Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 73 Paddling Gauss! Sero is such a small one!

Chapter 73 Paddling Gauss! Sero is so small! ~
  When the giant shadow appeared in the sky.

Everyone in the warehouse quickly ran out and looked up at the sky.

"Are you okay? The remaining people in this world."

The Baite star said with a lonely smile.

Lin Tian looked up at the Baite star in the purple magic light.

how to say.

This guy looks disgusting.

"Your despair and fear are Jayden's best food!"

"Please feel free to be afraid this time too!!!"

"For my Jayden! Hahahaha——"

As soon as the words fell, the Baxter star was about to disappear.

However, at a certain moment, he was suddenly stunned.

I saw a human-looking young man playing not far from the group of humans.

And the person playing with him turned out to be a small monster more than ten meters tall? !
  The monster lowered its head meekly and allowed the young man to touch it.

Where did the monster come from? ? ?

wrong! ! !

Aren’t humans afraid of this? ? ?
  what's the situation? ? ?

I must scare you to the extreme! ! !

He snorted coldly and disappeared.

At the same time, the earth suddenly trembled!


In a large mountain in the distant suburbs, landslides and earth shattered!

A huge monster figure emerged from it.

This monster is all dark blue.

There is a brown horn on the head.

There are two huge fangs on both sides of the mouth.

Gomes! ! !
  Lin Tian looked at this guy and felt helpless.

Baxter people really do everything.

However, he has all the monsters in the Monster Cemetery, so where did the Baxters get so many monsters?
  A little curious.

At this moment, the ground on the other side also shattered.

Turns out another Guvira emerged from the mountain.

The two monsters were attacking their warehouse in a pincer attack!
  "Not good! Run away!!!"

Anna, the captain of the Earth Defense Force, greeted quickly.

The Baxter people saw this scene remotely and were immediately excited.


  These things are the food that Jayden needs most!

The more scared they are, the better! ! !
  "Not enough, not enough! Let them be more scared!!!"

Star Baxter instantly sneered.

When death comes, human fear will truly reach its peak! ! !
  The two giant beasts immediately rushed towards the Earth Defense Force.

Lin Tian just waved his hand and directly put the monster in front of him back into the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

What a disappointment.

Lin Tian sighed helplessly.

He was too lazy to make a move.

Anyway, with Ciro and Gauss at the front, he can be happy and leisurely.

Sure enough, when Haruno Musashi saw the two monsters rushing over, he didn't hesitate at all.

He raised his hand and transformed directly.

Gauss appeared directly and rushed towards the monsters.

"Great! It's an Ultra Warrior!"

The children were instantly delighted.

Ultra warriors are undoubtedly heroic existences in their hearts.

At this moment, how could they still have the fear and terror in their hearts?
  As soon as Gauss appeared, he stepped forward and launched a flying kick.

He instantly kicked Guvira on the back and knocked him down.

Gauss used his strength to grab Gomes' head again, turned over and landed firmly on the ground.

The operation runs smoothly in one pass!

Dahewang and the children sighed instantly.

However, in the blink of an eye, Gomes and Guvira began to besiege Gauss.

By accident, Goss was sent flying backwards with a tail slap from Gomes.

Lin Tian looked stunned for a moment.

Gaussian, Gomes and Guvira are both so good, right?
  Good guy.

Start paddling now? ? ?

You know, in the entire Ultra world, Gauss is famous for his paddling.

Every battle Gauss would paddle for a while.

Otherwise, it would seem that he is not worthy of his loving reputation.

at this time.

Lin Tian saw that Gauss was hit by Guvira again and flew over his head.    I'm boiled!
  Gauss, you are so stupid! ! !
  Not only Lin Tian, ​​but also Sero, who was in Dahewang's body at the moment, also saw Gauss's embarrassment.

"Two versus one is really a disadvantage, not to mention it's still in loving kindness mode."

Hearing Zero's words, Dahewang was instantly nervous.

Even the Ultra Warriors can't take advantage?

What can we do then?
  "Quantity is not actually a problem. What is important is to use the eye of the heart to capture the enemy's movements."

Heart's eye?
  Dahewang was slightly startled.

Can I do it too?
  He suddenly became eager to try, and then slowly closed his eyes.

"That's right! Dahe, if it's you, it will definitely work!"

At this time, Sero suddenly said excitedly.

Hearing Sero's encouragement, Da Hewang's eyelids closed tighter and tighter.

He can definitely do it!


at this time.

The ultimate bracelet suddenly lit up.

Zero's glasses suddenly flew out and slowly flew backwards towards Dahewang's closed eyes.

And Dahewang has no intention to look at it now, let alone find it.

Because Sero has been deceiving him.

"That's right, concentrate."

"Right, that is it."

"Observe with your heart and experience the power of the soul!"

"Then. Hey!"

Sero suddenly made a playful sound.

Dahewang felt strange and immediately opened his eyes.

But he saw Zero Glasses suddenly flying towards him!

"Zero! You are so despicable!"

Dahewang immediately cursed.

However, no matter how much he scolded, it was already too late.

Zero has succeeded! ! !
  The Zero glasses were put on accurately.

A burst of light emitted instantly.

In an instant!

Zero's figure immediately fell to the ground!

So handsome!

The earth shook!

The force even blew a strong wind.

It blew Anna and other women to the ground instantly.

When they stood up and looked at Zero, they were instantly shocked.

"As expected, he is also an Ultra Warrior!"

"But this is also"

Zero noticed nothing unusual at this time.

He felt the strange looks from the women and children around him, and felt extremely happy.

Did you see it, Lin Tian! ! !

I'm so damn handsome! ! !

Zero couldn't help but quickly look at Lin Tian on the grass beside him.

"Hey! Lin Tian!"

"See, no human being can resist the temptation of my power, Zero!!!"

However, Lin Tian just looked at him lightly.

He almost burst into laughter.

"Sero, life advice, after you transform, you can look down and take a look."

“Be careful when you drink the cup and you’ll lose it!”

look down?

Shiro was slightly taken aback.

What do you mean?
  Looking down?
  What to look at?
  Look at those tiny humans?
  However, when he looked down in confusion, he was momentarily stunned.

How come those human women are half as tall as him? !

Have they all transformed? ? ?

"so small--"

The children's voices suddenly came.

Zero was startled, and after scanning his body carefully, he discovered something.

What the hell! ! !

His transformation this time is so small!
  "Dahe, it's all your fault!!!"

"It's all because you refused to fight with me!"

Dahewang, who was in Zero's body, suddenly said angrily: "You are a liar, but you still have the nerve to speak?"

Damn! ! !
  Zero immediately clenched his fists and flew towards the battlefield.

Even so, I can only go up! ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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