Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 105 Lord 9 Swords: Something is wrong with my disciple

Chapter 105 Lord Nine Swords: Something is wrong with my disciple

"Stop talking nonsense, let's attack together!" Someone suddenly woke up.

At his reminder, one by one the spiritual masters and warriors began to attack Wei Wen.

What makes them unbelievable is that even if they attack together, they still can't break through Wei Wen's domain.

And the mysterious rules contained in the storm of his domain have already swept through everyone below!

"how is this possible!"

"It's completely useless!"


"How strong is this guy?"

The expressions of the thousands of people around them changed dramatically at this moment. They were already frightened by this situation, and they did not dare to fight anymore, and were ready to flee in all directions.

"It's a pity that it's too late." Wei Wen shook his head slightly.

  The field expanded instantly, quickly enveloping all the contestants within a thousand meters.

Just for a moment... the blade storm strangled, and only a blood-red mist remained between the sky and the earth.

Participant: Wei Wen (Black Dragon Mountain Empire)

Points: 1234.

Rank: 4321.

And now the 88th World District is currently ranked first in the rankings, with 13746 points.

They have just entered less than an hour ago, and most of the contestants have zero points. Killing such contestants only gives you 1 point.

In other words, this guy has killed more than 1 people in just one hour!
  "A good wage earner. If you kill him, you can get half of the points. I don't know if this guy is in my city." Wei Wen showed a smile.

If he could meet someone with such high points, he would get more points by killing one of them than he currently does by killing 10,000 contestants.


In the sky above the world area, all participants can fly to a height of about 10,000 meters. If they fly higher, they will encounter invisible barriers.

Above the barrier, there are spaceships flying slowly through the world area, and the people in these spaceships are watching the battle of geniuses.

Because the talent battle qualifiers will not be broadcast. After all, there are hundreds of billions of battles, who will be broadcast?
  If you want to see it, you can only come to the world area and take a spaceship to overlook it, and there is a fee.

"Mom and dad's rankings have been falling, while Wei Wen and Uncle Lei Shen's rankings have been rising. Now both of them are in the top 1000."

Luo Hai bit his lip and held a virtual screen in his hand. There was a ranking list on the screen, which was the ranking of the 88th world area. He had already locked Luo Feng, Wei Wen, Hong and Lei Shen in this world area.

Wei Wen's ranking rose the fastest, and Hong and Lei Shen were not slow either. Only Luo Feng's ranking kept falling.

"What do you know? Dad is conserving his strength." Luo Ping said.

"Besides Uncle Wei Wen, among the 82 billion people below, who is my father's opponent? Do we still need to retain our strength?" Luo Hai's mouth twitched.

Luo Feng and Hong's rankings are indeed very low, even inconspicuous at all.

"The preliminaries have just begun, how can you be so anxious." Xu Xin shook his head slightly.

"I'm just waiting to see how powerful my father is." Luo Hai put his hands on his hips.


In another spaceship.

"The battle of the pinnacle geniuses of the universe has spread to the 1008 universe country of the human race. The Ganwu universe country alone has 8225 billion star-level competition. It is... unbelievable. I was eliminated as soon as I entered." After supplies, everyone can be said to have time and resources, and now many people are already at star level.

When they encounter a situation like a genius battle, they are naturally very curious, but most of the contestants in the genius battle have their own fields.

"The surprises they bring us may never stop."

The young would-be warrior ten years ago already felt that he was the pinnacle of human achievement and glory.

But when he walked out of the earth, he suddenly understood that this was far from the climax, and it might just be the beginning of breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly.

Now, the four of them represent the people of earth to participate in the peak genius battle of the universe, fighting for a farther future.

They are tearing open the cocoon and revealing their talents.

"He is now among the top 88 in the 1000th World District!"

  Everyone turned their attention to the screen.

998 name!
  Jia Yi and others' expressions changed slightly. There are more than 80 billion people in each world area. How could Wei Wen be so powerful?
  They all looked at each other, and after looking at each other, they could see the wonder in their eyes.

They all also tried to participate in the genius battle, but they have all been eliminated, and Wei Wencai has been a warrior for less than 10 years!
  Even if it is compared to the growth time of ordinary people, it is relatively short, let alone a life span of tens of thousands of years at the star level.

It seems that they still lack awareness of Wei Wen's abilities, but - it's not that they underestimate Wei Wen... it's that they really don't dare to think about it!

In the genius battle plane, a figure appeared.

"Wei Wen..." Lord Nine Swords' eyes fell on Wei Wen, with a slight smile on his face.

Wei Wen is considered to be the most talented person in the original law among his disciples, and he is very suitable for swordsmanship, so he prefers Wei Wen.

And it turns out that Wei Wen's progress is really fast. After all, he is a genius who emerged from the 10 era.

If it is also suitable to analyze the essence of the original law, it is very possible that Bolan, another peerless genius who can surpass the genius battle.

It’s just that Lord Nine Swords also hopes that Wei Wen won’t be like Bo Lan, who wants to understand the original law of space today and wants to understand the original law of time tomorrow.

As the saying goes, ten birds in the forest are worse than one in the hand. The most taboo thing along the way of spiritual practice is distraction. After all, everyone's energy is limited. If you are strong in everything, nothing will make you stronger.

At least in the eyes of many venerables, Bolan's way of practice is not suitable for doing so during a period of rapid growth, because it is a waste of talent.

"Sure enough, why worry about it..." The corners of Venerable Nine Swords' mouth twitched, "These geniuses always make people worry-free."

Since Wei Wen has a strong talent for the original law of time, he should specialize in the original law of time. Unexpectedly, Wei Wen actually understood the original law of space.

You can't teach others, just teach them once. Lord Nine Swords didn't intend to remind Wei Wen.

It's not that he doesn't want to be reminded, but that every genius is very aloof. For example, Bolan, I don't know how many strong people have reminded him, but he still refuses to change.

It wasn't until Luo Feng, a genius of the same generation, surpassed him that he truly realized his mistake.

Therefore, Lord Nine Swords planned to let Wei Wen try to continue practicing like this first, and he would correct it after he realized his mistake.

Of course, Lord Nine Swords doesn't know that Wei Wen is very talented in the original law of space!

Wei Wen flew through the city in a swaggering manner, never covering his whereabouts.

It is said that no matter how powerful a genius is, he is afraid of being besieged. For example, although Bolan is strong, at least in the trial tower, he is stronger than his opponents on the first floor of the sixth trial tower.

But if he is besieged by ten thousand people, no matter how powerful he is, he will still die.

This situation seemed reasonable, but Wei Wen really wanted to try it.

(End of this chapter)

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