Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 116 The Confused Master of Nine Swords

Chapter 116 The Confused Lord of Nine Swords

"Is the earth really abnormal?" Luo Feng, as the earth lord, couldn't help but shudder.

"Maybe it wasn't an accident that the boss chose Earth and even died on Earth?" Babata's mouth twitched.

"The only thing we can do now is to make us and the earth more reasonable... It seems that I have to find a teacher." Wei Wen thought of the Nine Swords Master.

At present, the only strongest combat power he has access to is the Nine Swords Venerable, who is also Wei Wen's biggest backer.

If there is an endorsement from the Nine Swords Venerable, for example, if the Nine Swords Venerable takes a few of them as disciples, it can probably explain their growth rate.

But there is another question, will the Nine Swords Venerable help them?


Virtual universe Thunder Island.

"Wei Wen, please see me?" Lord Nine Swords couldn't help but be startled when he saw the softness of the mail in front of him.

In fact, Lord Nine Swords also wanted to see Wei Wen before. After all, he didn't understand why Wei Wen was suddenly distracted from understanding the original laws of space.

Of course, regarding this point, Master Nine Swords also has a guess, that is, Wei Wen has a clone.

Therefore, Master Nine Swords is also very curious about Wei Wen today and plans to meet him.

In the main hall, Lord Nine Swords sat upright and stared at Wei Wen who walked in with a serious expression.

"Teacher, I may be in trouble!"

Wei Wen waved his hand, and a screen appeared in front of him, which briefly described the historical changes of the earth, and finally the rise of the four of them after the Great Nirvana.

Among them are even Luo Feng's seizure of the golden-horned beast, their discovery of the ruined spaceship, and their eventual journey to the universe... and now their participation in the Genius Battle to make them famous.

After watching the video, Lord Nine Swords probably understood the trouble Wei Wen was talking about.

"Luo Feng? The giant golden-horned beast that seizes the body?" The Nine Swords Venerable's expression remained unchanged, and his tone was slightly surprised, "He also has the inheritance of Hu Yanbo, so he can barely make do with it!"

"Teacher, Luo Feng is just like me. He is only twenty-eight years old this year. He took over the golden-horned giant beast and has a good clone. The origin laws of space and gold have reached a high level." Wei Wen explained briefly. road.

"Luo Feng's talent is only slightly inferior to yours before, and he can be considered a rare peerless genius!" Lord Nine Swords nodded.

"The most important thing is that he has the opportunity to seize the golden-horned giant beast, which makes me feel very envious. After all, I don't have the ability to clone myself."

"Coupled with his growth rate, it would be no problem to accept him as a disciple or even help him cover up."

"Hong is also the first person on my planet to comprehend the realm. Now, like Thor, he has stepped into the threshold of the original law." Wei Wen continued.

"In the eyes of Lord Universe, I can only be called ordinary, at least not enough to be a disciple of Lord Universe!" Lord Nine Swords shook his head slightly.

"Teacher, actually we come from the same place, an indigenous planet that has just joined the cosmic civilization!" Wei Wen added.

"Of course I know this, at least it's not difficult to check, but this makes it appear that you are abnormal. Are you worried about your hometown in the future?" Lord Nine Swords frowned.

"Yes, teacher!" Wei Wen said respectfully, "As the competition approaches, I briefly checked the past and found that a thousand inner leaders in the Qianwu District have transcended the realm, and only six or seven hundred have understood the law."

"But there are four of them on our planet alone. If it's an extraordinary planet, it's normal for this to happen, but it's not normal for this to happen on an indigenous planet."

"We on Earth have no background. Once we appear in the eyes of outsiders, it will definitely cause huge trouble." "You are right, your performance will definitely cause huge waves!" Lord Nine Swords said after a moment of silence. .

"There will be two appearances in the Peak Genius Finals. Especially you and Luo Feng will be ranked very high. Even Luo Feng can enter the top three."

"So the planet you are on will definitely attract huge attention, even enough to cause people stronger than me to pay attention to you."

"Even if I help you hide it, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you for long... After all, if I continue to help you hide it, sooner or later you will fall into the eyes of the higher-ups of the human race."

"My helping you may even bring me risks. Of course, it may also bring me opportunities..."

"After all, you are also part of the human race. As long as something is not right, it will not make the top brass of the human race look bad."

Lord Nine Swords is not very clear about how big the secret of the earth is.

But the biggest secret is probably Wei Wen and Luo Feng, but they can be explained by their clones.

Although Hong and Lei Shen behaved inappropriately, they were just like that in the eyes of the Universe Master, let alone the eyes of stronger ones.

The Lord of Nine Swords had met the gambler King Ganwu. King Ganwu had gambled many times before and ended up losing miserably.

Of course, the Master of Nine Swords is obviously someone who is not willing to be lonely. Otherwise, when the original star of the original book was opened, he would not go to Luo Feng to borrow the treasure to gamble.

So Lord Nine Swords is also hesitating whether to give it a try or not.

"Well... Teacher, as long as you give me an era, maybe I will reach an unimaginable level." Wei Wen said with firm eyes.

"Oh?" Lord Nine Swords asked curiously, "Do you want to rely on this era to achieve enough strength that existences like me will no longer put any pressure on you on this matter?"

He didn't know whether to praise Wei Wen or say that Wei Wen was very whimsical.

After all, beings like him are actually a little curious about the earth, but of course they are only a little curious.

But as time goes by, Wei Wen and others may shine brighter. After all, he can also see that the growth efficiency of Wei Wen and others seems to have skyrocketed again and again.

And many peerless geniuses are only great at the beginning, and then fall further and further, and even stop after reaching a certain level because their potential has been exhausted.

Perhaps as Wei Wen and others grow, it will be enough to attract the attention of other universe sages within an era.

"What if I am sure that I will become the Lord of the Universe within an era?" Wei Wen said with firm eyes.

"What did you say?" Lord Nine Swords was suddenly shocked.

For example, Lian Luo, the creator of Piao Xue, has stronger spatial talent than Bo Lan.

But he also spent more than 3000 years in Chaos City (one epoch of the original universe), and he also had the advantage of having a realm lord-level consciousness that entered the land of the original laws of the universe.

For the same genius, the achievement of Realm Lord level in one day is comparable to the achievement of Territory Lord level in one year.

In this case, he realized the 108 kinds of space essence, but in terms of level, it was only the 12th floor of Tongtian Bridge!

Wei Wen's previous growth efficiency was probably at the level of a genius born in the 10 era. It is estimated that it was at the level of Lianluo, or even worse than Lianluo.

If Wei Wen, who has broken through to the World Lord level, can break through the 1th floor of Tongtian Bridge within one era, Master Nine Swords thinks it is possible.

The Tongtian Bridge becomes more difficult the further you go, the 13th floor may take 10 epochs, and the 14th floor even more.
  By analogy, Wei Wen wants to become the Lord of the Universe in an era... he'd better go to sleep, he can have everything in his dreams!
  (End of this chapter)

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