Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 90 Join the Kingdom! Lin Tian: I want to protect her

Chapter 90 Join the Kingdom! Lin Tian: I want to protect her

The golden gate of time and space grew larger and larger, and a figure covered in golden armor slowly walked out of it.

This guy is wearing light armor of gold and silver.

The head is in the shape of a Roman warrior helmet, and the arms have blade-like protrusions.

His eyes were dark, and he could vaguely feel the intense gaze in them.

He has a very strange symbol on his chest.

The most important thing is!

In his hand, he also held a golden sword!

It's none other than Absolut Titan!


Absolut Titan slowly walked up to Atarja with a solemn expression.

"I am not your enemy, I am a warrior of the kingdom!"


Atarja was slightly startled.

Which force is this?

How come he'd never heard of it?

He could feel that the guy in front of him was definitely very powerful.

With such terrifying warriors, the kingdom's power shouldn't remain unknown.

"Atarja, are you willing to join the kingdom?"

Absolut Titan said extremely seriously.

The guy from Tartarus told him to come here now.

Ask him to come and deal with the variables that occurred earlier.

Unexpectedly, I actually watched a good show.

Atarja's strength is very good, and he is very optimistic about it.

If possible, recruiting him into your own team is also a very good choice!

However, in the face of Absolut Titan's solicitation, Atarja looked disdainful.

"Submit to you? Why?"

Atarja sneered.

He admitted that this guy might be strong.

But if they really fight together, it is still unclear who will lose and who will win.



Absolut Titan was not angry after hearing Atalga's words.

He just chuckled and said lightly: "I know your plan to control that woman."

"Too childish."

Absolut Titan sneered.

In his opinion.

What Atalga did was nothing compared to Tartarus.

"There are many interesting ways to destroy Ultra Warriors, why would you use this lowest level?"

"Join us and I'll show you something more interesting."


Something more interesting?

Faced with Absolut Titan's words, Atarja finally hesitated.

He had to admit that brainwashing Alena and then using her power to seal the Ultra Warriors was because he found it more interesting.

But this guy in front of me

Atarja thought for a while and finally made a decision.

"Okay, I'll join you!"

UPG base.

Everyone is warmly accompanying Alena, who has recovered her memory.

The sound of bombings shook the entire base.

boom! boom! boom! ! !

"Oops, it's Atalga who's attacking!"

Temple friend Ichijo also controlled the machine and instantly understood the situation outside the base.

Atarja has appeared only a few hundred meters away from the base.

The base is set up with many automatic mines and artillery shells.

At this moment, Atarja had already set out to attack him.

However, Atarja just waved his hand casually, and all those attacks were reflected back.

All automatic weapons outside the base were directly destroyed!

Everyone hurriedly arrived at the top rooftop of the base.

Alena's eyes were filled with hatred and anger.

It’s all this guy! ! !

This guy tampered with her memory, causing her to make so many mistakes! ! !

"Damn it——"

Several members of UPG raised their energy light guns and aimed them at Atarja!

call out!

The energy bullet hit Atarja firmly in the chest.

However, the blow did not cause any harm to Atalga.

Instead, it attracted his attention.

With just one glance, Atarja instantly saw Alena's figure. “Lady Alena!”

Atalga pretended to be excited and angry and shouted softly: "Ultraman Galaxy and Ultraman Victory are by your side!"

"Seal them quickly!"

Lin Tian couldn't help but chuckle a little.

Poor Atarja thought that Alena was still under his control at this moment.

When Alena heard what Atarja said, she shouted angrily: "Atarja, don't try to lie to me again!!!"

"It's all you, you tampered with my memory! My hometown was not destroyed at all!"

Atarja was slightly startled.

How is this going?

Alena actually unlocked the memory he set?

Could it be the power of Ultra Warriors?

It’s impossible, Galaxy and Victory definitely don’t have this ability!

Could it be that.

Atarja's eyes suddenly drifted to Lin Tian next to Alena.

As an outstanding genius scientist from the Kingdom of Light, this guy must have some unknown means!

It must be Lin Tian, ​​the obstructive guy!

Atarja sneered, changing his previous tone.

"In that case, then Lady Alena"

"I have no choice but to give up on you."

"With or without you, it's actually the same."

"The worst thing is, after this, I will destroy your hometown together!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Atarja's smile became more and more terrifying.

He stopped speaking, but directly raised his hand to send out streaks of black and purple mist towards Alena.

This is the skill he usually uses to strengthen Alena's mental memory.

Now that the memory set for Alena has been erased, let's do it again.

Under his driving force, the black-purple mist reached Alena's head in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that he was about to be driven by Atalga again, Lin Tian on the side suddenly raised his hand to block Alena.

The black-purple mist of Atalga arrived instantly.

Everyone was so shocked that they didn't dare to look at it again.

Alena herself raised her hand to block her body.

However, the black-purple mist was quietly blocked by a circular shield.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Lin Tian.

I saw that Lin Tian's palm was operating on the bracelet on his wrist at this moment.

That shield was exactly what he released!

"Sorry, I have to protect her!"

Lin Tian said loudly to Aitaljia.

Seeing that his method was ineffective, Atarja instantly stopped the delivery of black and purple mist.

"Damn Lin Tian!!!"

It was a fun game, but it was ruined by him!

“What a nuisance!!!”

Atarja snorted coldly and raised his hand to launch a powerful skill to attack Lin Tian and others.

Lin Tian sneered and turned his head to signal to Zero.

Zero, whose body was being controlled by Zero, changed from his previous clumsiness!

Without saying anything, he took out his Zero glasses and transformed.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian couldn't help but sigh.

Silo, he has grown up!

Or is it because he was frightened by Dahewang? ? ?


Sure enough, only Dahewang is Zero's lifelong enemy!

A dazzling light flashed by in an instant.

Ultraman Zero appeared directly in mid-air and kicked Atalga directly.

Atarja looked up and felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

He immediately raised his arms to resist.

next second!

boom! ! !

Zero's flying kick directly hit Atarja's arm firmly.

At this moment, Aitarja actually slid back several hundred meters! ! !

Zero turned over and landed firmly on the ground.

Incredibly handsome! ! !

Lin Tian was extremely helpless when he saw this scene.

All the bells and whistles.

It was installed for him!

(End of this chapter)

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