Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 91 Cheating! You, Lin Tian, ​​directly summon such a terrifying monster? !

Chapter 91 Cheating! You, Lin Tian, ​​directly summon such a terrifying monster? !

"Ultraman Zero, want to defeat me?"

At this moment, Atarja, who was repulsed by Zero, suddenly stood up and snorted coldly.

"No way!"

These words instantly gave Zero an outlet to vent.

"Oh? Really?"

"Then try it!"

As soon as the words fell, Zero flew forward and continued to engage in close combat with him.

Zero suddenly flew up.

One kick hit Atarja's waist.

Atarja also reacted quickly.

He bent his elbow!

He directly blocked the kick with the armor on his arm.

In the next few minutes, the two of them fought in close quarters for dozens of rounds.

The two fought so fiercely that they were evenly matched! ! !


The UPG players couldn't help but marvel at this moment.

They have never seen such a fierce physical battle!

Especially Hikari and Sho.

The two of them had personally fought against Atarja.

And it’s still a two-on-one situation!

Even so, they did not gain any advantage in close combat.

He was even suppressed and beaten by Atarja!

But Ultraman Zero actually managed to equalize with Atalga by himself!

There is even a vague attitude of getting braver as he fights.


Zero, this guy, moved directly to the back of Atarja at high speed.

He kicked Aitaarja with one kick!


There was a loud bang.

Atarja was kicked out directly!

Seeing this result, Sero looked at Lin Tian proudly, raised his hand and touched his nose.

"Did you see it, Lin Tian?"

"I, Zero, am also very strong!!!"

"Little Atalga, you can destroy him with a wave of your hand!"

Zero laughed proudly for a moment.

Seeing his appearance, Lin Tian really couldn't bear to hit him.

However, what needs to be said still needs to be said.

A strange smile appeared on Lin Tian's face.

He raised his hand and pointed behind Zero.

"You should defeat him first and then talk about it."

Zero also noticed it and immediately turned around cautiously.

I saw that Aitalja stood up slowly and casually patted the dust on his body.

It seemed as if he was extremely disdainful of Zero's blow just now.

"That's it?"

Atarja sneered.

Hearing Atarja's taunt, Zero went numb!

"Lin Tian, ​​lend me the shield of Palagi!"

Sero, who had always been arrogant, now actually spoke to Lin Tian on his own initiative.

This surprised Lin Tian.

If this is the case, how can we fail him?

Lin Tian knew it anyway.

Even if Zero has the power of Palagi's Shield, he may not be able to take down Atalga for the time being!

Thinking of this, Lin Tian flicked his wrist.

The golden bracelet turned into light and rushed towards Zero!

Zero opened his hands wide.

The golden light turned into a set of silver armor and covered his body.

Zero once merged with EX Go Morant, so he naturally knows how to use this thing.

Without saying a word, he directly transformed the ultimate armor into an ultimate bow and arrow.

next second!

The dazzling light energy instantly gathered in the ultimate bow and arrow.

A few seconds later, Zero straightened his bow and released the string.

The terrifying light energy shot out instantly and shot straight towards Atarja.

Zero's instant bow of ultimate light shoots out at extremely fast speeds.

Atarja had no time to react and was directly hit by the blow.

boom! ! !

The violent explosion emitted soaring flames.

It seems to be celebrating Zero's victory.

However, just as Zero was about to declare his victory, a crackling sound suddenly came from the fire.

Everyone was shocked instantly.

Could it be that this guy survived such a terrifying blow? ? ?

as predicted.

When the fire light dissipates. Atalga was still standing unscathed.


His hard armor slowly cracked.

Even the mask on his face shattered into red light and dissipated with a crisp sound.

At this time, Atarja's evil face full of ferocious fangs was finally revealed to everyone! ! !

It seemed that Zero's blow was not ineffective.

It's just that they were all blocked by the armor on Atalga's body.

Atalga, who had always had an extremely gentlemanly tone, finally felt resentful at this moment!

"very good!"

"I want you to die!!!"

Atarja suddenly became angry.

He began to accumulate terrifying energy all over his body!

It seems that he wants to separate his life and death from Zero.

However, now is not the time!

Lin Tian finally moved!

He raised his arms slightly.

next second.

The Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument appeared directly in his hand.

Under the scattered golden light.

A golden light suddenly shot out and landed directly in front of Zero.

The huge wings are like Kunpeng, covering the sky and the sun!

EX brother Morant! ! !

As soon as it came out, it stared at Atarja.

There were constant roars coming out of his mouth.

Lin Tian understood after feeling it for a while.

EX brother Morant is too excited.

After all, I haven’t come out to fight for a while!

He is eager to fight!

He was naturally excited when such a powerful enemy appeared in front of him.

But the appearance of EX brother Morant immediately frightened everyone at UPG.

They suddenly panicked.

Atalga is still destroyed, why does such a terrifying monster appear again? ? ?

At this time, Haruno Musashi explained to them the origin of EX brother Morant.

Everyone was shocked instantly.

Nani? ? ?

Humans control monsters?

Could such a thing happen?

Even if Lin Tian is not a human being, he is just a tiny spaceman!

How could the monster listen to him?

Moreover, this monster looks super scary!

Like an ancient behemoth!

"This guy is so strong!"

Auditorium Light and Xiang looked at each other and confirmed a fact together.

Lin Tian is a strong man.

The monster brought them nothing but terror!

Even fear!

This has never happened before!


Sero felt a little frustrated.

He snorted and said stubbornly: "Lin Tian, ​​you don't need to summon EX brother Morant, I can kill him by myself!"

Lin Tian was really helpless and could only smile and ignore it.

Can one person destroy him?

Then your ultimate move only damaged other people's armor?

This guy Zero is really arrogant to the point of death.

He didn't bother to pay attention to Zero, and directly raised his hand to wave the shining EX ultimate combat instrument in his hand.

next second.

Atarja, who was staring at EX brother Morant in a daze not far away, suddenly felt shocked.

He seemed to feel a biting killing intent.

Then, he followed his gaze and looked at Lin Tian.

Everyone else is numb.

Just looking at the giant beast in front of him with his eyes, he couldn't help but feel a little palpitated in his heart.

Isn't this guy Lin Tian a genius scientist from the Kingdom of Light?


There is nothing wrong with this information!

But why could this so-called scientist summon such a terrifying monster? ? ?

Has the technology of the Kingdom of Light reached this level?


Atarja is really numb!

He had no data on the monster in front of him.

I don’t know his background at all!

It seems that we can only go back and have a long-term discussion with that guy from Titan!

Thinking of this, Atarja quickly turned around and ran away.

However, Lin Tian did not intend to let him go so easily.

At least he has to suffer a little!

(End of this chapter)

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