Chapter 106
  "First spend more than ten days to clear this city, and then I can go to other cities to find experts, so that I can reach the first place in District 88 in the world ranking." Wei Wen thought to himself.

The first place in the world area can skip the arena battle and directly enter the top 1,000 in the Qianwu Universe Kingdom.

With Wei Wen's strength, it is completely meaningless to go to the ring to fight against others, or even engage in reincarnation battles that last for several years.


The Yanshen Soldier passed by a certain street corner like a surprise. The Yanshen Soldier was instantly stained with blood, and then returned to Wei Wen's side.

Although the force and telekinesis are automatically restored and replenished every moment, this kind of replenishment, which belongs to the ordinary recovery speed of a ninth-level astral-level telekinesis master, is completely different from that of him in the original universe.

But it has to be said that this is still cruelty, so Wei Wencai acted arrogantly in order to attract more enemies, so that he can defeat more powerful people with one move in the field.

As for one-on-one, his understanding of the origin of time is not even worth using because his opponent is too weak.

Using the law of the origin of time to understand, it is completely overkill, and the warrior's fighting style is not suitable for torture.

As for the Divine Weapon... In fact, as long as you have enough understanding, you can use any weapon. It's just a matter of higher or lower compatibility.


after one day.

"As you all know, a super genius has appeared in our city, and his ranking has reached the top 100." The young genius from the Ganwu Secret Realm reminded.

"He is also very bloodthirsty and too arrogant. He leaves no contestant behind wherever he goes. So my idea is that we work together to get rid of this person."

"The main reason is that he is indeed stronger than us. It will be unlucky for anyone among us to encounter him."

"We don't have a lot of points. If we lose half of our points if we are killed, we will definitely not be able to enter the top 1000!"

"If we don't deal with him in advance now, it will definitely affect our ranking in the 88th World District."

"So we have only one way. We from the Witch Secret Realm can deal with him together. Maybe we can eliminate him."

If they can join the Qianwu Secret Realm, they are regarded as peerless geniuses in the entire Qianwu Universe.

Although they can live well in this 88th world area and their points are not low, there is nothing they can do when they encounter Wei Wen, a pervert.

The only purpose is to join forces to kill the unscrupulous Wei Wen.

After the young man finished speaking, many geniuses in the secret realm of Qianwu thought for a while, and then each expressed their stance.


"I agree."

"He must be killed, otherwise we will definitely not be able to pass the qualifiers."

"I also want to know how capable he is and how dare he be so arrogant."

"Is there no one left in our secret witchcraft realm?"

Suddenly - a stream of light shuttled through the city, and when he came closer, its figure was quickly revealed.

He was seen wearing blood-red armor and holding a long sword with golden light blooming on it.

This is?

"Sword God?" The geniuses of the Secret Realm of Gansha were shocked and did not dare to relax at all.

"I heard that you are preparing to attack that 'Sword God' organization...add me." The 'Sword God' showed a smile. Um?
  Everyone looked a little surprised.

"I heard that many people now call him the 'Sword Immortal'. I don't like this title very much, so... I'm here to kill him." Bloodthirsty murderous intent rose in the eyes of the 'Sword God'.

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched, and a trace of imperceptible disdain flashed in their eyes. They didn't dare to kill him alone, weren't they still timid?

Of course, the Sword God was very powerful, but they didn't dare to say it to their face.


In the luxurious and vast hall of a spaceship, the top leaders of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire gathered together.

The battle between the pinnacle geniuses of the universe is a grand event that involves the entire universe. The contestants in their respective star regions represent the face and honor of their respective empires, so they are naturally extremely concerned about it.

"Hahaha..." The emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, who was wearing a dark black royal robe, had an excited face, and his rich laughter echoed in the spaceship hall.

At the very front of the hall, there was a huge screen, which displayed the number of pre-selected places for the Black Dragon Mountain Empire (temporarily): 2, and the names of Wei Wen and Thunder God were also displayed at the back.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

"This genius named Wei Wenhe Lei Shen has been soaring in the rankings since he entered the 88th World District. As long as he does not encounter any accidents and is eliminated early, he will definitely pass the qualifiers."

"The appearance of these two is a great honor for our Black Dragon Mountain Empire!"

Whether it is the royal family of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire or the high-level officials of the elementary civilization under their jurisdiction, everyone is in a more comfortable mood.

"Very good, very good. Our Black Dragon Mountain Empire has always been ranked at the bottom in previous genius competitions and has never achieved anything. This time we can finally be proud of it!" the emperor said loudly.

Suddenly, beside the emperor, a seemingly elegant and powerful Realm Master received an email. He frowned and didn't know what to do for a moment.

"This is Daxi Shen. There seems to be something wrong with your expression?" The emperor immediately noticed his abnormality.

"The people we sent out finally discovered Wei Wen's coordinates in the 88th world area and have been watching the battle, but now he is in a very troublesome situation." The powerful world leader said with a solemn expression.

"Wei Wen does have the ability to pass the pre-selection, but if he encounters trouble so early, he will also be eliminated in the final result. After all, he can get a lot of points by killing any master later."

"According to the news coming from below, the people in Qianwu Secret Realm are preparing to besiege Wei Wen. The weakest people in Qianwu Secret Realm are among the top 1 in the world!"

"The strongest among them is the codename 'Sword God'. According to the information we found, he has crossed the threshold of the origin law of gold!"

"Why are you so shameless!" When the emperor heard this, his mouth suddenly twitched.

There are only a few hundred geniuses who have crossed the threshold of the original law in the entire Qianwu Universe Kingdom. It can be said that they are definitely capable of competing for the top one thousand in the Qianwu Universe Kingdom!

It's just that Wei Wen encountered such a genius in advance, but there were actually geniuses from the Qianwu Secret Realm besieging him.

You must know that most of the geniuses who can rank among the top 10,000 in the world area have reached the sixth or seventh level, or even higher!

"Let our people immediately broadcast Wei Wen's situation here and connect the scene of Wei Wen's battle to the screen in front!" The emperor said in silence for a moment.

"Wei Wen is in trouble in the world zone, but even if he fails and is eliminated in the qualifiers, he will still make great contributions to our Black Dragon Mountain Empire. Please cheer for him with me, gentlemen."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The Realm Master immediately started to arrange the matter, and soon the screen in the hall quickly appeared.

Thousands of senior executives all stopped smiling and looked at the huge screen above.

They expect Wei Wen to create miracles. What if Wei Wen can really do it?

(End of this chapter)

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