Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 84 Atarja! Monsters, you can fight them!

Chapter 84 Atarja! Monsters, you can fight them!
  At the bottom of the City of Time and Space is a huge dark space.

After Ultraman Gauss's body was sent in, it was instantly sealed by a mirror.

Fortunately, at the last moment when Gauss was sealed, Haruno Musashi was sent out of the mirror by Gauss.


Musashi fell to the ground and cried out in pain, feeling extremely desperate.

Only then did he discover to his surprise that there were actually many Ultra warriors sealed in this space! ! !

What on earth is that guy named Atarja going to do? ! !

Atarja smiled proudly.

"Not bad, not bad. We successfully sealed another Ultra Warrior."

He looked down at the girl on his palm.

"Alena, let's go and continue looking for the next Ultra Warrior."

Alena, who looked indifferent just now, looked up and suddenly smiled.

She nodded, sneering in her heart.

Ultra warriors, I will seal you all one by one.

Only then will the universe be peaceful! ! !

Atarja also nodded slightly, and then flew directly to the City of Time and Space.


At this moment, a tearing sound suddenly sounded in the sky.

I saw that in the sky, a gate of time and space suddenly tore open.

Two unfamiliar figures walked straight out of it.

It was Lin Tian and Sero.


As soon as Zero came out of the gate of time and space, he immediately saw the city of time and space that was about to leave.

Atalga is also seen on the top edge.

Atarja sneered loudly.

"Ultraman Zero?"

"Well, there is also the most outstanding genius scientist in the Kingdom of Light, Lin Tian, ​​right?"

"Lin Tian, ​​I have heard of you a long time ago."

"Don't be anxious, I will save the showdown with you as the highlight for last!"

After the words fell, the City of Time and Space directly broke through the space and left here.

"What a coward!"

Seeing this scene, Zero suddenly felt unhappy.

Lin Tian couldn't help but feel a little funny when he saw Sero's unwilling and angry look.

He had no choice but to comfort him: "It's okay, don't worry."

"There are many interesting things to come!"

"Let's go, let's follow him and follow the aura of the Sky City."

Another universe.


In the main control room of the Earth Defense Force UPG.

  A burst of fireworks exploded in the entire main control room instantly.

All the UPG players were looking at a young man with dark yellow hair happily.

The young man is a little thin and his skin is slightly dark, probably because he has been exposed to the sun a lot during these days.

It can be seen that I suffered a lot.

"Welcome back!"

"Welcome home, Hikaru!"



The little light they talked about was the auditorium light who had left the UPG special search team for a long time.

Since the last battle, the auditorium light and the Milky Way have parted ways.

He traveled around the world with the goal of becoming the world's number one adventurer.

Now, he has finally returned safely from abroad.

With his rejoining, UPG's strength is about to return to its peak again.

"Captain, this herb tea is for you."

Auditorium Guang took out two sealed bags of things from the package he brought back.

Then, he handed it to the UPG captain.

Jinno Yoshiaki immediately took the gift from the auditorium light.

"It's really heartfelt."

Seeing the smile on the captain's face in the auditorium, Guang felt instantly very happy.

Afterwards, he distributed other gifts to other teammates in turn.

"what is this?"

"Oh! Thank you."

"Thank you Xiaoguang."

"Xiaoguang, it's great to have a junior like you!!!"


Facing the thanks from his teammates, Auditorium Light felt a little embarrassed and touched the back of his head.

At this time, Arisa Sugita looked at the straw doll in her hand, and couldn't help but look at the auditorium light with a smirk.

"Xiaoguang, you went abroad to study for a year, didn't you just go out for fun?"

"After all, there should be some other growth, right?" Auditorium Light smiled proudly for a moment, "Of course there is growth!"

Just as everyone was laughing and the auditorium was dim, a petite girl figure walked over.

Holding a glass of fresh juice in hand.

"Here, Xiaoguang, drink."

Auditorium Guang took the juice subconsciously and smiled, saying, "Sakuya, long time no see."

But as soon as he finished speaking, his whole body suddenly paused, and then he suddenly turned his head to look at Sakiya.

Sakuya? ? ?

Why is this little girl here?

Isn't she the female official of the underground Victory Sanctuary Altar?
  "Sakiya? Why are you here?"

"I was recruited by the captain of the field."

Sakuya smiled sweetly, "But, I'm still intern now."

At this time, Jinno Yoshiaki also stepped forward and explained: "From now on, we will cooperate with the underground Victri people to jointly relieve the crisis on the earth."

When the captain finished speaking, Haoqi on the side also hugged Sakiya's shoulders.

"Hey! I'm so happy to have a junior who is like a younger sister, right Xiaoguang!"

After hearing his words, the auditorium light just smiled a little helplessly.

"Little light."

Ichijo Ichijo, a monk in a white coat, also turned to look at Xiaoguang, "Actually, there is a new team member."

Then, he guided the auditorium light to look to the left.

A beautiful robot with short light brown hair walked toward the auditorium with a smile.


The light in the auditorium instantly shocked everyone.

Isn't she a subordinate of the Chebul Star?

Isn't she already dead?

Ichijo Temple Friend also smiled and immediately explained the reason to the auditorium light.

"Before she died, she sealed her memories into the Victra Crystal."


When Ichijoujiu finished explaining the cause and effect, Mana also smiled sweetly and greeted Hikari in the auditorium.

"Team Xiaoguang, please take care of me."

Hearing that the other party was so polite, Auditorium Guang also smiled a little sheepishly: "Please take care of me."

At this moment, a continuous siren suddenly sounded throughout the UPG base.

ding ding ding-

"Everyone is in your place!"

Jinno Yoshiaki issued the order instantly.

Many team members also hurriedly returned to their positions.

Within a few seconds, Mana found the cause at her workstation.

"Report, an abnormality was discovered in the sky above the T-9 area!!!"

After Mana finished speaking, Temple Friend Ichijo also added: "There is a distortion of time and space in the sky over there."

Jinno Yoshiaki was shocked.

Time warp?

He looked at the team members seriously, and then shouted: "UPG, move out!!!"

at the same time.

Beyond Earth.

A door to time and space opened leisurely.

Lin Tian and Sero immediately emerged from it.

"This is Earth???"

"Are we back again?"

When Zero saw the blue planet in front of him, he was stunned.

He thought he was brought back to the earth where Dahewang and the others were by Lin Tian.

Lin Tian waved his hand directly.

"No, this is the Earth in another universe."

"That guy should be here."


After hearing Lin Tian's words, Sero was stunned.

"Where? Where is that guy?"

Lin Tian was about to prevaricate casually, when suddenly, the two of them felt a breath at the same time.

It belongs to that guy from Atarja! ! !

"On Earth!"

Zero was immediately happy.

That guy actually showed up!
  He flew down directly towards the place where Atarja's energy reacted.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian followed helplessly.

He directly took out the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

The monsters in the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument seemed to feel that a fight was about to happen at this moment, and they were suddenly extremely excited.

Everyone wants to get out and have a fight.

"Don't worry, you will fight later!"

(End of this chapter)

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