Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 83 Ultraman was kidnapped? The city of time and space!

Chapter 83 Ultraman was kidnapped? The city of time and space!
  Beyond Earth.

Lin Tian was far away from the earth in the blink of an eye and raised his hand.

The bracelet on his wrist directly emitted a golden light.

He is preparing to use the power of Palagi's Shield to tear open the gate of time and space.

There was a roaring sound behind him.

It was Sero who caught up.

"Why, you still can't bear to let go of that guy?"

Lin Tian joked.

This kid, Zero, won't have a relationship with his lifelong enemy, right?

But this kid Zero exploded in an instant!

"how can that be!"

Seeing his stern look, Lin Tian didn't bother to continue laughing.

He waved his hand directly.

Golden light burst out instantly.

The huge gate of time and space was torn open directly.

The two immediately got in.

When they drilled out again, they had returned to their original universe.

Lin Tian directly closed the door of time and space.

He was about to continue saying something when something strange suddenly happened in the sky above.

Sero looked at it intently and was instantly shocked.

"That's Leo's Ultra signature!!!"

"Leo said, something big happened! Let's go back to the Kingdom of Light quickly."

Lin Tian was stunned for a moment, and was instantly overjoyed.

We've just finished fighting Hyperjetton, and now he's back to life again? ? ?

Lin Tian was just getting excited, and he suddenly felt that the monsters in the EX ultimate combat device shining in his body seemed to be extremely excited.

They all want to continue fighting!
  Lin Tian quickly comforted the monsters, then turned to Sero and said: "In that case, let's leave quickly!"

country of light.

After Lin Tian and Zero entered the space port, they fell straight towards the space guard building.

Leo, Severn, Zoffie and other Ultra brothers were already waiting on the high platform.

"Lin Tian, ​​Sero, you are here!"

Lin Tian floated steadily at the height of Zhongao's eyes and asked directly in confusion: "What happened, are you so anxious to get us back?"

The Ultra brothers looked at Lin Tian. Leo was the first to speak and said calmly: "There has been something weird recently."

"In various universes, Ultra warriors continue to disappear inexplicably, as if they were kidnapped!"

"Lin Tian, ​​we would like to ask you to investigate."

Lin Tian was slightly stunned after hearing this.

Many Ultra warriors were kidnapped?

He suddenly remembered that there seemed to be such a thing.

This plot.
  Is the time-travel demon Atalga coming? ? ?

When he thought of this, Lin Tian suddenly became extremely excited.

It seems that what I thought before was right!
  Sure enough, another wave of more exciting crises has come!
  Now, Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument has reason to be proud!
  Lin Tian thought for a while and suddenly said: "Everyone, leave this matter to me."

"I probably know some clues about this matter, so leave it to me to investigate!"

Nani? ? ?

When Zhongao heard this, he was slightly startled.

you know?
  Not only the Ultra brothers, but also the boy Zero looked confused.

Haven't you always been with me?

I don’t even know about this, what do you know?

Planet Juran.

This is a planet with a beautiful environment.

The forests are dense and the rivers are vast. Almost everything a monster needs is available here.

Here, monsters and humans can coexist peacefully.

This is the second hometown of Ultraman Gauss!
  After Lin Tian and the others left, Haruno Musashi himself transformed into Gauss and returned to the planet Zhulan.

However, when he first entered the surface of the planet Julan, he was immediately stunned.

I saw it at low altitude. There is actually a huge city of time and space floating there.

"Hey, Ultraman Gauss, are you back?"

A burst of laughter suddenly drew Gauss's eyes to the ground.

That's a guy with a bright yellow body.

There are horns on both sides of the forehead, and a larger horn grows on the back of each shoulder.

There is also a gray scarf wrapped around the neck.

Such an image is unusual even among life forms in the universe.

This is the time-travel demon, Atalga!
  "who are you?!"

Gauss asked.

However, Atarja just sneered.

"Ultraman Gauss, I should be considered your enemy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Atarja flew up and rushed towards Gauss.

Without saying a word, Gauss raised his hand and hit Atarja hard with his fist.

In the palm of his hand, there is even more powerful power.

Facing Gauss's attack, Atarja didn't dodge at all.

He also raised his hand to greet him.

boom! ! !
  The collision of their palms caused a strong roar in an instant.

Even the ground trembled and dust flew up!

After a collision, the two fell heavily to the ground.

War is imminent!
  After about dozens of moves, the two were forced to separate again.

"The loving warrior, Ultraman Gauss?"

Atarja suddenly smiled proudly, "You can't defeat me with a painless attack like yours."

When Gauss heard this, he got up from the ground angrily.

Then he suddenly raised his hands to form a V-shape above his head.

The next second, a wave of ultra-high heat light was instantly launched by it, heading straight for Atarja.

Nebast Rays! ! !

This is the most destructive killing light in the corona form.

Gauss emitted Nebast rays with great confidence.

However, Atalga sneered when he saw the Nebast light emitted by Gauss.

Immediately he jumped up and sprinted forward.

Golden light shone all over his body and enveloped his body.

The moment the golden light hit Nebast's light, it directly separated the Nebast's light!
  Gauss was instantly shocked.

This guy, how is it possible? ? ?

Nebast's light couldn't do anything to him! ! !
  Just when Gauss was surprised, Atalga's golden light had already arrived in front of Gauss and passed through Gauss's body suddenly.


Gauss screamed in pain, and Atarja finally withdrew the golden light at this moment and landed steadily behind Gauss.

In just an instant, Gauss lost the power of his corona form.

The red light on his chest also turned on.

A violent explosion suddenly sounded.

boom! ! !
  The fire of the explosion directly submerged Gauss's body.

Atarja turned around and looked at the explosion in front of him, and suddenly raised his hand.

A purple light suddenly appeared on the palm of his hand.

When the purple light faded, a girl wearing a golden helmet emerged.

There was a sneer on her face and a chill in her heart.

When the flames of the explosion gradually dissipated, Gauss's fallen body appeared in the girl's eyes.

She suddenly raised her hand and pointed it at Gauss.

A golden brilliance suddenly shot out from his hand.

This golden light instantly enveloped Ultraman Gauss's body.

next second.

Gauss was directly locked into the huge time and space city above by this golden light!

(End of this chapter)

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