Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 92 Lin Tian’s special training! How many people were panicked!

Chapter 92 Lin Tian’s special training! How many people were panicked!

At this end, Atarja was just about to escape.

But his steps suddenly stopped.


The huge monster that was far behind him just now unexpectedly landed slowly in front of him while waving its giant wings!

Atarja looked at EX brother Morant, and felt as if a large group of grass and mud horses were running through him.

It shouldn’t be!

This plot is absolutely wrong! ! !

If he were in peak condition, he might be able to fight this monster with that armor on.

But now, without the armor, he has no such confidence at all!

However, how could Lin Tian care about his thoughts.

With a twist of his wrist, EX brother Morant flew directly towards Atarja!

Extremely fast!

The huge claws even grabbed Atarja's face directly!

Atarja didn't have time to react!

EX brother Morant is too fast!

Moreover, his body is so big that it is breathtaking!


Just for a moment!

Atarja received a hard slap on the face!

The body became even heavier and was shot away.

However, he didn't wait for him to land.

Atarja actually followed this force and flew back towards the City of Time and Space! ! !

He didn't even dare to turn his head, but directly charged up and accelerated to escape.

Soon he disappeared!

Everyone saw this scene and opened their mouths in surprise.

Wasn't Atarja very awesome just now?

Niubi is coaxing.

Why did you escape like this? ? ?

The initiator of all this is the monster!

In other words, Lin Tian!

Lin Tian is so strong! ! !

"Musashi, is that monster really Lin Tian's?"

The auditorium light didn't dare to look away from the monster, for fear of missing any details.

Haruno Musashi couldn't help but nodded.

"It's his."

"Lin Tian has many more powerful monsters like this!"

Nani? ? ?

Hearing this, everyone almost went numb.

Isn't this so damn annoying?

This monster had already frightened Atarja and ran away immediately.

There is more than one such monster Lin Tian? ? ?

He is also a guy over one meter tall.

Such ability!

It’s so enviable and jealous! ! !

At the same time, at the top of the City of Time and Space.

Titan was looking at the battlefield below, saying nothing.

He held the golden sword by its head and punched it on the ground.

He was extremely shocked.

When Lin Tian's monsters came face to face with Atarja just now, he saw them all.

Even though the monster is huge, it looks very clumsy.

But that speed was really terrifying.

He seriously doubted whether he could defeat that guy if it were him.

However, it’s the intensity that makes it challenging!

Titan couldn't help but feel excited.

At this time, Atarja's figure was getting closer and closer.

Looking at Atarja in such a mess, Titan couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Useless things!"


A roar suddenly sounded from the sky and the earth.

The huge city of time and space actually went directly into the time and space wormhole after Atarja returned.


"That guy actually escaped???"

When Time and Space City left, Alena was the most shocked.

Having spent time with Atarja day and night, she clearly knew the terror of Atarja.

She watched with her own eyes as that guy sealed one Ultra warrior after another.

Extremely powerful.

But it was such a powerful Atarja who was so frightened by Lin Tian's monster that he fled from here?

At this time, Lin Tian also put away the EX brother Morant and the shining EX ultimate combat device.

Everyone immediately gathered around him.

"Lin Tian, ​​how did you control the monster?"

"Lin Tian, ​​that monster of yours is so strong!"

"Lin Tian."

"." Facing the praise from everyone, Lin Tian didn't care much.

But standing far away, Zero, who had not yet returned to his human form, became angry.

"Damn it, why did this guy pretend to be here again!!!"

"I'm obviously very strong, okay?"

at this time.

Matsumoto Goki also said in Zero's body: "That guy's monster is so strong!"

Hearing what he said, Zero was furious!


Are you my human body or Lin Tian's human body?

Serve spicy!

Haruno Musashi stepped forward and expressed his doubts.

"Lin Tian, ​​why don't you catch up with Atarja?"

When Musashi said this, everyone stopped and looked at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian thought for a while and found a reason at random.

"That's because keeping that guy is still useful."

Haruno Musashi was startled for a moment and turned to look at Lin Tian.

Everyone was also puzzled.

Is there any use in keeping him?

Lin Tian nodded, and then looked at Guang Hexiang in the auditorium.

"Atalga should not be defeated by me."

"It should be defeated by you!"

Lin Tian said lightly: "It is impossible for me, Sero and Musashi to stay on earth forever."

"Xiaoguang, Xiang, you need to use your own power to protect this earth!"

"So. Next, I will train you personally!!!"

Everyone listened to the first part of Lin Tian's words with serious eyes.

When they heard Lin Tian say that he wanted to personally train Auditorium Light and Xiang, they instantly showed a look of surprise.

Auditorium Hikari and Xiang were even more surprised and couldn't open their mouths from ear to ear!



The two of them shouted in shock almost at the same time.

Are they about to be trained by Lin Tian?


Lin Tian is not an Ultra Warrior! ! !

At this moment, Sero returned to his heroic Matsumoto appearance and came to everyone.

When he heard that he was going to train these two people, he was extremely happy.

"That's right! Just train them!"

Since "graduating" under Leo, Zero has particularly enjoyed training others.

Especially after hearing about the methods used by his father to train Leo.

He couldn't wait to try it on someone new.

This time, Lin Tian actually gave him this opportunity! ! !

Cool! ! !

Lin Tian was speechless.

"What, Cero, do you want to participate in training too?"

Hearing Lin Tian's question, Sero nodded heavily, but then shook his head like a rattle.

"Yes! Oh no! I don't want to participate in training, I want to train them with you!!!"

However, Lin Tian smiled.

He directly ignored the second half of Zero's sentence.

"In that case, then you can participate in training with them!"

"It just so happens that your strength can be further improved!"

After finishing his words, Lin Tian entered the UPG base without looking back.

Everyone also walked in together.

But Zero's body collapsed directly to the ground.

"Ah? I don't want it!!!"

In the afternoon, in a mountain outside the UPG base.

Lin Tian looked calmly at Guang Hexiang in the auditorium in front of him.

Of course, there is also Matsumoto Goki!

That is Zero!

"To be honest, with the current strength of the three of you, it's probably a hundred thousand years too early to defeat Atarja."

In fact, this was probably said by Zero to the two of them in the original plot.

Lin Tian, ​​however, imitated the cat and the tiger, and deliberately attacked them.

When Sero heard this, he couldn't help but feel awkward.

He asked doubtfully: "Lin Tian, ​​how do you want to train us?"

"Come on though!"

(End of this chapter)

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