Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 127 Tower 7, Floor 7

Chapter 127 The seventh floor of the seventh building
  "The first floor of the seventh trial tower really can't stop him!" The immortals were not surprised to see Wei Wen easily pass through the first floor of the seventh trial tower.

"Shouldn't we pay more attention to what level of genius Wei Wen's growth rate is?"

"It is said that the Master of Nine Swords accepted Wei Wen as his disciple more than 10 years ago. He has grown at such a rate in 10 years. At the very least, he is the strongest genius to emerge in tens of millions of epochs!"

"The depth of understanding and growth rate of the original laws of time and space have far exceeded our expectations. No wonder the Nine Swords Venerable is so confident. The Death God Bolan is indeed far inferior to him!"

"For a genius born in ten million eras, it is really possible for him to break through this seventh trial tower!"

"No, his training time is very short. If he can really penetrate...his, what kind of genius would he be?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"The seventh trial tower is different from the previous ones. The strength of each level of the previous ones is not very great, but this seventh one is completely different."

"Especially the Zerg nest at the end, I don't believe he can get through its soul attacks and illusion attacks!"

In the hearts of many immortals, Wei Wen has already surpassed Bo Lan and become the strongest genius in tens of millions of eras, no, even hundreds of millions of eras.


At this time, millions of geniuses had been eliminated, and they stayed in the square watching the live broadcast in front of them.

"17777770000 points?"

When they saw Wei Wen destroying the first layer of blood-haired mammoth beasts in the seventh trial tower, they were all excited.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be eliminated too!"

"It seems you were eliminated earlier than me!"

"I rushed faster without hesitation and died faster, but I was very clear about my own strength. I never thought I would reach the top 7300."

"There are millions of geniuses selected by the 1008 cosmic countries of the human race. There are so many super geniuses. I can't even make the top 100 in the cosmic countries. Obviously I have no chance!"

"Which level did you finally break into?"

"I'm okay, I made it to the seventh floor, but I'm still dead!"

The two familiar geniuses did not feel depressed about being eliminated at all, but instead started joking.

"We are both the same. I have to say that the Zerg mother nest is really abnormal. It breeds Zerg warriors faster and each one is stronger!"

"My killing speed couldn't keep up with its breeding speed, and I was simply piled to death by those Zerg warriors simply because of their sheer numbers!"

"Actually, you, the spiritual master, may be more profitable. Just look at the fact that 8 of the top ten are spiritual masters."

"Haha, you have to know that according to the intelligence, Wei Wen is the strongest warrior, otherwise he would not be known as the Sword Immortal. He chooses to fight as a spiritual master just to break through faster. Do you dare Are you saying that Wei Wen, the swordsman currently ranked number one, earned his way up the rankings by relying on his mental skills as a mentalist?"

"He's such a pervert!"

The words of these two geniuses were full of envy. Although they didn't say it, who came to participate in the genius battle and didn't want to become famous instantly?
  After all, joining Virtual Universe Company and becoming a core member is an opportunity to rise to the top in one step!

Very few geniuses can pass through the first floor of the seventh trial tower, because this trial tower is the benchmark set by Virtual Universe Company.

There are not many peerless geniuses who can get through the first level in the past, and there are very few geniuses who can get through it!
  If Wei Wen can pass this trial tower, it means that Wei Wen is the strongest genius in mankind.

And being able to be in the same class as Wei Wen, they also felt happy in their faces.

For a time, millions of human geniuses were waiting quietly, just to witness whether Wei Wen could pass the seventh trial tower.


The sixth trial tower.

The tall Rong Jun strode forward and waved the sword in his hand, killing the besieging blood-haired mammoths one by one, but soon a large number of blood-haired mammoths surrounded him again.

"This trial tower is really difficult to break through. This is only the sixth trial tower... but I have no hope of breaking through." Rong Jun sighed. After Rong Jun was eliminated, he couldn't help but grin when he saw that his points were ranked 10th.

After looking at his own points ranking, Rong Jun casually clicked on the points ranking list and looked at the points rankings of other geniuses.

"Holy crap, are all the warriors born in the Zerg nest in the sixth trial tower just paper?" But when Rong Jun saw Wei Wen's points, the smile on his face suddenly froze.


Ai Chen stepped into the seventh floor of the fifth trial tower, glanced at the rankings, and was stunned for a moment.

"Is this Wei Wen so powerful?"

"My goal is the sea of ​​stars and the forest of powerful men in the universe. How can I be trapped by love?"

"No, that Wei Wen doesn't seem to care. His goal is to become a peerless strong man. It seems that Rong Jun and Luo Feng have been making noises!"

"Does he look down on me? Is it because I'm not good-looking? Or am I not strong enough?"

"Hmph, it's your first day, right?" Ai Chen twisted his neck, "Kill!"

A wave of evil spirits grew in her heart, and she swung her sword to kill the Zerg warriors in the darkness ahead, venting the evil energy on the Zerg Mother Queen.


On the sixth floor of the sixth trial tower, Death God Bolan killed the last starry sky beast and took a deep breath.

"I also exploded with all my strength, why is there still such a gap?"

Seeing Wei Wen's 67777770000 points, indicating that Wei Wen had passed the sixth floor of the seventh trial tower, Bolan's face darkened again.

"Wei Wen occasionally stopped to recover. I didn't even take a break to recuperate, and I still couldn't catch up with him!"

"How strong is he?"

Bolan was silent for a moment and entered the trial tower space on the seventh floor.


"No. 1 Wei Wen (Qianwu Universe Kingdom), points: 67777770000."

The geniuses who were watching the game looked at Wei Wen's points, and their eyes suddenly widened, and they gasped, with disbelief in their eyes.

As geniuses, their teachers are not simple and naturally have extraordinary knowledge.

In the long history of the human race, genius wars have been held for countless times.

No matter how difficult the sixth trial tower is, it usually takes one or two geniuses in each session to reach the first floor of the sixth trial tower.

This genius battle is not easy, but there are quite a few who can break through to this level.

For example, Bolan is stronger this time, and he has the strength to enter the first floor of the seventh tower.

However, a genius who can break through the seventh trial tower, even if it is only the first six floors, has already shown Wei Wen's incredible potential.

As long as this kind of genius does not perish in the future, he will at least be a powerful king and even have a good chance of becoming a cosmic lord who controls time or space.

But if someone could really get through the seventh trial tower at the stellar level, such an extraordinary genius would have a bright future.

Because the difficulty of 'setting' from the seventh trial tower is extremely high, it is almost impossible for a stellar genius to completely overcome it.

Wei Wen stood on the seventh floor of the seventh trial tower, looking at the opponent in front of him and taking a deep breath.

(End of this chapter)

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