Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 124 The Shocked Master of Nine Swords

Chapter 124 The Shocked Lord of Nine Swords

In reality, as the final battle of the pinnacle genius battle begins, countless people in the human race are very concerned about any news about the genius battle.

It's just that Tao Sai is not broadcast to the public, but the rankings can be made public. Countless people constantly refresh the rankings and pay attention to the ranking of geniuses.

"It's changed, it's changed, the elimination battle has begun, and Wei Wen is indeed the undisputed number one!"

When the millions of participating geniuses who entered the trial space entered the trial tower and began to challenge, the ranking list of the elimination battle began to change rapidly.

But no matter how others change, the name at the top is always Wei Wen!

The Black Dragon Mountain Empire, as well as the hundreds of millions of strong human beings from the galaxy in the entire Qianwu Universe Country, were so excited that they were going completely crazy!

"Wei Wen is so strong, he was number one right from the start!"

Countless citizens of Ganwu Universe Kingdom shouted excitedly, but there were also citizens of other Universe Kingdoms who threw cold water on them.

"This is just the beginning. A temporary lead doesn't mean anything. Only the final points ranking will tell who is the strongest."

Unlike countless ordinary people in the outside world, the immortal leaders of the major cosmic nations have the authority to watch the trials of each genius.

Wei Wenwen was considered to be the number one genius in the overall rankings. Now that the elimination round has been so eye-catching since the beginning, he has naturally attracted the attention of many immortals.

The immortals of the Universe Kingdom were sitting on large chairs, and the screen in front of them was Wei Wen who was using the God-Evolving Weapon.

"Wei Wen is really ruthless. He rushed to the first place as soon as he came."

"His points are rising at an alarming rate, much faster than Bolan's."

"In such a trial tower battle, spiritual masters are indeed more advantageous."

"Haha, his Divine Derivative Weapon can use the fifth level of space cutting, and it has reached the state of perfection. Based on my understanding of the Divine Derivative Weapon, he is absolutely sure to pass through the sixth floor of the Space Trial Tower!"

"Even if Wei Wen fights like a warrior, his efficiency in breaking into the trial tower is higher than Bolan's."

"As expected, he hid his strength in the talent battle qualifiers!"

"I can only say that he is worthy of being accepted as a disciple by the Lord Nine Swords. His strength far exceeds that of Bo Lan!"

Not to mention that these immortal powerful men were all moved, even the Nine Swords Master was like this.

Because Wei Wen's current growth rate has far exceeded his expectations. Simply speaking, Wei Wen's growth rate of space origin law in recent years is no longer comparable to that of ordinary geniuses.

He suddenly thought that after the qualifiers, he and Wei Wen had told him that there was no need to hide his strength, but he never expected that Wei Wen would give him such a big surprise.

"Ever since I discovered that Wei Wen understood the origin of space and had extremely high spatial talent, I also gave Wei Wen guidance on his understanding of the origin of space four years ago." The Nine Swords Venerable said with emotion.

"At that time, Wei Wen asked me for advice in front of me. I felt that he could barely reach the level of Baixianli, and his strength was far inferior to Bo Lan."

"But looking at him now...he is enough to break through the sixth floor of the space-type Sky Bridge."

"If Wei Wen hadn't hidden his strength back then, his growth rate would have made him the strongest genius born in tens of millions of epochs!"

"I thought his talent was just good, but I didn't expect it to be so incredible?"

"As long as a genius emerges from tens of millions of eras and does not perish, he already has a one-third chance of becoming a sage of the universe!"

The Lord of Nine Swords knows very well that the so-called genius is indeed unattractive to the Lord of the Universe, so what about cultivating geniuses?
  Unless you can help yourself by cultivating a cosmic lord, it will not be of much benefit to you. At that time, Wei Wen himself was not bad in talent, he also had talent in swordsmanship, and he might have a clone, so Master Nine Swords decided to accept a disciple.

But now Wei Wen's talent for growth has exploded in tens of millions of epochs. Tens of millions of epochs means more than 100 billion years. How many years has it been since the earth was born?
  Even though the history of the human race has been extremely long since the birth of the universe, tens of millions of epochs is already a relatively long time period.

If he can be called a peerless genius who emerged from the "Millions of Era", all the other universe sages would definitely be willing to accept Wei Wen as his disciple.

Even attracting the attention of the Lord of the Universe, they may not necessarily have a master-disciple relationship.

However, he accepted Wei Wen as his disciple in advance. Now it seems that his original decision was really a good one.

The master-disciple relationship in the universe even exceeds the blood relationship, because the universe master has lived for too long, and even if he falls for some reason, he can still be resurrected, just like the Lord of Ganwu...

In short, the life span of the Master of the Universe is infinite. Even if he has the ability to let his relatives live for 1000 epochs, they will still die one day.

When the relatives of the Master of the Universe die one by one, those descendants who are separated by who knows how many generations may not even meet once. How can the relationship be as good as that of master and disciple?
  Master and apprentice, the teacher teaches the apprentice, and the apprentice becomes stronger. Perhaps the apprentice can become a powerful assistant to the teacher in the future. This is also the reason why the Nine Swords Master helped Wei Wen before.

"But Wei Wen majored in the law of time origin, and what he is best at is the law of time origin. Is it possible that he can still pass the seventh trial tower?" The Nine Swords Master instantly realized something.

"Unlikely, this is unlikely, right?"

"I thought that the level of genius that emerged from the Ten Thousand Era was already Wei Wen's limit, but thinking about it carefully, maybe I underestimated Wei Wen."

"This kid, after getting my help, isn't he going to hide?"

"I just don't know how much he is hiding, but these seven trial towers alone should be able to penetrate them, right?"

"If he can really penetrate... he will definitely shake the entire universe, but then... will it be a blessing or a curse?"

Although Lord Nine Swords is currently adventuring in the secret realm of the Machine Clan, he also asked Wei Wen to send him some ancient Chinese books in the virtual universe.

It was just some ancient books and would not reveal anything, so Wei Wen naturally gave them to the Nine Swords Master.

Lord Nine Swords is actually curious about the earth. Logically speaking, Hong and Lei Shen's talents are not high, but their growth rate far exceeds their talents.

Lord Nine Swords also thought about the reason, and the most likely reason was his state of mind.

For example, the God of Thunder can instantly enter the artistic conception where heaven and man are one and the heart is as still as water. Hong can even reach the artistic conception where the heart is empty and boundless in an instant.

From the perspective of a warrior's cultivation, the heart is actually the will, and the two of them are an anomaly in their determination of will.

With the blessing of this artistic conception, it is easier for them to analyze the heaven, earth and laws.

Therefore, Venerable Nine Swords often studies ancient books to sharpen his state of mind.

This surprised the Lord Nine Swords to discover that his efficiency in comprehending the original laws had actually improved.

Although the improvement was far less than that of Hong and Lei Shen, mainly because he was not born on earth, it still made him feel incredible.

After all, at the level of the Universe Master, if you want to increase your potential even a little bit, the price is unimaginably high.

"The best is like water, and the heart is like still water... Blessings depend on disasters, and misfortunes depend on blessings. I shouldn't be so excited. This has an impact on sharpening my state of mind!"

The Master of Nine Swords in the Genius Battle Plane took out an ancient book on Earth and used it as a distraction. While reading the ancient book, he watched Wei Wen's fight.

(End of this chapter)

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