Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 71: Zero was tortured and went crazy. Is Lin Tian’s monster so big? !

Chapter 71: Zero was tortured and went crazy. Is Lin Tian’s monster so big? !

"Ah, yes, yes! Get out of here!"

"Huh? Eh???"

Hearing Dahewang's words, Sero spoke quickly and didn't react at all.

"Eh? No, why?"

For a moment, Zero thought he heard wrongly.

Dahewang suddenly became angry at this time, pointing his eyes and cursing.

"Why did you enter my body when you were talking to yourself?"

"Get out!"

This time, Zero was stunned.

What do you mean?
  There are still people who don't want to be one with the Ultra Warriors? ? ?

Zero has never heard of this situation in the Kingdom of Light.

What a hell of a life.

"That's right, Zero, you're so rude!"

"How can you enter someone's body without their consent?"

At this moment, Lin Tian suddenly walked out from the side.

When a stranger appeared, Dahewang immediately pulled the little boy behind him to protect him.

"Don't panic, I'm not an enemy."

Lin Tian quickly identified himself to prevent Dahewang from misunderstanding.

Dahewang squinted his eyes and looked at it.

The next moment, his eyes suddenly widened.

"Oh! You are the owner of that monster just now!!!"

Dahewang already remembered the scene just now.

The huge monster with wings like a Kunpeng wiped out all enemies in an instant.

And the young man in front of him is the one who summoned it! ! !
  But this person is obviously with Ultraman Zero.

Ultraman, why do you fight side by side with the guy who controls the monsters?
  Dahewang was a little confused.

Seeing Dahewang letting his guard down, Lin Tian slowly walked to him.

"Zero, I didn't expect that you would be despised by humans?"

"Your father and the others know this, why don't they laugh out loud?"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

When Sero heard Lin Tian's words, he became even more angry.

I was so angry that my head was dizzy.

Everyone is numb.


Lin Tian, ​​what do you mean by this guy? !
  Wasn't it you who asked me to possess this boy? !
  Sero was extremely angry.

But he also knows the general picture.

After all, if he hadn't possessed Dahewang, this kid might have died.

Now he only hates why Lin Tian, ​​as a citizen of the Kingdom of Light, does not have an Ultra body! ! !

When Lin Tian heard Cerona's angry groan, he almost laughed from ear to ear.

Just when he was about to continue teasing Zero, a familiar voice sounded again.

[Your Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument saw Zero furious and laughed from ear to ear. 】

[I have taken the initiative to find a new evolutionary route for your Bemonstein - Bemonjedo! ! ! 】

Lin Tianzheng smiled from ear to ear, and the sudden appearance of the system sound immediately confused Lin Tianzheng.

Good guy, forget it if he laughs at Zero!

The Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument actually laughed!
  This is too disrespectful to Zero!
  The most important thing is that the Shining EX ultimate battle instrument actually laughs wildly and strives for success at the same time.

This is so cool! ! !
  This was something Lin Tian never expected.

Originally, he thought that the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument could only help him in the battle.

I didn’t expect it to be possible in this situation!
  Moreover, what was provided to him this time was Bemonstein's wedding route? ? ?
  Belmont Jeddo? ? ?

Isn't that thing a Belial fusion beast? ? ?

Moreover, Belmont Gedo is quite mysterious.

It did not appear in the original plot.

But its strength is absolutely extremely powerful! ! !

In an instant, a huge amount of information poured into Lin Tian's mind.

Lin Tian couldn't help but feel regretful when he accepted the information.

Belmond Jeddo himself does have one now.

But Jayton has merged with Ponton to become Jayton.

I no longer have Jayton in my hands! ! !

Lin Tian couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but his expression suddenly turned happy the next second.


Isn't the final boss this time the Baxter star?

Is there a shortage of Jayden there?

No shortage!

It should be easy to get a Zeton from him! ! !
  Lin Tian suddenly felt relieved.

Okay, okay, that’s it!
  "I don't need the power of an Ultra Warrior at all, get out of here."

