Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 114 The Lord of the Universe Eye of Time and Space

Chapter 114 The Lord of the Universe Eye of Time and Space

The leader of Ganwu Kingdom was once very stubborn. He owed several treasure points due to gambling. The debt could not be measured by money at all.

But now he actually bets on Wei Wen's future with the eyes of the Universe Lord-level space-time nightmare beast. How miserable is he being forced to do this?
  "This eyeball should be the eye of space. The Lord of Ganwu Kingdom won't be so hard-working, right?" Wei Wen was secretly shocked.

"But since the leader of Ganwu Kingdom has made such a big bet, I feel a little embarrassed if I don't help him."

Could it be that the leader of Ganwu Kingdom owes a lot of debt and has to place the bet on Wei Wen?

But this is not right. Even a genius who has emerged from tens of millions of eras would not make such a big bet, right?
  Of course, since the leader of Ganwu Kingdom gave him such a treasure, he probably wouldn't mind him transferring it to Luo Feng, right?
  After all, Luo Feng has risen, and he can be regarded as a genius of Qianwu Universe Country, which has some contributions to him!
  Of course, giving away such a treasure would involve paying a lot of price and risk. After all, Wei Wen might not be worth the space eye of this cosmic master-level space-time nightmare beast.

"Luo Feng, I don't know what this thing is. I feel it's useless, so I'm giving it to you." Wei Wen was silent for a moment and handed the world ring to Luo Feng.

"Ah, isn't this a treasure given to you by the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom, hoping to help you achieve first place?" Luo Feng looked confused.

"Achieve first place?" Wei Wen shook his head slightly.

"Even without the treasure, I can easily get the first place with my current strength. I am just a genius whose spatial awareness is probably at the level of hundreds of phantom bodies."

"So this treasure is of no use to me, but it should have a good effect on you. I think this thing is a space treasure, which is very suitable for your Demon Slayer clone."

"But after all, it was a gift from the Lord of Qianwu Kingdom, so you have to keep the treasure transferred to you a secret."

If it were the Eye of Time, this might have a greater effect on Wei Wen, but now his highest talent is the talent of the Law of the Origin of Time.

The Eye of Space alone is of little significance to Wei Wen. It is better to give it to Luo Feng, which might be able to feed back higher-level eyeballs.

Secondly, having this eye of space must also be of great help to Luo Feng in understanding the original laws of space.

The higher Luo Feng's perception, the stronger the feedback will naturally be to Wei Wen, so giving it to Luo Feng is the best choice.

"Thank you." Luo Feng didn't know the value of this treasure, so he didn't say much.

Moreover, Luo Feng has never given up on the idea of ​​surpassing Wei Wen. Hearing that this treasure can improve the efficiency of understanding the original laws of space, Luo Feng is naturally looking forward to it.

[Your bound friend Luo Feng has obtained the Universe Lord-level Space-Time Nightmare Beast Space Eye... Congratulations on getting the Universe Master-level Space-Time Nightmare Beast Space-Time Eye...]

Not to mention anything else, the exaggerated value of the Universe Venerable level material alone has been directly upgraded to the Universe Lord level.

If measured by treasures, this material can probably be used as a material for making treasures.

"Fuck!" Wei Wendu was shocked.

If the so-called heavy treasures are generally treasures used by the Universe Venerable, their value can no longer be measured in Hunyuan units.

So treasures are generally treasures used by the overlords and lords of the universe. Their value is far beyond that of heavy treasures. The value of the treasure itself is already unimaginable.

In addition, if the previous eye of space could only allow Wei Wen to understand the efficiency of space, then now it can allow Wei Wen to understand the original laws of time and space.

Maybe the life gene level analysis diagram that was fed back before is more valuable, but for Wei Wen, it is of no use at all.

Therefore, the most useful treasure for Wei Wen at present is the Eye of Time and Space, the master-level time-space nightmare beast that is fed back.

Wei Wen's breathing was also a little rapid. No matter how confident he was in himself and how well he understood the Devouring World, he never thought that he would be able to obtain such a heaven-defying treasure at the star level.

With a thought, Wei Wenzun appeared in the inner world, and at the same time, two eyes of time and space appeared in the inner world. Roar!
  Fluctuations were created around the Eye of Time and Space, creating endless artistic conceptions.

Wei Wen vaguely seemed to see a scene countless years ago, where a huge space-time nightmare beast roamed the universe, roaring and roaring, killing tens of millions of powerful people.

The fierce aura and powerful artistic conception... shocked Wei Wen.

Wei Wen and his clone let out a painful scream, and endured the pain and continued to try to see the secret pattern of the origin of time and space.

But the more he watched, the stronger Wei Wen's pain became.

It was as if an invisible pressure that controlled time and space directly oppressed Wei Wen's body, and even that invisible pressure directly oppressed his soul.

"Just two lifeless Eyes of Time and Space can actually make me feel the pressure when facing the Lord of Nine Swords." Wei Wen couldn't help but hold his breath while looking at the Eyes of Time and Space.

Wei Wen retreated for a while, feeling that the pressure was not so strong.

In addition, if the main body sees it, it means that the Void clone has also seen it.

"Ouch~~" The void clone in the inner world couldn't help but raise its head and roar at this moment, with excitement and excitement in its dark golden eyes.

It's a pity that one is a living thing and the other is a dead thing. The difference is naturally huge.

After all, it is said that form is secondary and God is primary!

Just like the secret method given to him by the Lord of Nine Swords, the secret method alone may not mean much, but there is a unique artistic conception in it, that is, God, which makes it easier for Wei Wen to understand.

But the pair of time and space eyes in front of him... gave Wei Wen the feeling of seeing the eyes of a living universe master-level space-time nightmare beast, and seeing the original laws of space and time in the universe.

Yes, the so-called Lord of the Universe is the state in which he is the law!

For example, the beast god is the fusion of the original law, and every move carries the fusion of the original law.

Watching the time-space eye master of the space-time nightmare beast...that is to directly observe the powerful time-space origin law possessed by the universe master-level space-time nightmare beast.

Of course, this is only the corpse material of the Space-Time Nightmare Beast after all, and its artistic conception is naturally far inferior to that of the living Universe Lord-level Time-Space Nightmare Beast.

The living Lord of the Universe is the one who controls time and space.

But fortunately, it also contains a unique artistic conception... which can make it easier for Wei Wen to understand the original laws of time and space.

Through the artistic conception and charm contained in the Eye of Time and Space, Wei Wendu could vaguely feel the scene of ancient monsters exerting the original laws of time and space.

By looking at the Eye of Time and Space, Wei Wen and the Void Clone can always refer to it and understand how to practice and make progress in the subsequent original laws of time and space.

Perhaps the Eye of Time and Space is not as magical as the Chaos Monument in Chaos City, but it is also of great use to Wei Wen.

If we talk about the previous Venerable Wei Wen, he was probably considered a genius who only appeared in tens of millions of epochs.

So now Wei Wen's growth efficiency in terms of the origin of time is comparable to the genius science that came out hundreds of millions of years ago.

And the growth efficiency in terms of the original laws of space is already comparable to that of a genius born in tens of millions of epochs.

(End of this chapter)

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