Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 77 Lin Tian’s new monster shocked the audience!

Chapter 77 Lin Tian’s new monster shocked the audience!
  The scene that happened in front of them made everyone stunned.

The women of the Earth Defense Force have already driven machines to the battlefield.

When they saw Lin Tianfei rushing towards the huge spaceship in the sky, their faces turned pale with fear.

What is Lin Tian going to do? ? ?
  Although from the current point of view.

Lin Tian's monsters are really powerful.

But just because the monster is powerful doesn't mean that he can defeat these monsters with his own strength! ! !
  There may be some dangerous monsters in the spaceship of the Baxters.

Lin Tian just rushed towards it. This was too dangerous! ! !

Gauss and Cero, who were fighting, were also puzzled.

Especially Zero.

Ever since EX Morant and EX Jay Ponton joined the battle, the pressure on the two of them has suddenly eased a lot.

It can even be said that most of the attacks were directed at EX Morant and EX Jay Ponton.

This is because even the current Hyperjedon automatically regards Lin Tian's monster as the biggest threat.

And not the two Ultra Warriors.

This shows the terrifying strength of the Lintian monster.

However, Lin Tian's behavior after summoning the monster was somewhat confusing to Zero.

He knew that Lin Tian himself had Leonix blood.

In his hand is the ultimate battle instrument that has evolved many times.

The single combat power is absolutely impressive.

But no matter how good he is, he can't conquer an entire spaceship by himself, right? ? ?
  What is he going to do?
  Even the Baxter man who was sitting firmly in the cockpit was confused for a while.

He looked at Lin Tian facing him in the picture ahead and was speechless for a moment.

Is this kid crazy? !
  How dare you do this alone?
  After the Baite star reacted, he sneered.

"Since you dare to come, don't go back!"

"Just in time, if I kill you kid, those two monsters will be mine!!!"

Star Baite's heart skipped a beat.

Lifting your fingers is a burst of operations on the console in front of you.

There are many monsters in the spaceship.

They were all used by him for experiments, or to feed Hyperjetton.

You can kill this guy with just one.

next second.

A huge monster suddenly appeared in front of Lin Tian.

When everyone saw this scene, they immediately shouted in worry.

"Lin Tian, ​​run quickly——"

"Let's go quickly, Lin Tian——"

"Run away—"

The women on the ground kept shouting.

Even Zero, who was restrained by several tentacles of Hypajeton at this moment, was about to leave to save Lin Tian.

But Hypajeton was fighting extremely hard at the moment and didn't give them a chance to escape at all!

He could only shout like those women: "Get out of the way, Lin Tian——"


What they can't imagine is.

What seemed to them to be an extremely dangerous situation, to Lin Tian, ​​was something that was about to make him extremely happy.

At this moment, there was even a BT smile on his cheek under the Leonix armor.

  So cool!
  Isn't this fellow Baite too sensible? ? ?
  He will give Lin Tian whatever he wants?
  Looking at the huge primitive Jayton in front of him.

Lin Tian immediately felt happy.

He suddenly raised the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument in his hand.

The golden lines on the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument suddenly flashed.

A golden light was released instantly.

The dazzling light instantly made everyone unable to open their eyes.

Even the Baxters in the spaceship are the same.

The scene in his eyes was suddenly filled with golden light.

When the golden light gradually dimmed, the Baite people were dumbfounded.



Where is my Jetton? ? ?
  The Baite star was stunned when he looked at Lin Tian in the picture.

Where did my Jetton go?
  Shouldn't Jayden just tear the kid in front of him alive?
  Why is this kid still alive and well, but Jayden has disappeared?

Compared to the confusion of the Baxter people.

Lin Tian was extremely happy.

good good!
  As soon as he got Bemonstein's evolution route, he got the new Zeton directly! ! !

Star Baite, seeing as how you like to provide help in times of need, I will make your death easier later!
  At this moment, the voice in Lin Tian's mind sounded again.

【Ding! ! ! 】

[Your Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument has successfully captured a Jayton for you! 】

[Excuse me, do you want to synthesize Bemenstein’s evolutionary route immediately? 】

Upon hearing the system's inquiry, Lin Tian immediately responded: "Synthesis!!!"

Just for a moment.

Two balls of light were released directly from Lin Tian's Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

It was Bemonstein, and the Jayton just now.

See Jayden.

The Baxter people were immediately dumbfounded.

  what's going on?
  My Jayton, why were you summoned? ? ?

The Baxter people who didn't know why could only continue to watch.

What's going on.
  I see.

