Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 123 Crazy Tower Breaking

Chapter 123 Crazy Tower Breaking
  Although Wei Wen did not explode with all his strength, he was recognized as the number one person in this genius battle!
  "He is the God of Death from Noah's Universe. It is said that he killed so many people in the preliminaries that he was called the 'God of Death' Bolan!"

"If anyone can compete with Sword Immortal Wei Wen for first place in the overall ranking, it is only the God of Death!"

"He is indeed very powerful. His sense of space is profound and unpredictable. When he fights with people, hundreds of space phantoms appear. Who is his opponent except Wei Wen?"

"It's a pity that he was born at the wrong time, so he had to give up his first place."

"I really want to see the peak battle between them!"

The God of Death, ‘Bolan’, is an incredible genius. Even in the previous genius battles, there has been no such perverted existence like him for a long, long time.

"The evil spirit is no worse than mine. I hope the Sword Immortal can give me some surprises!" Death God Bolan glanced at Wei Wen and others, frowned slightly, left a word and left.

"From the information I collected, hundreds of space phantoms appeared during the preliminaries of Death God 'Bolan'. I was just a phantom at the beginning." Rong Jun said with emotion.

"A powerful opponent, but it's a pity that Wei Wen is so powerful that it makes people desperate!"

Luo Feng looked at Bolan in the distance with the bloody sword on his back, a little eager to try. This was a good opponent and could become a small target to surpass Wei Wen.

Even Rong Jun, who had always been arrogant, nodded. Bolan, the god of death, was indeed very strong.

It's a pity that according to Rong Jun's understanding, even Luo Feng doesn't know Wei Wen's limit, and this man is the real pervert.

"Is he the Sword Immortal Wei Wen? It doesn't look like it, but he looks like a god of death..." Ai Chen was also paying attention here. When he heard their conversation, he couldn't help but be startled.

Although he has a name that is full of immortality, he has an evil aura that is difficult to conceal. What does this person do in the real world with such a strong evil aura?
  The immortals in Restaurant No. 1 also noticed the movement here, and the actions of Wei Wen and others naturally attracted much attention.

"Thirteen, it's really interesting for you to work with these geniuses from the Wu Universe Kingdom."

"It seems like Luo Feng actually wants to compete with Bo Lan. Is he really arrogant or is he really capable?"

"Who knows that?"

"Won't you guys find out later?" Thirteen smiled calmly.

Luo Feng's strength is not bad, and he must be able to barely fight Bo Lan.

But regardless of whether Luo Feng can defeat Bo Lan, Luo Feng can enter the original secret realm, which is enough for Qianwu Universe Kingdom.

In the evening, the Lord of Nine Swords arrived.

With just a wave of his hand, geniuses and immortals from various universe countries appeared in the square instantly, whether they were in the room, the square, or the restaurant.

All 1008 geniuses from 1008000 Universe Kingdom, as well as the immortal strong men, are here.

The Lord of Nine Swords wears a green robe and has an ancient and majestic aura. Just the faint aura around him makes it almost difficult for more than a million geniuses to resist.

"I am the person in charge of hosting this genius battle in the virtual universe!" the voice of the Nine Swords Venerable rang out.

"Among you people, only 1000 geniuses will be selected to join the company and become core members, which is less than one thousandth chance!"

"The specific rules are as follows..."

The first round is the elimination of the trial tower. About one million small plane spaces will be opened, and each person will have one for trial.

Each trial tower space will have seven trial pagodas, and each trial tower has seven floors.

Contestants have to start from the first floor of the first trial tower until they pass the seventh floor, then the second, third... until they die.

It’s just the seventh tower, and no one has been able to completely break through it for a long time.

As for the ranking, it will be calculated based on the points in the trial tower. The geniuses with the top 100 points will directly be qualified to become the core members of the virtual universe.

After the 7300th place, everyone was eliminated. Geniuses ranked 101st to 7300th will have a one-on-one battle to determine the final 900 places.

It can be said that one trial tower will directly eliminate more than 99% of the geniuses from more than one million people.

"It can be seen from the words of Lord Nine Swords and King Zhenyan that it seems that no genius can completely break through this seventh trial tower!" Wei Wen sighed inwardly.

The rules say that it is until everyone falls in the trial tower space, but it does not say that everyone has passed through... The meaning is self-evident.

At least from the perspective of Virtual Universe Company, it seems that no star-level genius can pass through the seventh trial tower at all, unless they are the strongest geniuses.


The next morning.

"Geniuses, please be prepared. Next, we will conduct a collective teleportation, enter the trial space, and start the trial tower elimination competition!"

As soon as Lord Nine Swords finished speaking, Wei Wen and others disappeared from the genius battle plane.

Wei Wen found that he was standing on a giant rectangular meteorite nearly a hundred kilometers long.

There are illusory sun, moon and stars outside the meteorite. Only seven trial towers covering several kilometers in circumference and more than ten kilometers in height are extremely conspicuous on the meteorite!

Wei Wen then lowered his head and looked at his wrist. Just like when he participated in the Qianwu Universe Country Qualifiers, the screen on his wrist displayed a lot of information about him.

Participant: Wei Wen (Qianwu Universe Kingdom)

Points: 0
  The trial space where it is located: No. 0000001

Rank: none
  The points reward rules are listed below. To put it simply, you can get up to 1 points for completing each level of the first trial tower, and you can get up to 7 points for the 7th level.

The points for each subsequent trial tower will be ten times that of the previous one. For example, the first floor of the seventh trial tower can earn up to 100 billion points!
  If you pass all the trial towers perfectly, you can get more than 700 billion points.

Wei Wenhua made a stream of light, flying like the first trial tower, and began to break through the first floor.

"There are 1 ferocious beasts on the first floor of the first trial tower, 'bloody mammoths'. Each kill will give you one point. If you kill them all, you will get 1 points. Or you can be transferred directly to the second floor if you survive for ten days. "

On the first floor of the trial tower, blood-haired mammoths appeared instantly, running towards Wei Wen.

"I don't need to hide my strength at all, nor do I need to improve myself like Luo Feng, so let's just start!" Wei Wen's eyes narrowed.

Wei Wen, who was carrying the Yan Shen Wen behind him, thought about it, and the Yan Shen Wen split into thousands of small golden swords, forming a world of swords like a sword formation.




The sounds of streaks of golden light penetrating through the heads of ferocious beasts followed one after another, and ten thousand 'bloody mammoths' were instantly killed by the lightning-fast golden light attack.

"This first level is really simple. It only has the strength of an ordinary ninth-level star. It doesn't even have a domain. It's not difficult at all!" Wei Wen smiled lightly.

"But such a trial is indeed the most beneficial to spiritual masters!"

Warriors have to engage in close contact and attack, while psychic masters who control psychic weapons to fight from a distance are safer and more efficient in killing monsters in such battles.

"The trial on the first floor of the first trial tower is over, and now the trial on the second floor begins."

As a clear voice sounded, Wei Wen's figure disappeared from the place and appeared on the second floor of the trial tower.

(End of this chapter)

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