Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 78 The complete form of Hyperjedon appears!

Chapter 78 The complete form of Hyperjedon appears!

"Do you really think it's so easy to defeat Hypjadon?"

In the air, the Baxter man in the ring spaceship laughed loudly.

"What you defeated was just a juvenile."

"Next, let me show you what real fear is!!!"

The voice fell.

For an instant.

The huge circular spacecraft suddenly disintegrated and all fell.

Finally, it merged into Hypajton's body.

The space suddenly distorted.

Everything in this world was instantly distorted and sucked in.


Suddenly, the space suddenly tore open.

A figure dozens of meters tall suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The hard carapace, on the hands is a pair of huge claws, shining with bright yellow light.

There seemed to be a strange aura surrounding its body.

There is also a pair of huge drooping wings on its back.

Seeing this scene, San'ao was stunned.

EX Belmont Jeddo's terrifying attack just now.

This guy is not dead?
  Even stronger? !
  "Damn! It's really endless!"

Cero immediately rushed forward with excitement, followed closely by Dyna and Gauss.

The three of them went up and each fired a beam towards Hyperjetton.

Hyperjetton, on the other hand, directly appeared with a pair of pincers and a circular shield.

After the three rays of light hit, they were directly reflected back!

Bang bang bang!
  The killing rays of the three Zeros bounced back directly.


The three of them screamed, and their bodies fell heavily to the ground.

"You're just an ant, but you still want to shake Hypajton?"

The Baxters suddenly laughed.

Lin Tian didn't care.

He flew directly over EX Belmond's head and came to Zero and the others.

He looked at Sero, who had just struggled to get up, and said with a smile: "How about it, do you want me to help you?"

Sero stood up with difficulty, then shook his head suddenly!
  "Need not!!!"

Faced with Lin Tian's words, Sero chose to refuse without hesitation.

"No! Just stay there and watch the show!"

"I don't need your help!"

"This guy is 20,000 years too early to defeat me!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zero hammered the ground, then got up with all his strength and rushed towards Hyperjedon.

At this moment, Hypajeton is in the space within his body.

The figure of Star Baite slowly appeared.

He laughed almost maniacally.

He felt it.

I felt the power of Hyperjeton, which was so terrifying that it could destroy the entire universe! ! !

"This wonderful figure, this terrifying power! Is this the complete form of Hypageton???"

"I can finally become the god who rules the entire universe and brings death!!!"

As he laughed wildly, the figures of Zero and Dynagos finally arrived not far in front of Hypajton.

"Just a weak chicken!"

Zero sneered, and then raised his fist and rushed towards Hyperjedon.

The Baxter star sneered, and before Zero could reach him, he controlled Hyperjetton and rushed forward.

But just when Zero's fist was about to hit Hyperjedon, the space suddenly became distorted.

Hypageton's body suddenly passed through Zero.

It twisted and flipped several times in the air, and then landed directly behind Zero.

Sero was stunned.

how is this possible? ? ?

This guy Hyperjack can actually teleport! ! !

Moreover, this teleportation looked very familiar to them.

Damn it. Isn't it EX Jay Ponton's teleportation? ? ?
  Everyone was shocked.

Sero was not discouraged at all.

He turned around and continued to attack Hyperjedon.

But this time, Hyperjedon teleported directly into the air.

Seeing this, Zero hurriedly raised his head, and a green light shot out directly from the dot on his forehead.


Hyperjedon screamed strangely, as if mocking Zero's ignorance and weakness.

It appeared in front of Zero in an instant.

Two big feet penetrated Sero's body heavily.

  Zero's body flew out directly.


Zero screamed in pain.

Upon seeing this, Gauss and Dyna hurried forward. However, Hypageton gave them no chance to aid Zero.

Hyperjetton's body suddenly trembled, and two identical figures rushed to the sides of Gauss and Dyna.

He directly released his skill - Hypa Mimicry! ! !
  He directly transformed into a phantom and gave each of these two people a big pliers!

Gauss and Dyna were instantly knocked out.

When Lin Tian saw this, his heart suddenly froze.

Good guy.

It's so powerful, it can even use things like mimic clones.

It is indeed a monster that can fight against Saga.

This strength is far inferior to that of ordinary monsters.

The strength is so terrifying that it cannot be described in words.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian suddenly became eager to try.

I don't know who is stronger or weaker in a fight with this guy.


Zero and Sanao became angry immediately after they stood up.

Being played with by Hyperjetton in this way, even the kind Gauss couldn't help but switch to the corona form at this moment! ! !
  They immediately began to attack Hypajton.

Various skills are also constantly released towards Hypa Jetton. .

However, it was impossible to touch Hyperjetton at all.

While the three of them were fighting, some of them were also shocked.

What kind of monster is this! ! !
  How could it be so powerful.

They are not on the same level as this guy at all! ! !
  Even all the powerful enemies I have encountered before are not as powerful as this guy.

Even that guy from Arc Beria!

Dana was also extremely shocked.

The Sphia Synthetic Beast could only become this guy's food.

You can see how terrifying it is.

San'ao was already standing aside.

The three of them looked at each other and immediately began to accumulate their energy.

Then, they each fired their most powerful rays!

"Siro Beaming Light!!!"

"Moonlight Smash!!!"

"Solgett Rays!!!"

In the blink of an eye, three rays containing terrifying power shot toward Hypajton.

Just when three rays were about to hit Hypajton.

Hyperjackton suddenly stretched out his arms.

A red circular vortex shield instantly formed in front of Hyperjackton.

Like a small black hole.

The three rays of light all disappeared the moment they hit the small black hole.

Not a shred of energy can pass through the red vortex.

what! ! !
  Zero Sanao was instantly shocked.

How is this possible?
  This is their best effort!
  However, what they didn't expect was that all their attacks would be reflected by the red vortex in the next second.

Exactly the same as before.

Zero Sanao was instantly hit by his own light.

In just a few blinks, they were forced to undo their transformation and return to their human form.

Despair enveloped everyone instantly.

Damn! ! !
  Dahewang stood up with difficulty and roared angrily.

"Why on earth-"

Why is this guy so strong?

Even with all the strength of their Ultra Warriors, they couldn't defeat it!

Lin Tian shook his head helplessly.

There is no other way, you have to do it yourself.

With a thought in his mind, he directly controlled the three-headed monster to stand side by side facing Hyperjetton.

"Lin Tian! Be careful, he is very strong!"

Everyone couldn't help but worry for Lin Tian.

Lin Tian didn't panic at all.

On the contrary, he was very excited now.

Finally it was his monster's turn to fight this guy.

The Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument will definitely give him a chance in battle! ! !
  "Dahe, we still have the strength to protect it."

Musashi looked at Lin Tian who was fighting, and suddenly looked at Dahewang to encourage him.

"Yeah, look, isn't Lin Tian still fighting hard?"

Afterwards, Feiniao also came to Dahewang.

"Partners, the real fight."

'The real fight'

For some reason, everyone started repeating this sentence.

Even Xiao Wu, who had always been considered mute, actually spoke.

He shouted: "Don't give up -"

After Xiao Wu finished speaking, the three human beings including Da Hewang immediately raised their heads and roared.

"The real battle starts now!"

(End of this chapter)

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