Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 75 Just Jetton! I have an army of monsters!

Chapter 75 Just Jetton! I have an army of monsters!

Everyone was stunned when they heard the dull but unusually loud sound.

Including the Baxters! ! !

Nani? ? ?

Those countless groups of fireballs actually disappeared? ? ?

Everyone is numb.

The Earth Defense Force and the children, who were in a dying situation just now, were dumbfounded.

In such a terrifying situation.

Lin Tian waved directly.

Then the monster swallowed all the fireballs? ? ?

Everyone's eyes widened at this moment, with an expression of disbelief on their faces.

The empty space in front of EX brother Morant at this moment undoubtedly proves this!
  It’s really absorbed! ! !

Seeing this scene, even the Baxter star who had been hiding in the dark was instantly shocked.

Damn it!
  How can it be? !
  He always watched the game from a positive perspective.

At the scene, I could clearly see that the organ hole in EX Morant’s abdomen was wide open.

Devoured all the fireballs!

Although the power of Jayton's fireball attacks is not too terrifying, the number is extremely terrifying.

Just one monster could block them all? ? ?

Is it so outrageous?
  Just when the shock in his heart had not dissipated, Lin Tian actually made a new move.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The next second, he waved the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument in his hand.

In an instant, EX brother Morant's wings suddenly flapped.

EX brother Morant's body gradually floated.

The energy of the fireballs he had just swallowed surged out of his body instantly.

The next moment, EX brother Morant spit out a mouthful of black and red demonic energy.

The black and red touched me and in the blink of an eye, a huge dark red fireball condensed.

call out! ! !
  The giant dark fireball shot out in an instant.

Within a few seconds, a strange sound came from the purple projection.

Jayton in the projection let out a series of low roars, seeming to be very frightened.

However, its huge body prevents it from moving at high speeds.

next second.

A flash of red light suddenly appeared in the entire projection.

boom! ! !
  A giant fireball suddenly hit Jayden's body.

The fire exploded.

Immediately afterwards, amidst Jayden's cries of pain, the projected image became even redder and brighter.

Jayton suddenly screamed in pain.

In an instant, the entire projection was filled with terrifying demonic flames.

Soon, the smoke dissipated.

I saw that there was a huge pothole directly on the back of the giant Jayton.

Obviously, he was hit hard by EX Morant's dark fireball.


Seeing this scene, everyone gasped.

Jayton was originally the one who attacked, but he was beaten into this miserable state by his own attack.

This is too awesome!
  "how can that be!!!"

The Baite star hiding in the dark was also shocked and instantly angry.

"Damn guy!"

Everyone else is numb.

He had no idea what was going on!
  It was enough to surprise him before when this monster absorbed all of Jayton's fireballs.

Now, such a terrifying fireball was released!

It hit Jayden so hard that he screamed in agony!
  What is the origin of this monster? ! !
  And the guy controlling this monster.

No, I must kill him!
  I want to take this monster too! ! !

Star Baite swore secretly in his heart.

That human-looking guy and this monster were too much of a hindrance.

This time the plan may be a bit suspenseful.

But now, not even the young Jeton can do anything to him.

It seems that the only way to deal with this threat is to wait for Hyperjedon to successfully awaken.

Thinking of this, the Baite star suddenly made up his mind.

After this time, Jayden must absorb more fear!

"Humans, let you live a little longer!"

"The day Jayton wakes up completely will be the day you die!"

Star Baxter suddenly spoke loudly.

In the projection, a huge circular spaceship suddenly appeared in the sky.

In an instant, a beam of light fell vertically from the ring spacecraft, sucking Jayton in completely.

Then, the space twisted for a while.

Both the spaceship and Jayton disappeared.

Lin Tian didn't pay much attention to the words left by the Baite star before leaving.

That guy just wanted to save face and suffer.

Wait for Jayden to wake up?
  At that time, if he dares to come, let him go back without his life.

