Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 79 Saka! Get the big universe vacuum tactics!

Chapter 79 Saka! Get the big universe vacuum tactics!

"Dahe, we still have the strength to protect it."

Musashi also suddenly opened his mouth and looked at Dahewang to encourage him.

"Yeah, look, isn't Lin Tian still fighting hard?"

Afterwards, Feiniao also came to Dahewang.

Asuka was also frightened.

After they were knocked back to human form, Lin Tian's monsters took over their fight.

The monster that the three of them couldn't defeat together was Lin Tian's monster, but Lin Tian's monster was fighting it back and forth.

“Sometimes, you have to go beyond your limits to see something new.”

"Partners, the real fight."

'The real fight'

For some reason, everyone started repeating this sentence.

Taigawang, Haruno Musashi, Asuka Shin.

Even the defenseless Earth Defense Force girls.

They all shouted out in unison.

Even Xiao Wu, who had always been considered mute, actually spoke.

He suddenly raised his head and wiped away the tears on his cheeks, shouting loudly: "Don't give up——"

After Xiao Wu finished speaking, Da He Wang and the other three human beings were instantly startled.

Yes, these women and children who have no resistance have not given up yet, so why should they give up? ? ?
  At this moment, Dahewang was the first to raise his head and roar.

"The real battle starts now!"

Musashi and Asuka followed.




Each of them called out to the Ultra Warrior within them.

The three Ultra warriors who were supposed to have lost their energy and died seemed to respond to the human bodies instantly.

The three people's bodies instantly erupted with their own light energy.

Three beams of light shot up into the sky.

Dahewang was instantly ecstatic.

He could feel an extremely terrifying energy resurrecting in his body.

"The big river."

Zero finally regained consciousness at this moment.

"No, there's something missing!!!"

Hearing Zero's words, Asuka and Musashi were also stunned.


Their light energy at this moment has been revived.

But it seems... there's still something missing! ! !
  far away.

Lin Tian, ​​who was controlling the monsters to fight with Hyperjetton, also noticed their side.

He saw those three rays of light rising into the sky, but made no further move.

He was also slightly stunned.

However, he then remembered something! ! !
  Lin Tian immediately raised his hand and waved in the direction of Dahe and the others!
  A ray of golden light suddenly burst out and came directly in front of Dahewang.

It immediately turned into something on his wrist.

It was a bracelet that exuded silver light.

It's Lin Tian's Shield of Palagi!

Dahe was stunned for a moment, then looked at the ultimate bracelet on his wrist.

He only felt that after possessing this thing, he seemed to have become the dominant conductor of the three energies.

What is this?
  Taigawang tentatively raised his arm to try to use the power of the ultimate bracelet.

However, the next moment.

The bracelet in his hand directly emitted a golden light, forming a special singularity in the air.

The light of the three of them was instantly attracted by this singularity!

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian knew.



Have you finally transformed into Saka?
  There are really enough ink marks.

Lin Tian was about to turn around and continue to control the monster to attack Hyperjetton.

at this time.

A familiar voice sounded in his mind again! 【Ding! ! ! 】

[Your Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument witnessed a miracle happening, and I felt very proud. 】

[I hereby present the skill to your EXEX Jay Ponton - the Grand Universe Vacuum Combat Technique! ! ! 】

What the fuck? ? ?

Big universe vacuum tactics? ? ?

Lin Tian was really feeling numb now!
  This is the physical skill of Ultraman Saiga, who represents the miracle among the four mysterious arcana!

It is no exaggeration to say that it is the most powerful physical skill in the universe.

Unexpectedly, just after he helped Saka merge successfully, the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument actually presented Saka's unique skills.

the most important is!

Damn, it was given to EXEX Jay Ponton! ! !

Too outrageous, right? !

When this thing is used in Saka's hands, the power of each move can be described as extremely terrifying.

And this thing was given to EXEX Jay Ponton, who had strange powers.

It’s so scary to think about it!

Unexpectedly, Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument is actually so proud?
  How outrageous.

But Lin Tian changed his mind.

Isn't it true that what Dahewang and the others used for fusion were the Saka bracelets transformed from the Shield of Palagi?

As for the Shield of Palagi, the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument was obtained from Noah on his behalf.

In this way, it is equivalent to the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument indirectly creating Saka.

Thinking about it this way, is it really something to be proud of?
  at this time.

Ultraman Saka has completed the fusion and appears on the battlefield.

His appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The battle between Hyperjetton and Lintian Monster also stopped.

Seeing Saka appear, Lin Tian directly put all the other monsters into the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument, leaving only EX Jepenton.

Ultraman Saka is out, and his monsters don't have to fight so hard.

Then EX Jay Ponton came to Ultraman Saiga and stood side by side with him.

Lin Tian also slowly flew to the top of EX Jie Ponton's head.


The whole space seemed to be a little tense.

The Baxter aliens looked warily at the two giants in front of them inside Hypajeton's body.

He had just experienced Lin Tian's EX Jaypondun through Hypa Jayton, and its power was truly terrifying.

Now the three Ultra Warriors he had just defeated had somehow merged into one.

It also looks very powerful.

He couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

However, this fear quickly disappeared without a trace.

Because he has the complete body of Pajton! ! !
  In front of the complete sea Pajton, no matter what kind of creature it is, it is vulnerable! ! !
  And now on the ground in the distance.

The women of the Earth Defense Force looked at the figures of EX Jay Ponton and Ultraman Sega, and they couldn't help but be stunned.

These two huge guys put them at ease just by standing there.

The tall figure seems to be able to withstand all dangers.

But that's not much.

The women were surprised to find that the tiny human figure floating above EX Jay Ponton's head seemed to be much more reliable than Ultraman Zega and EX Jay Ponton.

This made them feel that even if Ultraman Saka and EX Jetton were defeated by the so-called Perfect Sea Pajton, they would not be in any danger.

Because Lin Tian is here!
  at this time.

Star Baxter suddenly laughed wildly.


"No matter how strong you become, you will only be defeated by Hyperjeton!!!"

"Believe it or not, you can't even touch a finger of Hyperjedon. What???"

The Baite people were taunting Lin Tian and Sijia wantonly, but the next second they turned pale with shock.

I saw that Saka disintegrated his body into light particles almost instantly.

Then, the light particles suddenly disappeared.

Even EX Jay Ponton suddenly distorted the space and disappeared!

next second.

The two actually appeared directly in front of Hyperjetton! ! !

Then they each raised their big feet and kicked Hypa Jetton in the face! ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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