Chapter 115 Earth Crisis
  "A genius born in hundreds of millions of epochs, at least as far as geniuses are concerned, is already considered the strongest level!" Wei Wen showed a hint of excitement.

If Wei Wen had only a certain degree of confidence in passing through the seventh trial tower before, but now his confidence has greatly increased, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is 98%.

inner world.

Two eyes of time and space, about thousands of kilometers high, are suspended in the air, exuding faint fluctuations of the original laws of time and space, and are covered with complicated secret patterns.

The secret pattern is composed of countless law threads intersecting in series, which looks extremely complicated.

But these secret patterns are faintly communicating with the original laws of time and space in the origin of the universe, creating a unique artistic conception around them and making it easier to understand.

Wei Wen carefully looked at this extremely complex and perfect secret pattern of the eye of time and space. The entire secret pattern was as complete as one. He quietly comprehended it and constantly and carefully understood the original laws of time and space.


The qualifiers end around the 20th day.

"Wei Wen, what did the special envoy of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire mean just now? Send you the Silver Blue Empire directly, and also send it to our galaxy?" Luo Feng looked confused.

"You must know that it is the territory of a primary civilization in the universe, containing nine galaxies."

"Although the value is estimated to be around 10 Hunyuan units, this is territory and cannot be measured by money!"

To be honest, the net worth of Wei Wen, Luo Feng and others is definitely more than 10 Hunyuan units now, but it is very troublesome to buy the Silver and Blue Empire.

In the end, the top officials of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire just gave it away just like that?

Moreover, the Black Dragon Mountain Empire specifically stated that it would never interfere with Wei Wen's management of the Silver Blue Empire.

Although Wei Wen did not expect this result, the value of this gift to him was not much, and he seemed relatively calm.

"This condition... Judging from the appearance of the special envoy, it must be guessed that we are the successors taught by some hidden powerhouse." Wei Wen said in silence for a moment.

It is obviously abnormal for Wei Wen and four other super geniuses to appear on the same planet, unless there is someone super powerful behind them.

However, the earth's special characteristics are indeed unique. You must even reach the level of the strongest person in the universe to see the clues. Naturally, there is no reason for anyone to think in this direction.

After all, before the virtual universe network became popular on Earth, no one could be sure of their true origins.

The most reliable and reasonable guess is of course that they are geniuses trained by some hidden powerhouse, and finally emerge in the genius battle.

"But in fact, we all know that except for Wei Wen, there is no super strong person behind us. In the battle of peak geniuses, we did not expect to reach this point." Hong said with emotion.

"You must have discovered that the earth is not as simple as we imagined. The speed at which we practice and comprehend the laws, as well as our state of mind, are incredible." The God of Thunder said with a serious face.

"Yes, Babata told me before that in the universe, a planet-level person who can understand a domain is considered a genius..." Luo Feng took a deep breath.

"Generally speaking, the higher the brain breadth, that is, the degree of brain development, the higher the understanding."

"But people on earth are generally not very advanced, but they can realize artistic conceptions and realms at the apprentice level and planet level. This is a level that can only be achieved at the general universe level and domain lord level."

"Such a low brain width, but such an achievement, even in Teacher Hu Yanbo's database, it has never been recorded."

Among the four of them, Luo Feng stepped into the threshold of gold, the origin of space and the origin of space law because of the golden-horned giant beast and the Demon Killer Clan. Ke Hong and Lei Shen obviously do not have this advantage, but they can step into the threshold of the original laws of light and thunder.

It's okay to say that Wei Wen and Luo Feng are not bad at all, after all.

However, the performance of Hong and Lei Shen was a bit incredible. In the later period, they even reached the level of true gods and lords of the universe.

The main reason is said to be that they were influenced by the ancient civilization of the earth, and their state of mind reached an extremely high level, which gave them a unique understanding of the law.

"You are right. The four of us are from the indigenous planet. It can be said that as long as a careful person analyzes it, he will realize that there must be a big secret hidden in it." Wei Wen said in silence for a moment.

"Of course, there are two main reasons why our strength has soared. It was originally inherited from the Fallen Ink Star, but even the influence of our teacher, the Nine Swords Venerable, is probably not enough!"

"In addition, through this genius battle qualifier, you must have clearly seen the special nature of the state of mind."

"For example, those so-called geniuses of the universe also have the guidance of super strong people and are powerful, but most of them have a very bad state of mind."

"Cultivation relies more on talent. There are not many people who can really calm down to think and cultivate their minds. If you have to say it, only Rong Jun is the only one."

"Even those geniuses who work in the secret realm of witchcraft are all arrogant and domineering. They say they are domineering, but in fact they just cannot control their own state of mind."

"Yes, it should be because of his state of mind!" Hong's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Actually, I have always felt weird about my progress speed, and I also feel a little weird about the genius cultivation in the universe."

"I just heard what Wei Wen said, and I finally understood that the reason came from the state of mind!
  "The mental state of people on earth is generally much higher than that of geniuses in the universe!"

"Long before Mahapanirvana, many saints with extremely high mental states appeared on the earth. In terms of mental state, they should have reached the third level as I expected. Now I have only touched the threshold of this level."

"If it's not a problem with our own talents, it means that our state of mind is very special, and the earth is even more special!"

"Ever since Wei Wen first told me that the earth is special, I have always attached great importance to the earth." Babata's voice sounded.

"If the earth is discovered by other forces in the universe, not to mention far away, if the leader of the Wu Universe Kingdom alone is attacked, it will be far beyond our ability to compete."

"Fortunately, I have already blocked the news about the state of mind, law understanding, etc. on the earth a long time ago."

"Fortunately, the Milky Way and even the Silver-Blue Empire are now under our control. We can hide it as long as we can."

"As for the genius battle meeting exposing the speed of cultivation... you can't stop eating because of choking. Only when you are truly strong can you protect the earth."

The secret of the earth: The earth is a time bomb. Wei Wen doesn't know when it will explode, but what they can do now is to use all their strength to become stronger before then.

Maybe even the Nine Swords Venerable can't protect the earth, so Wei Wen can only look for a higher level of power!
  In short, the fate of the earth depends on the four of them.

However, Swallowing Starry Sky respects martial arts and strength at all times, and the fist represents the final say!
  Maybe Wei Wen didn't pay much attention to it at first, but when the three of them talked about it, it reminded him of it.

Although the general trend is still running according to its original trajectory, the fate of several of them has already deviated.

Wei Wen also had to guard against possible crises.

(End of this chapter)

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