Chapter 85 Galaxy! Alena seals it!


T-9 area.

It didn't take long for the UPG team members to arrive at the incident area in the auditorium.

This is a suburb.

Countless factories stand here.

The space is very empty.

But it's such an empty area.

It will be more obvious when a change occurs!

When everyone got out of the car and looked up at the sky, they instantly saw the so-called distortion of time and space.

It was a huge wormhole covering the sky.

Within the wormhole, various colors of dark light flashed.

And underneath the entire wormhole, there is actually a huge city of time and space floating! ! !

The entire city of time and space is spinning slowly, mysteriously!

"That space-time rift seems to lead to other dimensions!"

Mana's voice came out from the headphones.

Captain Jinno Yoshiaki immediately stood by and asked doubtfully: "According to your words, is this something from other dimensions?"

The UPG players are preparing to continue questioning.

at this time!

A girl in a golden dress suddenly appeared and walked slowly in front of them.

"Who are you!!!"

Arisa Sugita asked quickly, vigilantly holding the pistol anytime and anywhere.

This girl is none other than Alena, who was traveling with Atarja!

Alena didn't say much.

She just snorted coldly, and then looked at everyone indifferently.

"It's nothing to you, just call Ultraman Galaxy!"

After saying that, she suddenly took off a mirror from her waist.

It was a round bone mirror.

When the mirror faced everyone in UPG, several mirror clones were instantly scattered.

A circle formed around Alena.

More than ten mirrors shone with dazzling light at the same time, and then fired out destructive rays to attack everyone.

The auditorium light and others quickly dodge.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The flames of the explosion instantly overwhelmed them.

"what are you doing!!!"

Matsumoto Haoqi looked angry.

"We have no choice but to fight back!"

Jinno Yoshiaki immediately issued orders to the team members through the headphones.

After everyone heard this, they rushed forward to stop Alena's attack.

However, in less than a moment, Alena used her mirror ability to knock down all the team members.

Looking at the people who fell to the ground, Alena was extremely proud.

"Ultra warriors are enemies, they disturb peace."

"Why do I want to seal all Ultra Warriors for peace in the universe!!!"

Alena said coldly, nightmare-like memories flashing through her mind.

His eyes suddenly became colder!

The next second, she pointed the mirror at everyone in the auditorium, preparing to kill them all at once.

"Master Alena!"

at this time!

Suddenly a loud laughter came from the air.

next second.

A huge figure suddenly jumped down from the huge city of time and space.


He landed heavily in front of the mountains in the distance.

I saw him raising his right hand to his chest in an extremely polite manner.

"Hello, I am a space-time warrior who pursues and seals Ultra Warriors!"


Atalga? ? ?

The voice of the super-temporal demon god Atarja kept echoing in everyone's ears.

The space-time warrior who pursues and seals the Ultra Warriors?

How can this be? !

Can an Ultra Warrior be sealed by a guy like this?

"Lady Alena, leave these humans to me."

The UPG players waiting in the auditorium looked confused.

What is this all about? ? ?

However, before they could react, Atarja suddenly opened his hands.

Several rays of golden energy immediately gathered in front of him.

The next second, it fired directly towards them.

"not good!"

Upon seeing this, the people in the auditorium immediately became nervous.

Everyone hurriedly wanted to escape.

but. At the moment when Atarja’s attack is about to come!

A red figure fell from the sky.

Then, the figure launched a roundhouse kick, directly blocking all attacks!

In the smoke, a huge red figure slowly revealed his appearance.

The V-shaped crystal on the forehead is particularly dazzling.

Ultraman Victory! ! !

"Sorry, I'm late!"

Inside Victory, Xiang smiled confidently.

“It’s really lively here!”

Hearing the voice of his old comrade, Li Tangguang was also surprised and said: "Xiang, why did you come here!"

Xiang was preparing to respond to the auditorium light.

At this time, Aitarja in the distance sneered.

"Are you Victory? Another Ultra Warrior in this world!"

After saying that, Atarja flew up directly.

He immediately rushed towards Ultraman Victory.

Seeing this, Victory quickly made preparations to fight.

He flew up and kicked Atarja in the chest.

But he was blocked by Aitaljia's palm strike.

Afterwards, the two started fighting in close quarters.

However, within a few moves, Victory's disadvantages were revealed.

Atalga is worthy of being the Space-Time Demon God who successfully sealed many Ultra Warriors.

His combat experience far exceeds that of Victory.

In just a few rounds, Victory was instantly at a disadvantage.

Atalga restrained Victory's neck with both hands and threw him heavily to the ground.

Victory climbed up with difficulty and attacked again.

"Hey, Lin Tian, ​​let's go down and help!"

above the sky,

Two figures floated here, watching the battle quietly.

One big and one small.

It was Lin Tian and Sero.

They had already arrived when Atalga appeared.

However, Lin Tian stopped Zero from going down to fight.

He said he wanted to wait for the Ultra Warriors of this world.

Now the red Ultra Warrior can hardly hold on any longer!

Is it time to go down and help?

Sero was extremely anxious.

The Ultra Warrior named Victory is too weak.

If it were him, he wouldn't be able to defeat Atarja in a matter of minutes, right?


Lin Tian still waved his hand.

"hold on!"

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Sero was stunned.

"Still waiting? What are you waiting for? Aren't there already Ultra Warriors in this world?"

Sero suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

Because a flash of brilliance suddenly bloomed on the battlefield below! ! !

a few seconds ago!

Upon seeing this, the auditorium light on the ground started to act on its own initiative.

He took out a small silver gun from his arms, then raised the small gun high and summoned the Ultraman Galaxy doll from it.

Super fusion, Ultraman Galaxy!

next second.

A silver-white figure appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Ultraman Ginga finally appears!"

Alena sneered and looked at the Milky Way, with only boundless hatred and anger in her heart.

Her enemy, Galaxy! ! !

As soon as Yinhe appeared, he rushed forward and besieged Atarja together with Victory.

The two kept taking action.

Between fists and feet, he was ruthless and decisive.

Auditorium Hikaru and Xiang have already experienced many battles.

He is no longer the ignorant boy he was before.

If they take action now, they will no longer have any hesitation.

Besides, the guy in front of me who calls himself the Space-Time Warrior has sealed several Ultra Warriors!

The two of them kept taking action, using all kinds of attacks to suppress Atarja.

However, Atarja dealt with it with ease.

After he raised his hand to resist the blows of Yinhe and Victory, he suddenly raised his thigh and kicked Victory in the abdomen.

Victory's huge body was kicked away directly.

Finally, he hit the foot of a big mountain hard!

Seeing this, Yinhe quickly put his arms around Atarja's shoulders.

Atarja was tightly bound and unable to move.

"Get rid of him in one go!"

The auditorium light said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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