Chapter 82 Kill Hyperjeton!


Hypajton's huge body lost both wings on its back.

It plummeted hard to the ground.

"Hipajton, kill them for me."

The furious Baxter hurriedly controlled Hyperjetton to land firmly on the ground.

Then, the two bright yellow energy stones on Hypajeton's shoulders instantly condensed several Sphiya light bombs.

In an instant, the light bombs scattered and exploded in the city.

The entire city was instantly ablaze and turned into a living hell.

"Let this world be destroyed in advance!!!"

The crazy laughter of the Baxters echoed throughout the city.

He can't control that much anymore!

Just attack indiscriminately! ! !

But the next second, EX Jet's figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

The black spear in his hand kept waving.

Star Baxter was instantly shocked.

At this point it was too late to react.

The spear struck directly at Hyperjedon's chest.

Purple red flames swept across instantly.

This is not finished.


Ultraman Sega finally reacted and joined the battle.

The two directly surrounded Hypajeton's body and attacked continuously at extremely fast speeds.

Hyperjetton couldn't even teleport away.

Star Baite felt numb in his heart.

Aren't you still human?

How about giving me a chance to fight back! ! !

Fighting is fighting, where can there be any mercy?

Without saying a word, Saka suddenly accumulated terrifying power in his hand and struck Hypa Jetton in the abdomen.

boom! ! !
  There was a loud noise.

Anna and others who had just arrived in the city immediately saw a surprising scene.

Hypa Jetton's huge body was directly smashed into the sky by Ultraman Saga.

Like a meteor launched from the ground, it was extremely fast.

Lin Tian, ​​who was floating in the sky, saw this scene and waved the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument in his hand.

next second.

EX Jet directly raised the black spear in his hand.

Suddenly, yellow thunderstorm energy emerged in the sky.

These thunderstorm energy instantly poured into EX Jet's black spear.

Then EX Jet fiercely sent the black spear in his hand in the direction of Hyperjetton!
  A purple-red terrifying beam of destruction shot out directly.

It is also wrapped with terrifying thunderstorm energy one after another.

Just for a moment!

This terrifying beam of light hit Hyperjackton, who had already arrived in outer space!

boom! ! !
  An explosion of fire suddenly lit up above the earth.

The Baxters didn't even have time to scream.

Just die! ! !

The light of the explosion even lit up the sky above the entire earth.

The remaining waves even cleared away all the haze.

Anna and others stood on the ground and looked up, and in the end they couldn't help but hug each other excitedly.

I was so excited that I burst into tears!

They finally won.

next second.

call out!
  The huge fireball caused by the explosion suddenly flowed backwards.

In the end, it condensed into a small blue light spot, exuding gentle and friendly energy.

Lin Tian stood on the ground and slowly looked at the light spot.

He knew that those were humans who were absorbed by Hyperjetton.

After Hypageton died, they were naturally released.

Sure enough, blue light spots suddenly emitted countless particles of light to the entire earth.

These light particles continue to float across the sky, eventually landing in the place where they were originally locked before being swallowed.


At this moment, the inner scene of Saka is flowing.

Asuka Shin's eyes flashed with excitement.     "Now, all life has returned."

Dahewang and Haruno Musashi nodded together.

"Yes, we finally won."

The three of them looked at each other and then laughed together.

Hypajton is powerful!
  But, they are stronger!

In other words, Lin Tian is stronger!
  They finally defeated the enemy.

Saka nodded, then turned into a beam of light and rushed to the ground, disintegrating into the figures of the three people in Dahewang.

Where they landed was on the grass dam at the door of Anna and others' warehouse.

Standing here, they can clearly see human figures constantly appearing in the city.

At this moment, somewhere in the city, a short-haired woman wearing white professional attire had just recovered.

She was in a daze, looked down at her body, and then looked into the distance.

A name was shouted out subconsciously.

"Xiao Wu."

She is Xiao Wu's mother.

Not long after, the children protected by the Earth Defense Force were finally reunited with their parents.

Even Xiao Wu hugged his mother tightly.

Xiao Wu's mother looked at her child.

His face was full of strength and determination.

It's hard to imagine what happened to him during this time.

Seeing these children reunited with their relatives, Anna and other girls who were watching from the side burst into tears.

After protecting them for so long, these girls can finally take off their burdens.

"It's great, it's really great."

Anna didn't speak, but looked at the figure of Taihe watching them above the grass dam.

The three warriors were watching the result with satisfaction.

"It's finally over, great."

Asuka couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Dahewang smiled and said, "No, we're just starting now, senior."

Asuka smiled in understanding.

"Yes, that's right, junior."

The three looked at each other and smiled.

At this time, Lin Tian also took EX Jet back into the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

He was also a little shocked at the moment.

Unexpectedly, EX Jet instantly killed Hypa Jetton with one move!
  This is too strong!
  He put away the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument and then walked toward the crowd.

When Xing Nai and others saw Lin Tian returning, they immediately embraced him.

"Damn it! This guy has tricked me again!!!"

Inside Dahewang, Zero looked at this scene and suddenly felt a little unconvinced, "Obviously we have our own contribution, okay?"

Damn it, why is it always Lin Tian who is admired by thousands of people?
  Sero felt extremely unhappy.

  Why is even the stern woman Xing Nai looking at Lin Tian like a nymphomaniac at this moment? ? ?

And the other girls from the Earth Defense Force!

Zero was going completely crazy.

Why is this guy so good at pretending!
  "Now that it's over, it's time for us to go."

Lin Tian looked at Xing Nai and the others and said loudly.

Asuka Shin and Haruno Musashi both nodded in agreement.


The world doesn't need them anymore.

time to go.

"Lin Tian, ​​Sero, and seniors"

At this time, Dahewang suddenly said, "I want to stay here!"

"Okay, Zero, let's go."

Lin Tian probably knew what Dahewang was thinking and nodded directly.

The next second, he rose directly into the sky and flew into the universe.

Asuka Nobu and Haruno Musashi also casually exchanged a few words with Ogawang, and then left.

As for Cyro
  Zero Glasses suddenly broke away from Dahewang's hand and directly transformed into its true form.

He looked down at everyone, especially Dahewang.

This is his lifelong enemy.

He choked up and said, "If that's the case, then you have to live well on this earth!"

The voice fell.

Sero directly chased Lin Tian without looking back!

(End of this chapter)

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