At this moment, Dahewang's excited voice suddenly came.

Lin Tian turned around and looked.

I saw this kid angrily throwing away the Zero glasses in his hand.

However, the glasses automatically flew in front of him.

Lin Tian walked up to him at this time and advised: "Stay, without Zero, you will be dead now." Dahewang seemed to want to refute, and a sharp roar suddenly came.


Several people were startled and turned to look at the source of the sound.

I saw it on a building not far away.

A monster was lying on the top of the building looking around.

seems to be looking for something.

Deep sea monster Guvira!
  Dahewang and the little boy didn't dare to express their anger for a moment.

As if they were afraid that the monster would notice them.

However, Guvira obviously didn't give much face.

The azure pupil was already staring at them, and his body rushed towards them directly across the building.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

The two of them suddenly screamed.

"Isn't it just Guvira? I'm already very unhappy!!!"

As Zero finished speaking, Zero's glasses faintly floated in front of Dahe Wang.

"Dahe! Put it on and transform into me!"

"So that you can see what Ultraman Zero is!"

Seeing those glasses, Dahewang's eyes suddenly became extremely serious.

Finally, he raised his arm and slowly moved his palm closer to Zero's glasses.

"Yes! That's it! Dahe! Pick it up and put it on! Fight side by side with me."

Seeing that this boy finally no longer disliked his own power, Zero felt extremely excited.

Lin Tian, ​​look at it!

My strength is still very rare!

Just when Sero was feeling satisfied, Dahewang suddenly had a fixed look in his eyes.

The palm that originally looked like he was about to pick up his glasses suddenly slammed down.

Zero's glasses were directly photographed into the haystack on the side like garbage.



Zero was completely numb.

good good!
  Dahewang wants you to play like this, right?
  Lin Tian almost laughed when he saw it.


I can't stand it!

This is so funny.

This kid lives up to his nickname and is Zero's lifelong enemy.

Zero could still see Lin Tian's hateful smile even in Dahewang's body.

He collapsed instantly.

Ah ah ah ah ah!

What a shame! ! !
  However, Dahewang didn't care about Zero's mood at all.

He picked up the boy and ran away.

Soon we came to a bridge.

But Guvira got into the water early.

At this moment, it used its sharp drill bit to directly drill through the bridge deck.

Dahewang and the two were instantly pushed up into the air, and finally landed directly on Guvira's drill.


Guvira started the rotation of the drill without hesitation.

But Dahewang was surprised to find that he could actually maintain a balance on the constantly rotating drill!

"This is all because of me! Bastard!!!"

Just when Dahewang was curious, Sero suddenly spoke up.

Dahewang's heart froze and he simply jumped down towards the ground.

After landing firmly, he realized that Lin Tian was actually watching a show!
  "Hey, who is that? Don't you have some kind of monster? Hurry and save us!"

Seeing Da Hewang looking to Lin Tian for help, Sero suddenly became numb.

He directly controlled Zero's eyes and flew towards Dahewang again.

"Hey! Dahe! There's no need for Lin Tian to take action! I, Zero, can easily take care of it by myself!"

Sero quickly emphasized it in Dahe's mind.

He must make this human being realize how powerful he is!

Only in this way can we regain our position.

Lin Tian didn't seem to hear Dahewang's cry for help, and still stood there with his arms folded.

Dahewang still wanted to ask Lin Tian for help, but Guvira didn't give him any face.

He raised a flat foot and stepped down towards Dahewang.

The two of them instantly bent down to protect their heads!

It’s about to quack!
  Just when it matters.

Lin Tian raised a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

He moved!
  The Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument then appeared, and a flash of brilliance appeared directly on the field.

It is the recently conquered Jiga Chimera! ! !
  Giga Chimera floats above.

The huge mouth on the lower body suddenly opened!
  Lie! ! !

Dahewang and the others looked up when they heard the sound.

People are stupid.

Those monsters that are tens of meters tall were
  Swallow it in one gulp? ? ?
  (End of this chapter)

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