Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 126 Alarming the top leaders of the human race

Chapter 126 Alarming the top leaders of the human race
  "I passed the first six trial towers perfectly, but for this trial tower, I may not be able to rely solely on space perception." Wei Wen took a deep breath.

Wei Wen looked around and saw that although there were still 100 blood-haired mammoths on this level, every one of them had the ability to rank among the top geniuses.

In other words, these blood-haired mammoths are not low in perception. At the very least, they are close to the threshold of the original law of time and space, and have even stepped into this threshold.

Ru Hong and Lei Shen probably have this kind of strength, but there are 1 blood-haired mammoths in front of them!

A genius of this level can instantly kill a cosmic level one with just one strike.

And 10,000 bloody mammoths of this strength can tear an average domain lord-level powerhouse into pieces if they join forces.

But in a genius battle, one's physique, telekinesis, and force power are only at stellar level, and one careless move will result in the whole game being lost.

Bolan, who had thousands of spatial illusions, all died on this level.


Wei Wen didn't hesitate at all, and directly exploded the divine weapon, just do it with one word!

Thousands of golden swords swept across the void, cutting the space and killing the blood-haired mammoths one by one, creating a fierce collision in an instant.

The amplitude of Wei Wen's telekinesis is not very high, and he controls thousands of golden swords. The power of each small sword is only about one percent of the maximum telekinesis.

The power of a small golden sword alone, even with the blessing of the sixth level of Tongtian Bridge, cannot kill the blood-haired mammoth at will.

"A wave of attacks only killed more than 600 bloody mammoths?" Wei Wen frowned.

However, being able to kill more than 600 blood-haired mammoths with just one look was considered a good achievement. After all, Bo Lan still needed to attack them at close range with one sword after another.

And the moment Wei Wen attacked, the huge team of blood-haired mammoths had already rushed in front of them.

"How can I let you block my steps? Then show me some understanding of the origin of time!" Wei Wen's figure moved and turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

It was at this moment that most of the more than a thousand immortal experts in Restaurant No. 1 stood up involuntarily, showing signs of shock.

"how can that be?"

"Looking at the fluctuations he caused in the original law of time, I guess he is only on the sixth floor of the Time-type Sky Bridge?"

"But with his physical skills, it is simply impossible to dodge the Bloody Mammoth's attacks so easily on the sixth floor of the Tongtian Bridge."

"You are right. This Wei Wen is indeed only at the sixth level of enlightenment, but his body technique...has obviously touched the foundation of the origin of time in the universe."

"Every change in his body shape goes directly to the essence of time."

"He has already seen a lot of the fundamentals of the original law of time in the universe, but he is actually taking a more difficult route to analyze the essence of the original law of time?"

"In other words, the power that his current understanding of the origin of time has unleashed is comparable to the 8th floor of Tongtian Bridge?"

Taking Luo Feng as an example, the first picture of the normal Jiuyu Chaos Monument is perfect, which is probably the third level of combat power of Tongtian Bridge, but Luo Feng can explode the fifth level of combat power.

Normally, the first three pictures of the Jiuyu Chaos Monument are perfect. For example, after Luo Feng understood the essence of space when he was about 100 years old, but before he fully understood all the essences, King Zhenyan said that he was close to the 12th floor of Tongtian Bridge.

From this, it can be seen that when analyzing the essence of the original law, the power of the secret method used is stronger.

Among them, there is a powerful person named King, who is the enlightenment of the 18th floor of Tongtian Bridge.

If Wei Wen has glimpsed part of the essence of the laws of space in the universe, then as the king, he may have entered the most fundamental aspects of the laws of space! After all, Feng is the being closest to controlling the original laws of space and time, so we can naturally see Wei Wen's achievements and cultivation methods.

"As expected of the disciple of the Lord Nine Swords, he has glimpsed the essence of the law of time. As long as he does not fall in the future, he will definitely become the Lord of the Universe."

"Look, how beautifully he uses this movement, how crisp and precise the rhythm of that movement is, it is the dimension that fluctuates along time."

"Even if Bolan's space perception is not bad, and his movement skills can cast thousands of phantom bodies in an instant, his movement arcs are not so perfect and accurate!"

Wei Wen used the secret method of the Nine Swords Venerable. Based on his essential grasp of the origin of time, he was able to dodge attacks along the most exquisite mysterious lines every time.

Faced with the siege of the blood-haired mammoths, Wei Wen felt as if he was swimming in the seawater with the least effort, following the undercurrent!

"How perverted is this on the 8th floor of Tongtian Bridge?"

"The Death God Bolan has only reached the level of a thousand phantom bodies by practicing Ten Thousand Lines Flow, but the sixth floor of the space-type Tongtian Bridge can explode tens of thousands of phantom bodies."

"As for the 8th floor of Tongtian Bridge, he is much more powerful than Bolan, the God of Death!"

"The most difficult thing to understand is the law of the origin of time. He was so perverted in the star-level period. Once he reaches the world lord level in the future... it is completely unimaginable!"

"It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable. I didn't expect that after many years in our human race, another strongest genius would finally appear!"

"Who would have thought that such a genius would appear in Ganwu Universe Country?"

"Our king didn't know anything about it beforehand. If we had known that Wei Wen had such talent, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been the turn of Lord Nine Swords to accept a disciple." Thirteen was also very surprised.

Even if he is an immortal, facing the strongest genius like Wei Wen who has the potential to be a universe master, he can't help but feel numb at this moment.

Deep in the genius battle plane, the Nine Swords Venerable laughed dumbly.

"This disciple of mine seems to be very honest, but in fact I am full of bad intentions." The corners of Venerable Nine Swords' mouth twitched.

"I used to show this kind of talent directly, but he didn't. He exposed it to me little by little, which surprised me again and again."

"If it weren't for worrying about problems in his hometown, I'm afraid he would have been hiding his strength..."

"But now that he has my protection, he chooses to explode in strength in order to grow faster."

"Now I can fully imagine that after Wei Wen breaks through the seventh trial tower, those Universe Lords will be very shocked and envious."

"It's just that in this way, other senior executives of Virtual Universe Company should pay more attention to it."

Of course, the trial tower not only tests the understanding of the original law. After all, like the cosmic-level Tongtian Mountain, being able to break through the 12th floor of the Tongtian Bridge at the cosmic level is only theoretically possible.

After all, there are many aspects to fighting. For example, there are three opponents in Tongtian Mountain, namely warriors, spiritual masters, and illusionists. This requires that there should be no obvious shortcomings.

For example, on the seventh floor of the trial tower, there is the Mother Queen of the Zerg. Her soul attack and illusion attack are not bad, and there are also a large number of Zerg warriors.

Therefore, the enlightenment on the 8th level of Tongtian Bridge is only theoretically able to pass the seventh trial tower.

However, Lord Nine Swords is very confident in Wei Wen. After all, the strongest aspect of the Zerg Queen is soul attack and illusion attack, but Wei Wen's will is very defiant, which is exactly the strongest method to defeat the Zerg Queen!
  As long as this can be done, Lord Nine Swords can clearly say that Wei Wen will definitely be able to break through the seventh trial tower, which means that Wei Wen will definitely be able to alarm the top leaders of the human race.

(End of this chapter)

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