Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 80 Ex Jay Ponton is upgraded to the strongest Jay Ponton Jet!

Chapter 80 Ex Jay Ponton is upgraded to the strongest Jay Ponton Jet!
  Two big feet kicked directly towards Hypjadon's face.

Star Baxter was instantly shocked.


What's going on? ! ! !
  Just after taunting him, he teleported to the face of Hyperjedon at such a fast speed?
  Isn't this a slap in the face?

He was immediately dumbfounded.

Let’s not talk about why this new Ultra Warrior is so fast.

Damn, why is that monster so fast? ? ?
  Could it be that he didn't use all his strength just now? ? ?

The Baxter star was immediately numb.

The most important thing is, why does this monster's teleportation look so similar to that of Hyperjedon? !
  What's going on? ? ?
  The Baxter star was shocked, and he quickly controlled Hyperjedon to use teleportation.

The space instantly became distorted.

However, Hyperjetton's movements were still a step slower after all.

The big feet of EX Japonton and Saga kicked Hypa Jadon almost instantly.

The space that had been distorted by Hypajeton was restored instantly.

Hyperjetton's body flew out directly and hit the mountain not far away heavily.

The Baxter alien controlled Hyperjedon to get up with difficulty.

Now he has long been integrated with Hyperjetton.

Naturally, he fully accepted the pain that hit Hyperjedon.

At this moment, Star Baite’s heart was filled with disbelief!

The speed of those two guys was even more terrifying than Hyperjedon's teleportation! ! !
  Hypa Jetton stabilized his body, and then looked at Saka and EX Jetton.

Finally, he looked at Lin Tian, ​​who was floating in the sky not far away.

Why does this guy have such a terrifying monster? ? ?

What's going on.
  Especially when they discovered that the monster was getting faster and faster, the Baxter people were extremely angry.

Damn it, this guy controls the monster and dares to let go in the battle with the complete Hyphajedon! ! !
  "I will destroy you!!!"

In an extremely furious mood, the Baxter man controlled Hyperjetton and rushed directly towards Lin Tian.

Hypa Jetton had just rushed out, but he was the first to throw out two huge crescent-shaped light blades with his pair of pincers.

The target is Lin Tian! ! !

Seeing this, Saka directly took out his Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

Saka Blade!

He raised his hand casually and split the light blade apart.

EX Japonton teleported to the path of another light blade and suddenly opened his mouth.

Ka Ka Ka! ! !
  The light blade was directly held in EX Jie Ponton's mouth and swallowed.

Crunch and crisp!

The Baxter people are really numb.

Are you treating Hypjadon's attack as a snack? ? ?

At this time, Hyperjedon was already in front of him.

It immediately used its mimic clones, and two identical Hyperjettons attacked EX Japonton and Saga respectively.

Lin Tian suddenly became speechless.

In this situation, you still dare to spread your strength?
  With a thought in Lin Tian's mind, he directly asked EX Jiepanton to choose the body of Hypa Jieton and start attacking.

EX Jie Ponton raised it casually.

Dozens of huge fireballs smashed directly towards Hyperjedon.

Faced with such a large-scale attack, Hypajeton could only passively defend and dodge.

EX Jay Ponton also took this opportunity to teleport directly close to Hypa Jayton.

He slapped Hypa Jedun who had just teleported out.

boom! ! !
  A moment! ! !

Hyperjetton was directly thrown away by this big bidou.

How terrifying is EX Jay Ponton’s strange power?
  Hypajton's body was thrown several kilometers away!

Finally fell heavily to the ground.

EX Jay Ponton even directly created several fireballs and threw them at Hypa Jayton.

The explosions kept going.

Saga on the side is currently fighting with the clone of Hypajeton.

After all, the strength of Hypajeton's mimic clone is no match for the original body.

It is naturally much easier to fight with it.

"Our power is so strong now!!!"         In Saka's body, Sero sighed as he felt the endless energy around him.

Asuka is right.

Only when you go beyond the limits can you see new things.

Like, a miracle! ! !

They are now merged into Saka, which is a miracle! ! !
  "That's right!"

Dahewang also looked at Musashi and Asuka beside him.

"With this power, we will be able to save everyone!"

Hearing Dahewang's words, Zero felt extremely satisfied.

This kid Dahewang has finally grown up.

He finally no longer resisted any power belonging to the Ultra Warriors.

  Musashi and Asuka suddenly looked aside and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"Is Lin Tian's monster a monster?"

Isn't this nonsense?

What is a monster if not a monster?
  But Dahewang didn't say this.

Because he saw it too.

Under the attack of EX Jay Ponton, Hypa Jayton didn't even have a chance to breathe.

Just like that, he was blown away by a big bidou.

  Damn it’s too outrageous! ! !
  The three of them are now merged into Saka, and they can fight this clone of Hypa Jetton with ease.

But it's not too easy.

But EX Jay Ponton can suppress Hypa Jayton's body just by relying on his own existing power? ? ?

In other words, even if they fuse and evolve into Saga, they are still not as good as EX Jay Ponton! ! !

Depend on! ! !
  Sero suddenly felt inexplicably irritable.

Lin Tian, ​​why are the monsters getting stronger and stronger? !
  Could it be that he has been evolving? ? ?


"Damn it!"

In Hypajeton's body, the Baite star finally couldn't hold back the frustration in his heart.

He was constantly being pinned down and beaten by EX Jay Ponton. Even if he used teleportation, he couldn't escape and could only resist!

Hyperjetton has no chance to counterattack!
  Thinking of this, Starman Baite suddenly felt a sudden change in his heart.

The battlefield must be moved!

Hyperjetton suddenly felt his whole body shake.

The carapace behind him suddenly emitted a burst of light.

A pair of armor wings suddenly appeared from behind him.

The tail has an extremely long segmented tail.

With the help of its wings, Hypageton's body suddenly shot up into the sky, and continued to fly high into the sky.

The next second, it surged towards the city like a shooting star.

There, Hypajton's strength can be better utilized!

Lin Tian couldn't help but feel helpless when he saw this scene.

Useless work!

He immediately controlled EX Jay Ponton to catch up.

At the same time, Lin Tian couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

In the original plot, had it not been for Anna's final use of the sinking in the city to cause Hyperjetton to sink deep into the ground.

Maybe Saka really wants to drink Hypajedon and beat him into a coma.

It seems that today's battle still has to be ended by oneself.

He originally wanted the monster to be lazy.

Lin Tian was preparing to speed up to pursue.

A familiar voice suddenly sounded in my mind.

[Your Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument is very unhappy. How dare a mere Hypajton call himself the evil god? 】

[Your Shining EX Ultimate Fighter is in a bad mood, take the initiative to upgrade your EX Jet Ponton to EX Jet! ! ! 】

What? ? ?
  EX Jet?

What the hell! ! !

My Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument is so impressive again! ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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