It's just that the soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth.

He, Lin Tian, ​​is not afraid of a trash Jayton.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian directly put away the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument and EX Brother Morant.

The next second, he returned directly to the crowd.

Half an hour later. The children of the Earth Defense Force have returned to the warehouse to rest.

Anna and other girls were taking care of these frightened children.

"The big river."

Sero suddenly made a sound inside Dahewang.

Dahe now walked to a warehouse alone.

"Don't you feel embarrassed?"

Cero's voice seemed a little disappointed with Riverview.

But Dahewang didn't pay attention to him, just minding his own business.

"Dahe, you clearly have the power, why are you still standing by and watching?"

"Do you still want to see tragedies continue to happen?"

Sero said one sentence after another.

Everything that had just happened made him so disappointed in Dahewang.

Today's battle can indeed be said to be the biggest failure in his life!

He had never been so embarrassed since he came out of King's Star.

Like a lost dog.

"You don't have to accuse him like that."

Before Dahewang could say anything, Lin Tian walked over from the side.

"Zero, I'm afraid you can't imagine what Dahewang went through when he was a child."

"What was your experience as a child?"

Shiro was slightly taken aback.

Could it be that Dahewang's ability to resist him was due to his childhood experiences?

Lin Tian was too lazy to talk a lot to Dahe Wang.

He looked at Dahewang and said calmly: "I have no control over what happened when you were a child."

"But do you want to see that?"

Lin Tian suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the Earth Defense Force logo on a machine next to him.

That's obviously not spray paint, but stickers.

At this moment, a corner has fallen off.

"This is."

Dahewang was stunned for a moment, but Lin Tian had already stepped forward and tore off the sticker.

The four words "Yamada Industry" below it are particularly eye-catching.

Dahewang seemed to understand something instantly.

"Could it be."

"Yes, they all lied to you."

Lin Tian calmly stated the truth that was difficult for Dahewang to accept.

"They were originally just doctors, teachers, and even students, but now because of these children, they have become the so-called Earth Defense Force."

"A group of girls with no strength can face it so bravely, but you, with strength, are so resistant?"

"Are you worthy of them?"

"Have you ever thought about your parents who fulfilled their protective responsibilities with their lives?"

Listening to Lin Tian's eloquent talk, Dahewang suddenly felt ashamed.

At this time, Anna and others also came to them and talked about their experiences.

After a while, Dahewang's eyes suddenly became energetic.

He looked at Lin Tian, ​​revealing a trace of blood eager to fight.

"Lin Tian, ​​I want to fight! I want to defeat Jayden!!!"

After saying that, he threw away his hand and ran towards the door.

Lin Tian, ​​Xing Nai and others also caught up.

"do not go!"

Anna suddenly said loudly.


Dahewang turned around and asked in confusion.

There was a hint of despair in Anna's eyes.

That guy went to fight with such confidence, but in the end, he never came back.

"No one can beat Jayden, not even Dyna."

"He fell right in front of me!!!"

She could still remember the scene of Dyna's petrification.

But she had no power and couldn't do anything.

Lin Tian suddenly stepped forward and touched Xing Nai's head.

Everyone was instantly shocked.

This strong woman, who had been supporting the team since the beginning of humankind's destruction, was being touched by Lin Tian on the head like a little girl.

While her eyes showed surprise, she also heard Lin Tian's confident words.

"Don't worry, I'm here, just Jayton, it's not enough."

Anna completely ignored her current appearance.

She looked into Lin Tian's eyes.

This guy seems to be full of confidence and pride.

Also, the determination to win.

"Lin Tian, ​​are you so sure?"

At this time, the sun suddenly emerged from the clouds and hit Lin Tian.

Just like the darkness that swallowed up the world, Lin Tian opened the first window of hope.

Lin Tian raised his head and looked at the sun.

"Of course."

"Because... I have an entire army of monsters!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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