Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 89 The golden man appears! Meet the Minions!

Chapter 89 The golden man appears! Meet the Minions!

Lin Tian also had his reasons for saying this.

He is, after all, the only one who knows everything.

The Victory Crystal is the only way to save Alena at this moment.

Xiang was stunned for a moment when he heard this, with a doubtful look in his eyes.

"it is good!"

Then, he directly pulled off Victory hanging around his neck and threw it towards Lin Tian with all his strength.

next second.

The Victory Crystal was thrown directly on the ground in front of Alena.


In just a moment, the Victory Crystal emitted a crisp sound that was extremely pleasant.

As the sound came out, waves of invisible fluctuations were sent directly towards Alena.


The moment the invisible wave came into contact with Alena, it directly affected her mind.

Alena instantly held her head in pain on the spot.

After Lin Tian let go of her, he stood there and observed Alena's situation.

as predicted.

After a while, Alena was no longer affected by the Victory Crystal.

But at this moment, the look in her eyes had already become harmless.

Pure and thorough.

Like a girl who is inexperienced in the world.

"Where am I?"

Alena looked at everyone with a confused look on her face, then turned to look at Lin Tian.

Together they reveal an inexplicable weirdness.

His body even took a few steps back involuntarily.

She didn't recognize the people in front of her.

She only remembered that her home had just been destroyed!

Lin Tian smiled and came to Alena.

He raised his hand and patted Alena on the shoulder.

Even gentle words came out of his mouth.

"It's okay, Alena, nothing will happen to you again."

"Sorry everyone!"

"What have I done before?!"

In the UPG base, Alena sat on a chair with a look of fear.

What she had done during this period kept flashing through her mind.

She just recalled all the evil things done under Atarja's leadership! ! !

Under Atalga's deception, he actually believed that the Ultra Warrior was the murderer who destroyed his home!

But the murderer is obviously that bastard Atarja! ! !


However, she was deceived by the murderer and helped him perpetrate the crime.

He even sealed seven Ultra Warriors with his own hands because of this!

This is a huge torture for her.

"Do not worry."

Lin Tian smiled and touched her head, "Nothing will happen again now."

Matsumoto Goki Oh no, it's Zero.

Zero said confidently: "Don't worry, I, Zero, will definitely protect you."

"That Atalga is nothing!"

Sero touched his nose with great confidence.

"As long as he dares to show up again, I will punch him away!!!"

Lin Tian looked at Sero's appearance and suddenly wanted to laugh.

This guy is really confident.

Lin Tian suddenly smiled and said to Sero: "Sero, next time that guy Atarja comes, will I leave it to you?"

"I will handle it!!!"

Seeing Lin Tian trusting him so much, Sero immediately stepped on the edge of the table with great satisfaction.

The arrogant look immediately made everyone click their tongues.

"By the way, everyone, who are you?"

Alena looked at this group of energetic humans and couldn't help but wonder.

"Where are we now?"

At this time, Lin Tian stepped forward and sighed helplessly.

"Let's explain it."

"I am Lin Tian, ​​he is Zero, we are from the Kingdom of Light."

"These people are the special search team UPG that protects the earth."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, the auditorium light took the lead and walked forward to introduce himself to Alena.

"Alena, I am the light of the auditorium and also Ultraman Galaxy."

After Auditorium Light finished speaking, Alena murmured and repeated: " Auditorium Light, Galaxy. Ultraman Galaxy???"

Seeing Alena's appearance, Lin Tian's brows suddenly wrinkled. Why does this woman seem a little strange again?

Could it be that the power of the Victory Crystal has a time limit?


Doesn't it completely eliminate the modified memory of Atarja in Alena's mind?

at this time!

When it came to Ultraman Galaxy, Alena stood up instantly and quickly backed away.

His eyes were full of horror and fear.

"Ultraman Galaxy!!! You are an Ultra Warrior!!!"

Seeing Alena's appearance, everyone was a little confused for a moment.

"what happened?"

When Lin Tian saw this scene, he secretly sighed that it was terrible.

It seems that the influence of Victory Crystal on Alena is not strong enough.

Alena looked at the auditorium light with fearful eyes.

He even murmured: "Ultra warriors, destroyed my hometown!!!"

The light in the auditorium instantly stood up in surprise.

"How is it possible? There is no way an Ultra Warrior can destroy the Peace Star!"

Haruno Musashi couldn't help but stepped forward and said loudly: "Alena, you must have been deceived by Atalga!!!"


Alena retorted wantonly, "Atarja is my savior!!!"

"He saved me, the only survivor, from despair!!!"

"This is impossible!!!"

After Alena finished speaking, she subconsciously looked at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian knew that he had to intervene.

He stepped forward and took Alena's hand.

Alena didn't resist.

She seemed to have a special affection for Lin Tian.

different from others.

"Alena, those things that I think of are just false memories implanted by Atalga in you."

"As far as I know, your hometown was not destroyed."

Lin Tian was also very helpless.

Judging from the current situation.

Musashi was brought here just after returning to the planet Juran.

I'm afraid he doesn't know about Alena either.

After hearing what Lin Tian said, Alena frowned in confusion.

"My hometown was not destroyed?"

Lin Tian nodded gently.

He gently held Alena's hand and raised it.

next second.

Lin Tian directly raised his wrist.

Some data is deliberately entered into the bracelet on the wrist.

As a genius scientist of the Science and Technology Bureau of the Kingdom of Light.

How could he not have some special means?

Atarja should be affecting Alena's memory through brain waves.

Just eliminate the brain waves exerted by Atalga!

With Lin Tian's control.

After a while, Alena felt that something in her body suddenly disappeared for no reason!

This moment.

Alena's consciousness suddenly became extremely clear.

Her whole body no longer trembled with excitement, and her eyes regained their former gentleness and purity.

She looked at Lin Tian and smiled softly: "Thank you."

In the city of time and space.

Atalga's huge figure was standing there.

Under the evil mask, I don’t know what kind of expression that face has.

He raised his palm and looked at it slightly.

Unexpectedly, his plan went so smoothly.

That woman Alena is also really brainless.

She was able to control him so easily, and even used her power to seal so many Ultra warriors.

"It's almost time. It's time to bring Alena back."

After Atarja finished speaking, she was about to leave for Earth to pick up Alena.

However, at this moment, a golden door of time and space suddenly opened not far in front of him.

Atarja instantly felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy and said in a deep voice: "Who is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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