Bemonstein and Jayton in the sky suddenly turned into two balls of golden light.

next second.

The two golden lights merged directly together and fell vertically towards the ground.

On the way, he didn't forget to wrap Lin Tian in the golden light.

boom! ! !
  The golden light fell heavily on the ground.

Immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The golden light dissipated after a moment. The figure inside was also revealed.

It was a monster that looked very similar to Jayden.

The body is even larger, but there is a red bird head on its neck.

His eyes also turned into a pair of red eyes, full of pressure.

And his hands are a pair of three-claw hooks with a pair of jet pipes in the center.

This is Belmond Jeddo! ! !

The appearance of Belmond Jeddo immediately made everyone on the ground scream in surprise.

"This monster is so handsome!"

"Lin Tian actually has a third monster?"

"Why does this monster look a bit like the one that just came out of the spaceship?"


It's not just these women at this moment.

Even the Baxters realized something.

He was dumbfounded.

Could it be said that this kid was after Jayton? ? ?
  And at this moment, is the Jayton he just released being used as material to synthesize new monsters? ? ?


"You rude lunatic!!!"

"Hipajton, kill him!!!"

"I want him to die immediately!!!"

Unprecedented anger suddenly appeared in the hearts of Star Baite.

He wanted to spend everything he had on killing this kid!

Hyperjetton's huge body suddenly became manic.

At this time.

"That's Dyna!"

Anna on the ground suddenly saw a stone statue not far away.

It was Dyna.

Seeing the stone statue of Dana, Anna couldn't help but feel sad in her heart.

That guy risked his life for them!

At this moment, Xiao Wu suddenly pressed the button to open the robot's hatch.

Then the little boy jumped down with a shovel and headed straight for several huge stone pits ahead.

These stone pits were left behind when Dyna was attacked by Hyperjedon during the final battle.

Finally, before Dana died, a ray of light flew directly out of his body.

It happened to fall in this area!
  This is what Xiaowu saw with his own eyes!

With tears in his eyes, Xiao Wu kept digging into the soil with a shovel.

After digging a stone pit, immediately go to the next stone pit.

For a little boy to work so hard, Anna felt a sense of guilt in her heart.

At this moment, the little boy suddenly froze and took out something from the dug stone pit.

That's the shining sword that Dyna transformed into! ! !

Anna was shocked and then came to Xiaowu.

"Xiao Wu, you've finished your work. Next, leave it to your sister, okay?"

Xiao Wu looked into Anna's eyes and finally decided to hand over the flash sword to her.

Without saying a word, Anna directly returned to the robot's cockpit with the flash sword.


The robot was activated instantly by her, and then rushed towards the stone statue of Dyna.

Seeing the Dyna statue getting closer and closer, Anna directly controlled the robot to take off on the spot.

She opened the hatch instantly and threw the flashing sword towards Dyna's timer with all her strength.

call out!
  The moment the flashing sword touched the timer, it melted directly into it.

The next second, Dana's body was suddenly wrapped in light.

Dyna is revived! ! !
  Dyna, who was shining with light, stood up slowly, looked at Anna and Xiaowu and nodded.

Then he flew directly to Zero and the others.

at this time.

Hyperjetton's attention was entirely on Lin Tian.

Countless tentacles all extended towards Lin Tian.

During this period, countless fireballs were launched towards Lin Tian.

Lin Tian didn't panic at all.

EX Morant and EX Jay Ponton blocked all the tentacles for him.

And those fireballs?
  EX Belmondo directly raised the jet nozzle of his left hand.

call out--

For an instant.

All the fireballs were actually absorbed by it.

This is the power of EX Belmondo!
  Can absorb energy and reflect it back! ! !

Boom boom boom! ! !
  EX Belmont Jeddo's right hand shoots terrifying fireballs like a machine gun.

All these fireballs hit Hypajton's body, causing him to ask for trouble!
  For an instant.

Hypajton's body was directly submerged into the sea of ​​fire.

"Woohoo - great! Destroy it!!!"

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but shout with joy.

Is Lin Tian’s new monster too strong? !

Directly counter-kill Hyperjedon with one move? ? ?

However, at this moment.

A voice came from the air.

"Do you really think it's so easy to defeat Hypjadon?"

In the air, the Baxter man in the ring spaceship laughed loudly.

"What you defeated was just a juvenile."

"Next, let me show you what real fear is!!!"

As soon as the words fell, the ring spacecraft suddenly disintegrated and merged into Hyperjetton's body.

(End of this chapter)

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