Chapter 69 Hyperjetton!

somewhere in the universe.

As the temporary captain, Zero was leading the Red Lotus Flames to hunt down a group of Dark Lops who had escaped previously.

At this moment, they have blocked a group of more than ten dark Lops in a group of gravel stars.

The four of them surrounded the inside from four directions.

This is the place they had agreed upon before.

It's like a game of cat and mouse.

The four of them chased and killed a group of Dark Lops, and finally intercepted them here.

And this place.

Destroying corpses and eradicating traces is perfect.

During the period when Lin Tian was away.

They were too bored and had been clearing away the remnants sent by Belial's army.

So much so that now I can only think of entertaining in such an alternative way.


The dark Lops who were surrounded by them suddenly panicked.

Although they are not as powerful as prototypes, they are just mass-produced machines.

But they also have dignity, okay!
  Is it appropriate to play with them like this? ? ?

Which bastard is the boss of these four guys?

This is too abominable! ! !
  Just when Zero and the others were preparing to eliminate these guys.

A sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from above.


The terrifying seven-color beam of destruction fell directly from the sky.

next second.

The terrifying light penetrated directly into the area between the four people.

The Dark Lops didn't even have time to react.

Directly destroy them all! ! !

Zero and the others were stunned for a few moments.

The target that had finally been gathered together was just killed?
  But then, Red Lotus Flame and the others suddenly became overjoyed.

"Boss Lin Tian, ​​you are back!!!"


When the seven-colored light disappeared, a figure did appear directly above.

Mechanical Super Tyro!

Above his head, Lin Tian stood proudly holding the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument in his hand.

Since he obtained a special version of Palagi's Shield, he no longer has to rely on the power of the dimensional monster Bruton to travel through time and space.

His Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument can directly tear open the space channel.

Seeing his companions looking at him, Lin Tian smiled slightly and waved the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument in his hand casually.

The mechanical Super Taro disappeared instantly, and the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument also disappeared with it.

"I am back."

He said as he fell downwards.

Sero looked at Lin Tian with some hatred.

good good!
  You're going to steal his limelight as soon as you come back, right?
  He was just planning to kill these Dark Lops with one person.

His strength is not weak now.

During Lin Tian's absence, he had received extremely strong training from Leo!
  "Lin Tian, ​​where have you been during this time?"

"Why is there no news at all?"

Zero suddenly asked.

Lin Tian was slightly taken aback.

Isn’t it just two days?

But then, Lin Tian reacted.

Parallel time and space.

The flow of time may be different.

Nothing to be curious about.

"It's okay, I just went to play in another world."

Nani? ? ?

Upon hearing this, Red Lotus Flame and the others were immediately unhappy.

"Boss Lin Tian, ​​why don't you take us with you when you go to another world?"

"I'm tired of fighting these Dark Lops every day!"

Lin Tian smiled helplessly and was about to say something.

However, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Lin Tian, ​​I need your help."

who is it? ? ?

Lin Tian was stunned when he heard this voice.

It seemed to be a voice that spoke directly to his mind.

Zero and the others couldn't hear it at all.

"Lin Tian, ​​come quickly, a certain world is facing the crisis of destruction."

Is a world in danger of extinction?
  What is this
  Lin Tian couldn't help but frowned.

"On Earth in this time and space, all humans are about to be sealed by evil forces."

"There's no time, go to Earth quickly! Lin Tian!"

A flash of light suddenly appeared in Lin Tian's eyes.

The voice seemed to be calling him from another universe.

I remembered!

This voice is that boy from Dyna! ! !
  Since Dynadu has called him in other universes, that means...
  The plot of Saga has already begun? ? ?                  I blanch!

Is it that fast?
  He had just returned from the parallel time and space of the Eight Warriors.

Now even the plot of Saka has begun.

This is so cool!
  If you are an ordinary person, you may feel that such frequent occurrences are too tiring.

But Lin Tian was just the opposite.

He wished he could fight a big boss every day.

In this way, his Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument can continue to compete!

"In that case, let me go to that earth and have a look."

Lin Tian responded to Ultraman Dyna.

Seeing Lin Tian agree, Dana's voice slowly disappeared.

"Zero, I'm afraid I'm going to be very busy."

"The Earth in another universe needs both of us to save it."

Lin Tian told Sero the cause and effect of the incident.

Zero suddenly jumped with excitement.

  He has long wanted to see the place his father once guarded.

Although, this time we are going to the Earth in another universe!

"Lin Tian, ​​let's go and see the unknown enemy."

Seeing Zero's excitement, the three of them were also looking forward to it.

"Let's set off now, Boss Lin Tian."

Red Lotus Flame said excitedly.

However, at this time, Lin Tian said helplessly: "Who will deal with Dark Lops?"

"You should just stay here obediently."

"It's enough for me and Sero to go this time."

"No, you three should stay and deal with these guys."

Lin Tian pointed behind them.

these guys?

The three of them, Red Lotus Flame, couldn't help but be stunned.

They turned to look behind them.

At this moment, a batch of Dark Lops emerged from nowhere, numbering dozens. .

"Ahhh! It's really endless. How many of these things has that guy from Beria built?"

Red Lotus Flame suddenly became irritable.

Flames burst out from his fists, and then he rushed towards the Regionoids.

It's all these guys' fault that he can't go on adventures in other universes with his boss! ! !

"Labour and capital will destroy you!"

Seeing the three people of Red Lotus Flame facing the enemy, Lin Tian felt a little relieved.

Then, he turned to look at Zero.

"Let's go."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Tian took out the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument and lightly swiped it in front of him.

The gate of time and space appeared immediately.

Lin Tian entered first, followed closely by Sero.

When both of them entered the gate of time and space, the gate of time and space closed in the blink of an eye.

Only the three of them, Red Lotus Flame, were left looking at the direction they were leaving with envy.


Human beings in this universe have established an extremely large research base on Mars.

It can even be said to be a great city. City!
  The Super Victory Team guards this base as their direct defense force.

At this time, Yumimura Ryo, the captain of the Super Victory Team, was sitting with a senior official in the base hall, discussing work.

At this time, the words of Gosuke Kibi, the former captain of the Super Victory Team, were suddenly played on the electronic screen in the hall.

That was in memory of the former hero, Asuka Shin.

"That's not all! You can't evolve if you linger on the past!"

An arrogant voice suddenly came, immediately attracting the attention of the two people.

"Who is that?"

The senior official of TPC looked at the young man and said doubtfully.

A hint of helplessness flashed in Yumimura Ryo's eyes.

"That's the new guy on our team, Riverview."

As soon as Yumimura Ryo finished speaking, sirens suddenly sounded throughout the base.

"what happened?!!!"

After a while, they arrived at the Super Victory Team's command room.

Through the surveillance video in the command room, they discovered that a large number of fluorescent disc creatures were approaching and had begun to attack the edge of the base.

At this moment, Tsutomu Nakajima of the Super Victory Team suddenly shouted: "Someone attacked without permission from cabin 7, captain!!!"

Yumimura Ryo was stunned for a moment.

Then I saw only a small flying fighter plane suddenly rushing from the base towards those disk creatures Sophia!

That's Dahewang flying an Alpha fighter! ! !
  Dahewang drove a fighter plane and kept flying over the entire Mars base.

In no time, several disk creatures were also eliminated.

Everyone who saw this scene was immediately overjoyed.

This guy really looks a bit like Asuka Shin!

However, at this moment, a huge circular spacecraft suddenly appeared.

Alpha's body was instantly trapped by it.

next moment.

call out! ! !
  After a burst of invisible fluctuations, the huge spaceship and the Alpha disappeared on the spot! ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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