Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 120 The final battle begins

Chapter 120 The final battle begins

"It seems you haven't relaxed at all." Savage Rongjun sighed.

After all, no matter how talented a genius is, if he is just talented enough and doesn't work hard, he will still be surpassed.

But Wei Wen and Luo Feng have made such rapid progress... and still work so hard.

Rong Jun felt helpless... He was not afraid that others were more talented than him, but he was afraid that others were more talented and worked harder than him.

"After all, with Wei Wen in front of me, I naturally dare not relax." Luo Feng shook his head slightly.

"Wei Wen..." Thinking of Wei Wen's strength, Rong Jun also had a headache.

He was no match for Wei Wen three years ago, and he was still no match for him three years later. He felt that if he was given another three years, he would not be able to surpass Wei Wen if there was no chance.

Since the Genius Battle, since Rong Jun lost to Wei Wen, every time he made a big step forward, he had to fight against Wei Wen simulated by the virtual universe, but he never won.

"Geniuses, follow me in first!" the voice of the staff of Virtual Universe Company sounded.

Suddenly, 1000 geniuses walked along the inside of the passage in small groups.

There is no audience here today, only 1000 geniuses and two immortal strong men.

Others may not know this person, but Wei Wen and others have seen him in Qiulong Star. The treasure in Luo Feng's hand was given by the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom through him.

"First of all, congratulations on obtaining the quota of Qianwu Universe Nation and being able to represent Qianwu Universe Nation in the Peak Genius Competition!" Thirteen's voice sounded.

"Because the genius selection competition methods of each universe country are different, the internal selection ends at different times."

"In about a year and a half, you will have to compete with geniuses from many other universe countries, but the intensity of this peak showdown is much higher than your previous battles!"

"This year and a half should be your last chance to improve!"

"What level you can reach in the future depends on your ranking in the peak genius battle!" Thirteen looked at Wei Wen and others with meaningful eyes.

It is no longer a secret that Wei Wen and others were accepted as disciples by the Nine Swords Venerable because of the Nine Swords Venerable's propaganda.

Just saying that they are disciples of the Nine Swords Venerable, it can be said that they cannot be underestimated.

Especially Wei Wen, after the leader of Ganwu Kingdom gave Wei Wen the Eye of Space, he often let Shisan and Wei Wen communicate in the virtual universe.

After all, Thirteen is the person in charge of this war between the geniuses of Ganwu Universe Country, so it is normal to find Wei Wen.

Although Wei Wen didn't tell him his specific strength, he told him that it would be absolutely no problem for a genius to fight for the top spot.

But in Thirteen's eyes, Wei Wen also has a strange temperament in his heart, as if he likes to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

Of course, Wei Wen did this before because he was afraid that for his own sake, the earth would be exposed to the eyes of the higher-ups of the human race in advance.

After all, it would not be a good thing to expose the earth before growing up.

But now that he has received help from the Lord of Nine Swords, there is no need to hide his strength anymore, and he still needs to prove his potential.

Only in this way can he be recognized by the top leaders of the human race as soon as possible. Even if he is indeed exposed by then, he may already have a certain influence and even strength!

"Wei Wen and others can be accepted as disciples by the Lord of Nine Swords, and a wild genius like the wild man Rong Jun also appears in our Ganwu Universe Kingdom. It seems that our Ganwu Universe Kingdom is in great demand!" Thirteen looked hopeful.

Of course, since the genius war in Ganwu Universe Kingdom ended, the happiest person is still Babata.

Just saying that the Nine Swords Venerable has accepted the four members of Yuan Moxing's lineage as his disciples already shows that Yuanmoxing is the right one. "Boss, especially Wei Wen and Luo Feng, have endless potential. They are far more incredible than I imagined." Babata said with emotion.

"Because as time goes by, I feel like their growth rate is getting more and more terrifying."

"In the future, they will definitely join the Virtual Universe Company and become the real core geniuses. As long as they do not perish in the future, they will definitely become super powerful."

He knew how fast Wei Wen and Luo Feng were growing. Once they joined the Virtual Universe Company and received more resource support, they would definitely soar into the sky.

His future achievements will definitely be much better than those of his boss Hu Yanbo. Helping Hu Yanbo to revenge and revive the Fallen Ink Star will be a piece of cake!


XNUM X Year X NUM X Month.

Wei Wen and other geniuses who entered the virtual universe were teleported through the teleportation array to a square specially opened in Qianwu Continent.

"The finals are coming soon!" Thirteen's figure appeared.

"This time we have three good talents in the Qianwu District. Wei Wen and Luo Feng can enter the top three, and Rong Jun is expected to be in the top ten."

"As for the others, apart from Hong and Thor, there's not much hope."

Since Lord Nine Swords has accepted them as disciples, he naturally has simple training, and there is absolutely no shortage of secret techniques.

The Nine Swords Venerable does not reject space secrets. After all, he is a Space Venerable. It is for this reason that Luo Feng reached the Hundred Lines Level more than three years ago.

With the secret method of Lord Nine Swords and the Eye of Space... Luo Feng already has the possibility of surpassing Bo Lan.

After all, Bolan was distracted to understand the original laws of wind and time, and the growth rate of the original laws of space could only be regarded as a genius who emerged thousands of years ago.

And Luo Feng is already a cheater, so how can he compare to Luo Feng, who is now even more cheating than the original?

The Master of Nine Swords has a very high understanding of the law of the origin of time, and it is naturally easy to create the secret method of the law of the origin of light and thunder. Hong and God of Thunder have made rapid progress, and have even stepped onto the threshold of the origin of the law of time.

After all, they have the potential to be true gods and lords of the universe in the future, so their progress will naturally not be any slower.

Based on their growth rate, they may not be considered geniuses born in tens of millions of epochs, but they are no slower than the growth rate of ordinary demon slayers with such talents.

Otherwise, how could they have enough time in the future to grow into true gods and masters of the universe within one reincarnation?
  "As for other geniuses, the chances are very slim, it can even be said that there is no possibility!"

"You may not be convinced, but the gap in strength is so cruel."

"Because only 1008 geniuses will be selected from 1000 Universe Kingdom, and the average number for each Universe Kingdom is less than one."

"This time, the five of us from Ganwu District are absolutely sure to get the quota, and we have made history!"

"Of course you don't have no chance at all. It depends on whether you can create a miracle."

Each genius is a little unconvinced, but there is nothing they can do if they are not convinced. They can only rely on the next battle to prove their strength and see if they can go further.

Otherwise, as Master Thirteen said, there is no hope of entering the Virtual Universe Company.

"Let's go, follow me to the general competition area!" Thirteen had just finished speaking and led the geniuses to start teleporting.

The place for the Peak Genius Finals is in a newly opened genius battle plane. There are a total of 1008 buildings here, and the players from each universe country are allocated in the same building.

(End of this chapter)

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