Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 74 Hyperjetton appears! Brother Morant, eat whatever you want!

Chapter 74 Hyperjetton appears! Brother Morant, eat whatever you want!

"I have no choice but to do it this way!!!"

Sero was filled with anger.

It's all the fault of Dahe! ! !

As a result, he can only fight with this half-hearted ability!
  If my father and the others find out about this, they will be laughed to death? ? ?

He clenched his fists tightly and flew directly towards the battlefield.

He wants to vent his anger! ! !

at this time.

Gauss was currently in a close physical fight with Gomes.

And the already violent Guvira was rushing towards Gauss's back with a high-speed rotating drill!
  "Watch it, Dahe!!!"

Zero suddenly fell down and said angrily.

Immediately, his figure fell directly in front of Guvira, and grabbed Guvira's high-speed rotating drill bit!

Zero pressed it down, and his body fell to the ground.

Rely on the friction between the soles of the feet and the ground to stop Guvira.

Everyone who saw this scene nodded.

It seems that Zero is indeed an experienced warrior.

"Big River!"

Sero said bitterly while resisting Guvira's drill bit.

"Always running away from the fight will never see tomorrow!"

Zero's words immediately made all the humans present feel excited.

Yeah, that's right.

If you always run away from difficulties and obstacles, how can you possibly see the sun tomorrow?

However, Zero, who was righteously teaching Dahewang, suddenly froze.

The next second, his body was flying into the air with the drill bit and spinning rapidly.


Zero could only hold on to the top of the drill bit in mid-air and couldn't even speak clearly.

Damn! ! !
  It’s all Taihe’s fault! ! !
  His body is too small now.

Even Guvira can easily make him spin! ! !

"I feel so dizzy——"

The river in Zero's body was also extremely dizzy at the moment.

The whole person is not good!
  At this time, Guvira suddenly lowered his head while Zero could not react!

The drill bit was directly close to the ground.

Zero's body continued to hit the ground while spinning at high speed.

"It hurts, it hurts—"

This ending is so embarrassing! ! !

It’s all Taihe’s fault!
  Right now!

Guvira shook his head violently.

Zero's body was thrown away!
  Lin Tian tried his best to hold back and try not to laugh.

  It’s so funny, hahahaha!

He is worthy of being Zero's lifelong enemy! ! !
  Lin Tian remembers it clearly.

In the original plot, after Zero experienced the human body of Dahewang, he directly forcibly controlled the transformation of the human body.

There is probably a shadow.

"Big River!!!"

Sero struggled to his feet and hammered the ground angrily.

"Please fight more seriously!!!"


Riverview directly responded impatiently to Zero's abuse.

"I don't remember when I had to transform into an Ultra Warrior to fight!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, Zero controlled his body and flew out again.

On Goss's side, he had just been thrown to the ground heavily by Gomes.

Zero's body fell from the sky and kicked Gomes on the head as hard as he could.

Gomes only shook his head slightly, his small eyes revealing great doubts.

It was obvious that Cero's kick was not very powerful.

Seeing this scene, Zero directly dropped his body and slid towards Gomes' tail.

Zero's heart was filled with collapse.

Why the hell did I save this kid's life just for the sake of justice?
  You should have watched this kid go! ! !
  "This is the failure of my life, Ultraman Zero!!!"

He instantly wrapped his arms around Gomes' tail.

It looked like he wanted to throw it away.

However, he tried his best, and Gomes just picked his nose on the spot.



Even a little sarcastic!

Gomes just flicked his tail, and Sero's body was tossed up and down.

Constantly hitting the ground.

"Ah ah ah, I feel so dizzy——"

Lin Tian couldn't bear it anymore when he heard Sero screaming in mid-air.

call out--

His figure flashed.

Appeared directly in the battlefield sky.

Then, the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument appeared directly in his hand.

next second.

EX Jay Ponton was directly summoned by him from the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument.

boom! ! !
  EX Jay Ponton landed heavily in an instant! ! !
  With a thought in Lin Tian's mind, EX Jie Ponton directly twisted the space and teleported behind Gomes. The tail of the Moge Serpent behind him bent directly over his head and stabbed Gomes in the back.


In an instant!

The tail directly pierced Gomes' body!

Gomes screamed, and his eyes suddenly lost their light.

When EX Jepenton's tail was pulled out of Gomes' body, Gomes' body fell down weakly.

This scene stunned Zero, who had just stood up.

Damn it! ! !

This guy tricked me again!

This is not finished.

After EX Jie Ponton killed Gomes, he directly fired a beam of flame destruction at Guvira who was fighting with Gauss on the side!
  Three blazing flames burst out!

When Gauss saw this, he quickly dodged away.

boom! ! !
  Guvira was directly blasted by this ray of light, leaving nothing behind!

"Ahhh! So handsome!"

Suddenly, a burst of surprise shouts erupted in front of the Earth Defense Force warehouse door.

Lin Tian's monster actually killed two monsters instantly!

It's so stupid!

The Baxters who were watching the battle remotely were also confused.

This guy can actually summon monsters!

Moreover, he actually also has a Jetton? ? ?
  He had never even seen this form before! ! !
  At this moment, he was so angry that he almost exploded!

This guy's monster obviously has such strength, but he didn't take action until now!
  This is too disrespectful! ! !

"You guys surprised me a little. Today is a memorable day."

Just when everyone was rejoicing, the Bet star in the sky suddenly spoke.

"Since you are so anxious to die, let that guy wake up in advance."

"You will become its supplement!"

After the words fell, the Baite star suddenly waved his hands.

The purple projected light group instantly expanded dozens of times.

In the projection, a huge meat ball is located in a certain area.

Is that a cocoon? ? ?


Under everyone's gaze, the cocoon's coat burst into pieces.

Jayden is revealed.

It was extremely huge, like a giant insect.

As the smoke dispersed, everyone seemed to see a petrified figure.

"That's Dyna???"

The girls recognized him instantly.

I feel extremely sad.

Dahewang was also slightly startled.

It’s really Dyna!
  At this moment, Jayton suddenly pushed the pliers.

Dyna's stone statue flew out immediately.

"I'm really convinced, Dana."

Star Baxter suddenly spoke.

"In order to prevent the birth of Zeton, he risked his life and flew into the egg. He is truly the savior of mankind."

"However, it's all in vain."

"Next, this is the salute to commemorate its birth!"

After he finished speaking, dozens of fireballs suddenly burst out from the bright yellow energy balls on both sides of Jayton in the projection.

"Those fireballs, are they?"

Dahewang suddenly frowned.

Before he finished speaking, dozens of fireballs flew into the sky.

Each one is huge.

The target is right here!

"Everyone! Get away from here!!!"

Musashi hurriedly greeted everyone to leave quickly.

The fireball that filled the sky made all the children instantly frightened and cried bitterly.

In panic, he couldn't even determine the direction of escape.

At this moment, they suddenly discovered something.

Lin Tian didn't move at all! ! !
  He even waved the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument directly.

The next second, another monster appeared blocking everyone's door.

The huge figure made them think it was a towering mountain peak.

Can stop everything! ! !

That's EX brother Morant! ! !

Facing dozens of fireballs, Lin Tian just said quietly: "EX brother Morant, are you hungry?"

"Eat whatever you want!"

Eat whatever you want? ? ?
  Everyone was stunned when they heard Lin Tian's words.

But the next second, they were all dumbfounded.

EX brother Morant actually opened his mind when facing those fireballs.

Those fireballs finally hit EX brother Morant.

But...all disappeared? ? ?
  Just when everyone was confused, EX brother Morant suddenly made a loud noise.


(End of this chapter)

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