Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 72 Gauss was beaten numb, and the special aliens appeared!

Chapter 72 Gauss was beaten numb, and the Baxter star appeared!

Everyone is numb.

Just now, Guvira, the deep-sea monster who was able to trample them to death with one foot, was actually swallowed up by a terrifying giant hundreds of meters high.

It's as simple as swallowing a chick.

The monster that was hundreds of meters tall didn't even chew it.

Who can’t feel numb after watching this scene?
  Dahewang and the little boy couldn't help turning their heads to look at Lin Tian.

Isn't Lin Tian's monster the one with huge wings?

So where did this huge monster in front of me come from?

Could it be said that Lin Tian is not just a monster? ? ?

Dahewang suddenly began to be afraid of Lin Tian.

How on earth is it possible to control such a tall monster with a human body?
  It's simply scarier than the legendary flying bird from the Victory Team.

Asuka just transformed into an Ultra Warrior in a human body.

Lin Tian directly controls these monsters several hundred meters tall with a human body.

Even Ultraman Dyna is just a mouthful of food, right?

Lin Tiantian knew that Dahewang was already afraid of him at this time.

Lin Tian just looked at Jiga Chimera in surprise.

Why do you feel like this guy has such a good appetite after being conquered by you?
  Kuchi ate the monster in one go?
  At this moment, it’s not just Riverview.

Even Zero inside him was confused.


Lin Tian took action?
  What is this thing hundreds of meters high?

Am I too angry with Dahe and am I hallucinating?

No, hey.

Lin Tian, ​​when did you subdue another monster? ? ?
  This monster is too outrageous!

Several hundred meters high! ! !
  We are not in a monster graveyard! ! !

This is not a monster with hundreds of bodies! ! !
  Sero now has endless curiosity in his heart.

Oh shit!

What happened during the period when Lin Tian was missing?
  Why is there such a terrifying monster?

Depend on!
  Sero thought about it and suddenly realized something.


It’s over! The cup was taken by Lin Tian again!

It's all this guy's fault!
  What a bastard!
  I will not merge with him even to death!

Otherwise, I, Zero, can directly kill this guy Guvira with one finger!

So angry! ! !

However, at this moment.

Lin Tian suddenly felt a familiar energy breath.

He suddenly smiled.

It's that guy here.


A beam of light suddenly appeared not far in front of Jiga Chimera.

The blue and silver color looks extremely soft.

And he is also the loving warrior, Ultraman Gauss! ! !

Lin Tian was not surprised by his appearance.

But at this moment, Gauss was indeed extremely surprised.

It can even be said that others are stupid.

As early as just now, when Guvira was about to attack Dahewang and them, he was already nearby.

At that time, he wanted to fight directly.

However, just when he took out the voice changer, he immediately became stupid.

A monster several hundred meters tall suddenly appeared in the sky, and the monster opened its mouth and swallowed Guvira directly.

This scene is nothing short of shocking.

At that time, everyone in Haruno Musashi was numb.

He originally wanted to influence the Guvira.

After all, Guvira might have just gone crazy temporarily due to certain emotions.

In his opinion, monsters can definitely coexist peacefully with humans! ! !
  But what he didn't know was that Guvira was specially brought out by the Baxters to test the Ultra warriors.

It's just a tool for the Baxters.

The outcome of death has already been determined.

But Musashi was extremely angry.

He directly took out his transformer and transformed into the field.

Then he flew directly into the air and attacked Jiga Chimera.

Contain this monster first, and then influence him! ! !
  Maybe this monster, which is several hundred meters tall, is just going crazy for a short time! ! !

Then, Jiga Chimera just waved her huge palm casually. Snapped! ! !
  Ultraman Gauss's body was immediately shot away.

It hit the ground hard! ! !
  Depend on! ! !
  Gauss struggled to get up, feeling extremely angry in his heart.

This monster is so powerful!

And he actually gave him such a terrifying attack indiscriminately! ! !

Definitely not a kind monster!

As everyone knows, Jiga Chimera just felt a little annoyed that Gauss was attacking him like this and clapped his hands.

It didn't use much power.

But Gauss didn't know, he only thought that the other party intended to attack him.

The next second, Ultraman Gauss switched directly into the corona form! ! !
  When Lin Tian saw Ultraman Gauss acting like this, he suddenly became extremely emotional.

It seems that the kind person is just Musashi. What does it have to do with Gauss?


Now that this situation has arisen, Lin Tian can no longer watch the fun.

He flew up directly and came between Gauss and Jiga Chimera.

At this moment, Gauss is preparing to charge up his ultimate move to directly attack Jiga Chimera.

But he saw a small figure suddenly flying in front of him.


No, it's impossible.

How can humans fly?
  Could it be a cosmic person?

He was about to ask, but Lin Tian spoke first.

"Gauss, stop fighting."

Lin Tian smiled lightly.

"We are from the Kingdom of Light."

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Gauss was stunned.

Guys from the Kingdom of Light?

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he directly put away the Jiga Chimera and the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument, and then returned to Dahewang and the others.

When Gauss saw this, he quickly turned into light and shrank.

"Who are you?"

When Haruno Musashi came to the ground, his first words were questions.

"Hello, I am Lin Tian, ​​and the one inside him is Ultraman Zero."

Lin Tian?


Musashi frowned at this name.
  Then he suddenly looked at Lin Tian with his eyes widened.

"Oh! You are the one who is said to have saved a universe!!!"

Hearing Musashi's words, Dahewang and the little boy were instantly shocked.

Save a universe? ? ?
  Zero said disdainfully: "I'll save it too!"

Musashi was about to say something more when the ground suddenly shook.

Two man-made robots suddenly appeared on both sides of them.

Two women with excellent figures wearing tight leather clothes emerged from the robot.

"Xiao Wu—"

After a while.

Earth Defense Force base.

Lin Tian sat on the lawn outside and looked at the warehouse in front of him.

Both Musashi and Dahewang have been dragged in by the group of children.

They should have already listened to the woman named Anna's explanation of the cause and effect inside.

Lin Tian knew these very well, so he didn't bother to go in.

He actually admired these young women.

They are just a few ordinary women, but they have supported this big family on this doomsday earth.

And protect these children.

Really great.

If it hadn't been for that guy from Baxter and Jeton to invade the earth!

I'm afraid, these girls will also live happily in their own lives.

  This base is indeed a bit rough.


At this moment, an arrogant laughter suddenly sounded in the sky.

A purple light suddenly appeared in the sky above the entire warehouse.

In the light group, a huge head appeared.

Baxter star! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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