Chapter 68 Lin Tian: My monster is here to open the hot spot! Destroy the evil heart king!
  What? ? ?
  Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument, you were so moved that you directly resurrected Jiga Chimera? ? ?
  Hearing this, Lin Tian was immediately stunned.

No, brother, I just destroyed this thing, why are you resurrecting it? !
  Are you sick?
  Hearing this, Lin Tianzhen felt numb.

Aren’t the previous Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instruments quite impressive?
  Why did you twitch this time?
  However, the next second, Lin Tian heard what the system said.

Resurrected Gigachimera and conquered it for me?
  For an instant.

Lin Tian directly confessed what he had just been thinking.

Saori, my shining EX ultimate combat instrument.

I blamed you wrongly.

You really are a stick!
  The Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument is still as good as ever.

Cool! ! !
  Unexpectedly, he had just killed Giga Chimera's Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument, and he would resurrect him directly and subdue Giga Chimera.

Too Nima cool!
  This Chiga Chimera is actually very powerful.

However, the Dark Shadow Mage is formed from the resentful souls of those monsters.

The overall strength is actually not strong.

It would be easy for EX brother Morant to kill him.

However, if this Jiga Chimera became Lin Tian's, it would be different.

You know, Lin Tian's monsters have all been resurrected into entities.

Moreover, after being enhanced by the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument, their strength has reached several times their original strength.

Once Jiga Chimera enters the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument, her strength will definitely become several times stronger!
  Lin Tian felt happy standing here.

Diga and the others were stunned.


What do you mean?
  We Ultra Warriors Kuku wake up Kuku and transform.

All 8 Ultra Warriors are gathered.

As a result, the monster was defeated by one of your monsters? ? ?

All humans and warriors were numb.

This is nothing to play with.

These days monsters can fight monsters.

What else do you need Ultra Warriors for?

Lin Tian didn't feel guilty at all for stealing someone else's limelight.

At this moment, a ball of light appeared in his Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument.

It is Giga Chimera who was resurrected by the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument.

The monster stays with EX Jay Ponton.

Those monster heads on the body are extremely excited.

It's like returning to your real home.

At this time.

The dark shadow mage in the corner of the city was angry.

"Damn it! You guy-"

He didn't expect it at all.

Lin Tian's sudden variable turned out to be so powerful!
  It seems that I can only take action myself! ! !

The Dark Shadow Mage thought so in his heart.

next second.

He opened his hands directly.

The body like a shadow slowly floated into the sky.

at the same time.

In the city, countless shadows of dark shadow mages also floated out.

They are all the Dark Shadow Mage himself! ! !
  They exist to collect human fears and are scattered in every corner of the city.

Now, they have collected enough fears.

It's time to end this! ! !

"We will not disappear—"

As the dark shadow mages continued to gather, a dull sound resounded in everyone's ears.

Those phantoms are also gathering on the sea at this moment.

Forming a huge figure more than a thousand meters high.

This is the condensed body of the Evil Heart King Dark Shadow Mage!
  "We can summon powerful monsters countless times!"

"We will surround the human soul in the darkness of despair!"

"Destroy all the Ultra Warriors in the parallel world!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

The Evil Heart King laughed triumphantly.


The world is silent.

His voice was like a resurrected soul from hell, eerie and terrifying.

Everyone was silent.


If what this guy said is true, it means that they can summon countless kinds of powerful monsters like the one just now.

Even if one is eliminated by the Ultra Warriors, another one will appear!
  this moment.

Fear pervades everyone.

This is exactly the conspiracy of the Evil Heart King. As long as humans have enough fear, he can kill everyone with one blow.

Including Ultra Warriors!

And that monster!

And that variable! ! !

He wants to kill them all! ! !

A loud voice interrupted the Evil Heart King's laughter.

"do not--"

"Don't waste your efforts! Evil Heart King!"

As soon as Diga said a word, he looked blankly at the figure beside him who spoke with him.

Lin Tian?

At this moment, Lin Tian was floating beside Zhongao.

He raised the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument and pointed it at the Evil Heart King.

"Humans are not as weak as you think."

"No matter how desperate the situation is, light will always exist in the hearts of humans!"

"You want to swallow the light in their hearts with this little darkness?"

"Stop dreaming."

Lin Tian's loud voice resounded over the entire city.

The humans who were originally afraid of the Evil Heart King were now completely hardened.

"Yes! We are not afraid at all!!!"

"With Ultra Warriors here, you are nothing!"

"Ultra Warrior, destroy him!"

"As for the Ultra Warrior, that monster wearing armor can destroy him!!!"


For a moment, people in the city suddenly became excited by Lin Tian's words.

Diga also looked at Lin Tian blankly.

  Why did you say everything I wanted to say?
  However, it makes sense! ! !
  Diga and Zhongao nodded.

Then, he suddenly raised his arms and stacked his palms to prepare to activate the shining form.

By the way, you can also open a hotspot to share your power with other Ultra Warriors.


Lin Tian was the first to fly to the head of EX brother Morant.

He waved his hand.

The Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument instantly shines with nothing but golden sparks of light.

Mirroring it is the Shield of Palagi held by EX Go Morante. !
  It also lit up with golden sparks of light.

Moreover, Palagi's Shield also dispersed eight thin lines, each of which pulled eight Ultra Warriors!
  For an instant.

The eight Ultra Warriors have fully activated their shining forms! ! !
  Golden light envelopes the whole body! ! !
  This scene directly stunned Zhongao.

  The monster turned into light?

And passed the light to them?
  Are we dreaming?

This was the first time Lin Tian used this ability since he obtained the Shield of Palagi.


Does it feel good to turn on the hot spot?
  For an instant.

EX brother Morant directly drew the bow string to full capacity and accumulated energy.

The eight shining ultra warriors each released their strongest killing rays! ! !

All the energy of these rays of light immediately hit the Shield of Palagi.

next second.

EX brother Morant's hand holding the bowstring suddenly loosened.

A golden bird-shaped energy spark destructive light arrow was shot directly towards the Evil Heart King!
  The Evil Heart King directly activates the strongest fear shield! ! !

He couldn't hold on even for a breath.

The shield was directly shattered by the ultimate shining arrow that gathered the power of eight Ultra Warriors.

The ultimate shining arrow hit the Evil Heart King directly.


"We will not disappear——"

"You——, variable——"


The Evil Heart King finally turned into particles and disappeared in a burst of unwilling pain.

The battle is over! ! !
  Seeing the Evil Heart King dissipating like fireworks, Lin Tian smiled helplessly in his heart.

Why bother?
  He waved his hand casually, and EX brother Morant disappeared.

It's like magic.

He came to the public and smiled.

"Okay, the crisis has been resolved, and there are Ultra Warriors in this time and space."

"Everyone, it's time for me to return to the Kingdom of Light."

(End of this chapter)

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