Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 76 Jeton of the Special Stars! My Belmondo!

Chapter 76 Jayton from Baxter! My Belmondo!

"Because... I have an entire army of monsters!!!"

Lin Tian's indifferent words expressed his confidence as the master of monsters.

It was as if he was already invincible.

In his eyes, the terrible Jayton was nothing more than a tiny ant.

But is this possible?
  When Xing Nai heard Lin Tian's words, her eyes instantly revealed a hint of trance.

I have to say that Lin Tian is really handsome under the sun.

His whole body exuded a divinity that was extremely enviable.

Anna is fine.

The other girls in the Earth Defense Force were completely lost in Lin Tian's confidence at this moment.

What should I say? Confident men are always liked by others.

At this moment, in their eyes, Lin Tianyuan was much more charming than some trashy river watch.

Although Sero was in Dahewang's body at this time.

But he could also see the scene in front of him with the help of Dahewang's eyes.


Zero instantly snorted coldly, his heart filled with disdain.

This Lin Tian is so good at pretending!

"Damn it, Lin Tian is so good at holding cups."

At this time, Dahewang's voice suddenly reached Sero.

After all, the two are of one mind and can hear each other's voices.

Zero was immediately overjoyed. He raised his head in the interior scene and said in surprise: "Really?"

"Dahe, you think so too, right?"

Dahewang nodded quickly.

"Sero, you think so too?"

Dahewang laughed in his heart.

"You also said that you have an entire army of monsters. How is that possible?"

"Aren't those guys just two monsters?"

Hearing Dahewang's complaints, Zero suddenly calmed down.

"Sero, what's wrong with you?"

Dahewang said doubtfully.

Sero crossed his arms and pondered for a moment.

Later, Dahewang only heard him say calmly: "That guy does have an entire army of monsters, but he didn't pretend."

"There are probably several thousand of them, right?"

"And his monsters can be combined into even more powerful monsters, and the speed of evolution is really faster than the light of our Ultra Warriors!"


Regarding this, Zero didn't want to admit it and couldn't help it.

Hearing Zero's sigh, Dahewang was speechless.

This is so damn autistic.

It turns out that Ultra Warriors are not the most powerful existences!
  "All right."

At this time, Lin Tian suddenly spoke.

"Don't worry, that guy Asuka is an Ultra Warrior, he won't die that easily."

He raised his hand and touched Anna's head.

"What needs to be done will be done sooner or later."

"You just stay at home and wait for us to come back."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he said in a deep voice to Dahewang and Haruno Musashi: "Let's go, kill that guy, and rescue Dai Na."

For some reason, Lin Tian's words were like a flame, igniting the heroic scene at this moment.

Dahewang and Haruno Musashi also nodded heavily.

This time, they are bound to win!

Without saying a word, Lin Tian directly summoned the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

The body flew straight up and shot towards the sky in the distance.

Dahe Wang and the two looked at each other, and then they transformed themselves.

Cerro and Gauss also appeared behind Lin Tina instantly.

The three figures were like three saviors, deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.

Especially the figure of Lin Tian.

It is obviously so small, but it gives people an extremely majestic feeling.

Lin Tian and the others flew directly towards the place where Hypajeton's cocoon was.

Soon, the three of them came to a huge valley.

A huge flesh cocoon about a hundred meters high is located deep in the valley, with a strange light shining all over it from time to time.

It’s like eating!

"Is this that guy's cocoon?"

Gauss exclaimed as soon as he landed.

This was a bit bigger than the one projected at the time.

This speed of evolution is too fast! Lin Tian sneered a few times.

"We are not idle, and neither are the people from Baite."

After saying that, he raised his head and looked at the sky.

At this moment, the huge ring spacecraft slowly descended from space.

It's the Baxter star!

Naturally, the Baite people also saw Lin Tian and other three Ultra warriors.

However, he just laughed mockingly.

"I didn't expect that you would actually dare to come here and die."

After the words fell, the Baite star laughed proudly.

In such a short time, he had gone to other places to collect a lot of fear and despair for Hyperjedon.

Right now, Hypajton's cocoon is devouring these nutrients.

In a little while, Hyperjetton will be able to escape from the cocoon completely!

At this moment, the flesh cocoon suddenly shattered.

A giant reptile appeared before them.

There are four sharp claws and teeth on the head that are constantly prying.


"Hipajton, play with them!"

Thinking of this, the Baxter star immediately gave the order.

In an instant, countless tentacles sprouted out of Hyperjedon's cocoon and headed straight for Lin Tian and San'ao.

Siro and Gauss instantly felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and each dispersed to both sides.

Several huge tentacles extended out, continuously generating terrifying explosive energy along the way.

One tentacle went straight to Lin Tian's face.

Lin Tian didn't panic at all.

He raised his hand and waved, and EX Jay Ponton's body emerged directly from the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

The next second, EX Jay Ponton directly grabbed the tentacle that came from the attack.

Slam it!

The tentacle was completely torn apart by EX Jay Ponton.

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from Zero's side.


Lin Tian turned around and saw that the boy Zero had already picked up a pair of darts and started slashing with all his strength.

It's just that there were too many tentacles. He was accidentally tied up by one of the tentacles and fell heavily to the ground.

With the dust flying, Zero stood up with difficulty.

"How come these tentacles are so powerful!"

Let’s look at Gauss again.

He seems to be doing better.

Surrounded by several tentacles, he was quite able to do so with ease.

However, all his attacks did no harm to those tentacles.

Even if it fires light, it can only push the tentacles back a certain distance.

Finally, several tentacles struck at the same time, slamming Gauss's body to the foot of a hill.

The mountain shattered instantly and turned into gravel, burying Gauss.

Lin Tian was really helpless when he saw this.

Master Gao starts paddling now?

You're too lazy to act, right? !
  "Hahahaha, what kind of Ultra Warrior?"

"In front of my Hyperjetton, they are just playthings!"

In the sky.

The smug laughter of the Baxters continued to spread.

At this time, all the tentacles attacked Lin Tian.

Is Lin Tian panic?

He didn't panic at all.

With a thought in his mind, EX Jie Ponton stepped forward to attack all the tentacles.

Even EX brother Morant was summoned by Lin Tian to help Cerro and Gauss.

As for Lin Tian himself.

He stared closely at the huge spaceship in the sky.

next second.

His body flew out directly.

A pair of blue and silver armor with golden light suddenly appeared all over his body!

Leonix's power suddenly spurted out.

He headed straight for the Baxter starship.

His target is Jayden in the Baxter starship! ! !

As long as he can capture one, he will have a chance to achieve Belmont Gedo! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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