Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 88 Zero has grown up and finally knows how to control the human body

Chapter 88 Zero has grown up and finally knows how to control the human body

When everyone heard from Lin Tian that Atarja had sealed seven Ultra warriors, they were immediately shocked.

how can that be? ? ?

No wonder Galaxy and Victory couldn't take him down even if they teamed up.

This guy is so powerful!

At this time, Jinno Yoshiaki suddenly stood up and looked at Lin Tian, ​​frowning.

"What about you? Who are you?"

Lin Tian just chuckled and said calmly: "We are not enemies. Zero and I are from the Kingdom of Light."

"As for Musashi."

Lin Tian turned around and looked at Haruno Musashi beside him.

Haruno Musashi instantly understood what Lin Tian meant.

He directly introduced himself: "My name is Haruno Musashi, and I have been fighting with Ultraman Gauss so far."

"Not long ago, we were defeated by Atalga, and Gauss was sealed in the Time and Space City by him."

"Then do you have any way to rescue these Ultra warriors?"

Everyone immediately asked.

Hearing everyone's doubts, Haruno Musashi did not answer.

He just turned to look at Lin Tian.

With Lin Tian here, everything will be solved!

This guy has so many terrifying monsters!

No matter how powerful Atarja is, how can he be defeated by Hypaje?

Seeing Musashi turning his attention to himself, Lin Tian was quite helpless.

His original intention was for Kuku to give Aitarja a small punch and kill him directly!

But the problem is

The old man from the King of Ultras handed over the mission!


Thinking of this, Lin Tian could only sigh helplessly.

Galaxy is really lucky.

This can all get special treatment!

"Now is not the time to defeat Atalga."

Lin Tian said lightly, "Everyone from UPG, before the final battle comes, please analyze the magic mirror in Alena's hand."

"Let's talk about the rest later."

Jinno Yoshiaki nodded, then turned to look at his team members.

"Okay, Tomoya, Mana, I'm sorry to trouble you about this."

These two people are the brain trust of UPG.

It's up to them!

Musashi was slightly startled.

He just thought that Lin Tian was going to advocate directly taking the initiative to kill the guy Aitaljia.

Why are you still dragging it?

"Xiaoguang, what's wrong with you?"

Sakuya on the side suddenly noticed something was wrong with the light in the auditorium.

The auditorium light frowned and said a little strangely: "I'm wondering, who is she?"

At that time, the light in the auditorium also noticed Alena's changes.

He saw the girl in the white dress behind her.

Why is Alena like this.

"Alena is a poor person too."

Lin Tian suddenly said, "What you see is actually the real her."

Lin Tian slowly told everyone the origin of Alena.

There is also the fact that her memory was tampered with by Atalga.

The light in the auditorium is instantly understood.

"No wonder she hates Ultra Warriors so much."

"Damn it! We must defeat that guy Atarja and rescue Alena and the other Ultra warriors!"

At this moment, an alarm suddenly sounded throughout UPG.

ding ding ding-

A monk from Ichijo Temple also hurriedly came to the machine to check the situation.

"Someone invaded the UPG base!!!"

Entrance to the bottom of the UPG base.

A woman slowly walked in from the entrance.

Her figure is elegant yet cold.

The eyes contained endless hatred.

It was Alena.

Just now, she had successfully deepened the memory of the planet's destruction with the help of Atarja.

It was the Ultra Warriors who destroyed her hometown! ! !

She wants revenge! ! !

After taking a few steps, a group of ordinary members of the UPG defense team stopped in front of her with pistols raised.

"Stop, don't go any further!"

One of the leaders of these ordinary team members hurriedly shouted angrily at Alena. However, Alena didn't even bother to respond to them.

The woman raised her hand and waved horizontally.

A strange wave of energy invaded instantly.

The ordinary members of the defense team were directly blown away by the energy fluctuations.

All this seemed to be nothing to Alena.

After easily defeating a dozen ordinary team members, she still walked towards the depths of the base with an indifferent expression.

She wants to find Ultraman Galaxy, seal him away and execute him!

At this moment, the UPG team finally arrived, but Lin Tian and several human beings were nowhere to be seen.

"Where is the Milky Way?!"

Alena looked at them angrily, "Hand him over, I will kill him for revenge!!!"

Then, she reached out to touch the magic mirror at her waist.

Seeing this, everyone hurried forward to stop him.

Matsumoto Goki and Mana are considered good players in UPG melee combat.

The two of them stepped forward directly and began to attack Alena with fists and kicks.

However, facing the siege of the two of them, Alena still seemed to be at ease.

In just a few moves, Matsumoto Goki and Mana were repelled by Alena.

"It seems that you won't hand over the Galaxy without letting you suffer some pain!"

Alena sneered and raised the magic mirror and pointed it at the UPG people.

Just when she was preparing to accumulate energy to launch an attack, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Alena, why are you so anxious to kill Yinhe?"

Everyone turned around and saw that Lin Tian came out with Musashi, Xiaoguang and Xiang.

Lin Tian looked at Alena with a helpless smile.

"How about we sit down and have a cup of Captain Jinno's herbal tea and have a good chat?"

Lin Tian has no desire to fight at all now.

You might not be able to compete with Noah's original light in a fight with Atarja, let alone with a woman like Alena?

If things can be solved with words, don't rely on force.

"Galaxy! Victory!"

However, Alena could only see the auditorium light and Xiang at the moment.

"Suffer to death!"

She pushed the magic mirror suddenly, and the magic mirror instantly shot out several light waves towards Lin Tian and the others.

However, Lin Tian didn't tolerate her at all.

Raise your hand and wave.

The Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument instantly appeared in his hand.

The next second, he directly placed the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument horizontally in front of him and spun it several times at high speed.

All Alena's attacks were immediately reflected by Lin Tian.

"Let me subdue him!!!"

at this time.

Matsumoto suddenly rushed forward.

Oh no, it should be Zero!

He was about to rush towards Alena.

Lin Tian stopped him.

"Don't do anything yet, wait!"

Zero was about to retort, but his hands were itchy.

But Lin Tian changed the topic.

He smiled and said: "Why didn't we see this brat Haoqi come out to resist this time?"

At this moment, it was as if Sero was completely in control of his body.

Zero was extremely proud now and said with a smile: "I was tricked by that guy Dahe last time. This time I directly learned to completely control the human body."

"She can't resist anything I do with her body."

"I won't be embarrassed like last time again."

After hearing what Sero said, Lin Tian and Musashi looked at each other and burst into laughter.

It seems that Riverview has really cast a shadow on Zero.

"Have you had enough chatting!!!"

Alena was extremely angry when she saw that she was ignored by this group of humans.

She was about to attack again, but Lin Tian's body suddenly appeared behind her.

Lin Tian directly grabbed her arm holding the magic mirror and broke it back, thus imprisoning her.

Later, Lin Tian shouted directly to Xiang: "Xiang, throw your Victory crystal over here!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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