Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 119 Wei Wen Luo Feng 3 years later

Chapter 119 Wei Wen Luo Feng Three Years Later
  Time flies, and two and a half years have passed in the blink of an eye.

During these three years, Wei Wen was practicing hard, and Luo Feng and others were regarded as worshiping the Master of Nine Swords as their teacher.

After that, their original law progressed quickly, and they were considered to have endorsements, so they would not attract strange looks from the strong.

Under the cover of the Nine Swords Venerable, Wei Wen and others no longer have to worry except that they cannot expose their will to defy heaven.

As for Rong Jun, he has grown a lot after three years of reincarnation war.

However, his progress speed is not as good as Luo Feng, and Luo Feng has also surpassed the same period in the original work, so there is still no hope for him to surpass Luo Feng.

"Compared to today's Wei Wen and Luo Feng, I am indeed still very weak, but I still have time to improve myself!" Rong Jun has a big goal, so naturally he will not be depressed.

"My first goal now is to surpass Wei Wen." Luo Feng also has a goal.

After all, Luo Feng may have lost since he was young, but he would never admit defeat.

Because since Luo Feng saw the vastness of the universe, his only goal is to pursue the pinnacle of life, constantly breaking through himself and surpassing others.

It is precisely with this will that Luo Feng can improve himself again and again, break through the limits of his potential, and then defeat stronger opponents one after another!
  Luo Feng was not afraid of difficulties, setbacks, competition, or strong opponents. What he was afraid of was just the slightest bit of difficulty...

"It depends on how far I can reach in the end. Of course, I will set a small goal before that, such as surpassing Wei Wen." Luo Feng's eyes narrowed.


March 2069 is the last day of the reincarnation war.

Over the floating island in the secret realm of dry witchcraft in the virtual universe, in the living room of a huge building, two immortal powerful men were talking.

"Blade God Lord." The white-robed immortal said respectfully.

"Is this the Rong Jun you are talking about?" Blade God Hou looked at the three-dimensional projection in front of him, in which a battle was being broadcast.

"You introduced him, is it possible that... this little guy is qualified to enter the top 1000 in the overall ranking of peak geniuses?"

"Yes." White-robed Immortal explained, "Today is the last day of Rong Jun's reincarnation battle, and his strength has also improved a lot."

"Well, yes, my understanding of the origin of space is really good." Blade Lord nodded, "It should be among the top 10 in strength!"

"His goal is to compete for first place..." The white-robed immortal laughed dumbly.

"With his level of strength... there may have been hope of winning the first place in the past, but this time there is no hope of winning the first place." Blade God Hou said with emotion.

"Not to mention the Death God Bolan, the four disciples of the Nine Swords Venerable are not easy to mess with. Wei Wen and Luo Feng were already stronger than Rong Jun now three years ago."

This talent competition is indeed full of experts, and the quality of most of the geniuses far exceeds the level of previous talent competitions.

For example, the super genius Death God Bolan, his understanding of the original laws of space has surpassed most of the world masters.

"By the way... the Lord Nine Swords has accepted Wei Wen and Luo Feng as his disciples. There must be something special about them. How strong are they?" Blade God Marquis asked curiously.

The vast majority of geniuses, such as those at the level of Death God Bolan, still did not have the Universe Master as their disciples. He was also curious about what was so special about Wei and Wen.

"The Lord of Qianwu Kingdom and the Venerable Nine Swords are still talking about becoming a disciple. After all, the four of them are from Qianwu Universe Kingdom. It is normal to tell the Lord about this matter." White-robed Immortal explained.

"But since the Master of Nine Swords has accepted Wei Wen as his disciple, many people also say that Wei Wen has hidden his strength. Presumably his strength is not inferior to Bolan's."

"Furthermore, it is said that the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom also spent an unimaginable price to invest in Wei Wen. Obviously his potential is unimaginable."

"Of course, I don't know the specific thoughts of the King of the Kingdom and the Lord of Nine Swords." "There is really no need to explain to us the actions of the Lord of the Universe." Lord Blade God nodded.

The Lord of the Ganwu Kingdom and the Nine Swords Venerable are at the first level of the Universe Venerable. It must be very difficult for him to personally recruit disciples.

Maybe you can't see anything now, but you will definitely be able to see something in the trial tower in the final battle of geniuses.


When the two immortals from Ganwu Secret Realm and Virtual Universe Company were discussing Wei Wen, Luo Feng and others, a group of geniuses gathered together because the quota for Ganwu Universe Kingdom had been decided.

"Is he the wild man Rong Jun?"

"The potential of this wild man Rong Jun is so terrifying. How come he has made such rapid progress in the past three years?"

"The immortal teachers in the secret realm have said that Rong Jun is now ranked third among us."

When the wild man Rong Jun appeared, all the geniuses started talking about it.

In the nearly three years of Rong Jun's reincarnation war, Rong Jun became famous for his extraordinary speed of progress, which made him attract the attention of many geniuses. After all, they were competitors before.

"Sword Immortal Wei Wen, Madman Luo Feng..." Rong Jun's rough voice sounded when he saw the arrival of Wei Wen and Luo Feng.

Wei Wen and Luo Feng couldn't help but turn their heads when they heard this familiar voice.

The 3-meter-tall savage ‘Rong Jun’ really stands out from the crowd.

"Savage Rongjun, long time no see!" Wei Wen greeted Luo Feng.

"Hahaha... I wonder how strong you are now?" Savage Rongjun laughed.

Rong Jun had a fight with Wei Wen and Luo Feng, and Rong Jun lost both of them, but he also regarded the two of them as targets.

Especially after hearing about the relationship between Wei Wen and Luo Feng, Rong Jun instantly felt the same, sympathized with each other, and sympathized with each other. After all, their goal was to surpass Wei Wen.

"My strength will surprise you." Luo Feng smiled lightly, "As for Wei Wen, I think it's better that you don't know his strength."

Luo Feng now not only had the Demon Killer Clan clone in advance, but also had the Eye of Space given to him by Wei Wen.

His comprehension efficiency has greatly increased now. Two years ago, he was already at the Hundred-Line Level. In the original work, Luo Feng's strongest strength in the Genius Battle was only the Nine-Line Level.

Luo Feng's rapid progress is partly due to Wei Wen, that is, Wei Wen also gave Wei Wen guidance. Luo Feng also often competed with Wei Wen and had some knowledge of Wei Wen's strength.

Wei Wen's Space Origin Law is at the level of a genius born in tens of millions of epochs. Coupled with the feedback brought by Luo Feng's practice, he has now surpassed Ten Thousand Lines Flow!

It is estimated that with the understanding of the 6th and 7th floors of the Tongtian Bridge, Luo Feng can explode tens of thousands of space phantoms before breaking through the 7th floor of the Tongtian Bridge.

Of course, more space phantoms are not always better, because there is no such thing as a large number of space phantoms erupting during the battle between the Lord of the Universe and the Lord of the Universe.

After reaching a certain level, creating a phantom body in space is a sign of incompetence in controlling the original laws of space.

As for the current understanding of the origin of time, Wei Wen feels that it is at least the 7th level. He will reach the 8th level before and after the final battle of the Genius Battle, and there will be no problem in passing the seventh trial tower.

After all, he is a genius who emerged from hundreds of millions of years ago, and his talent is comparable to that of Kedi. It would be easy for Kedi to break through the same level of Tongtian Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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