Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 117 The choice of the Nine Swords Master

Chapter 117 The Choice of the Nine Swords Venerable
  "That's enough, just one era." Wei Wen said with a smile.

If it wasn't too shocking, even Wei Wen would dare to say it more exaggeratedly.

After all, according to the original universe timeline, Luo Feng had only practiced for more than ten eras and was already listed as the master of the human race universe.

Lord Nine Swords looked at Wei Wen in shock. He could feel the confidence in Wei Wen's eyes.

Of course, no matter how confident he is, Lord Nine Swords still finds it incredible that Wei Wen became the Lord of the Universe in the same era. It is totally outrageous.

However, he knew Wei Wen quite well and knew that Wei Wen was not the kind of conceited person.

"If you really want me to help you, prove your strength and potential in this genius battle." Lord Nine Swords said after a moment of silence.

"What does the teacher mean?" Wei Wen asked doubtfully.

"Even a genius who emerged from tens of millions of epochs cannot become the Master of the Universe in just one epoch." The Nine Swords Venerable continued.

"You are very confident, but maybe you don't know how difficult it is."

"Of course, if you can't even be considered a genius who emerges from tens of millions of epochs, then the idea of ​​​​one epoch is just a joke."

"As long as you can pass the seventh trial tower in the final elimination round, it can be regarded as proof that you are a genius born in tens of millions of years."

"As long as you can do it, the teacher will help you and will do his best to buy you time."

"Thank you, teacher!" Wei Wen said in surprise.

"No need to thank me." Lord Nine Swords smiled, "You are my disciple, who can I help if I don't help you?"

"And if you can really prove your potential, it will be a good thing for me. Maybe you can help me in the future."

"I understand your character. It doesn't seem to hurt me to help you. It can also create a good relationship, and it may be beneficial in the future."

"But I'm afraid I won't be able to help you for long... After all, if I keep hiding it for you, sooner or later you will fall into the eyes of the higher-ups of the human race."

"Whether you are qualified to intervene in the Supreme Meeting of the Human Race will depend on your own abilities!"

"After all, your hometown needs to be protected by yourself."

"Go ahead and show yourselves well in the genius battle. The better you perform, the more face I will have and the more say I will have!" Lord Nine Swords waved his hand.

"I won't let the teacher down!" Wei Wen bowed and retreated.

In Wei Wen's main hall, the palace of Lord Nine Swords returned to silence again.

"A small indigenous planet can actually produce four extraordinary geniuses. Of course, Hong and Thundergod's talents don't seem to be very high." The Lord of Nine Swords thought to himself.

"But in terms of character, they all seem to be pretty good. It's strange that they can be compared to ordinary people..."

"Of course, the practice of mind nature is different from the original law. It is possible for some people to practice for hundreds of years and have a state of mind comparable to that of immortals or the venerable masters of the universe."

Cultivation of the mind is completely different from other practices. There is almost no absolute correlation between state of mind, character and years of practice, because it is a kind of spiritual detachment.

For example, if a genius cultivates, it will take at least ten thousand years to reach the realm of immortality. After all, it may take ten thousand years for the golden-horned giant beast to grow to the realm lord level normally, but it takes millions of years for ordinary human geniuses to grow!
  But in terms of mind cultivation, it is not impossible to reach a very high level in just a few decades.


Black Dragon Mountain Island.

"No matter what, with my teacher helping to cover, there shouldn't be any danger to our planet in the short term!" Wei Wen looked at Luo Feng and others. "This is already good. If it is exposed too early, there is nothing we can do!" Hong took a deep breath.

"So in the coming time, we must seize every opportunity to become stronger!"

"Of course about the earth... the most amazing thing is probably the state of mind. In just a few decades, the state of mind has reached the third level. This will is incredibly strong." Wei Wen reminded.

"So unless necessary, we cannot expose the particularity of our mood and will in the future."

Wei Wen and others now mainly show their amazing talent for the original law, that is, the speed of progress in their understanding of the law.

This can be explained by many reasons, because some people have very strong understanding and some people have very poor understanding, at least there is no absolute rule.

And even if the clone's situation is exposed, it will not cause any doubts. For example, after the Lord of Chaos City learned that Luo Feng had a clone, he didn't have any big thoughts.

But when it comes to issues of will, they definitely cannot easily explain them.

So they are not afraid of shocking the world with their talent, because they have now pulled the Nine Swords Venerable onto the pirate ship.

As a 'disciple' of Lord Nine Swords, if you perform poorly in the genius battle, that's why people feel something is wrong. If you perform well, that's normal.
  But I am afraid that the will will shock the world for no reason!
  Why did the giant ax suddenly go to earth?
  It's not because Luo Feng is growing faster and faster, nor is it because Luo Feng has a clone, but because of Hong's incredible performance in the Illusion Sea!

So as long as they don't show their will in front of others, they must have the endorsement of the Nine Swords Venerable to resolve a lot of suspicions.

After all, being able to be accepted as a disciple by the Venerable, a slow growth rate is abnormal. A faster growth rate proves that they are qualified to be accepted as a disciple by the Venerable of the Universe, and it also proves the vision of the Venerable Nine Swords.


The next battles for places in Ganwu Universe Kingdom are the arena battle and the reincarnation battle.

Wei Wen gave birth to a clone of the Demon Killer Clan in advance, and after obtaining the Eye of Space, his subsequent strength improvement was extremely astonishing.

In terms of current strength alone, excluding Wei Wen, only Bo Lan can defeat Luo Feng in this genius battle.

Others such as Rong Jun, Wuka and others, who were on par with Luo Feng in the original work, are naturally no match for Luo Feng now.

So Luo Feng is now fighting in the ring?
  Unless Luo Feng deliberately let the water go, it would be impossible.

As for Hong and Lei Shen, Wei Wen is not too worried. Even if they fail in the ring battle, they can still stand out in the reincarnation battle.

After all, among the star-level geniuses in the entire Qianwu Universe Kingdom, there are currently not a thousand geniuses who have crossed the threshold of the original law.

Although the current strength of Hong and Lei Shen is far inferior to that of Luo Feng and Rong Jun, they are not even ranked among the top ten in Ganwu Universe Kingdom.

The subsequent development was as Wei Wen had guessed. Luo Feng, Hong and Lei Shen easily passed through the ring melee and entered the ring battle.

On the day of the arena battle, a total of 625 arenas started fighting at the same time. The competition was non-stop, and the loser entered the reincarnation battle until geniuses were decided.

"I once met a genius named Lei Shen. He said that I am no match for Wei Wen and you." Rong Jun looked at Luo Feng in front of him.

"Luo Feng... you must be hiding your strength. At least on the surface, although you are powerful, the threshold of the origin law of gold is not enough for Thor to comment like this."

"Luo Feng, use your full strength, but can you let me fight to the fullest!"

"Rong Jun, use all your strength?" Luo Feng shook his head slightly.

Rong Jun's goal was to be number one. Of course, he changed it after meeting Wei Wen, but he felt that he couldn't be worse than others.

(End of this chapter)

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