Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 128 Killing and Killing by Force

Chapter 128 Killing and Killing by Force
  This level is mainly about killing the Zerg Mother Queen in the Zerg Mother Nest. Even if a Zerg warrior is not killed, as long as the Zerg Mother Queen is killed, the level will be completed perfectly.

It's a pity that he needs to deal with the Zerg warriors before killing the Zerg Mother Queen, but he is already familiar with it after breaking through the levels several times before.

"Isn't this so exaggerated?" But when Wei Wen saw the situation ahead, his face darkened instantly.

I have to say that this level is indeed so exaggerated.

The real Zerg can actually be known from the original work. There seem to be only more than 10,000 Zerg Mother Queens.

There are not as many as the powerful kings of Hongmeng, and they are definitely rarer than the starry sky beasts.

Why does the Star Beast Alliance have the strongest Old Beast God in the universe, but he is only a peak force, not a peak group?

Because the Zerg has an incredible ability, as long as the resources are sufficient, the Zerg Queen can breed Zerg warriors indefinitely.

Therefore, the population of the pinnacle group Zerg... is too large... to be frightening, to say small... to be pitiful!
  After all, if there are enough resources, a Zerg mother nest can give birth to hundreds of millions of Zerg warriors. The Zerg's dominance in the universe relies on the tactic of the sea of ​​​​insects.

For example, Luo Feng's World Lord-level Zerg Mother Queen can easily give birth to millions of elite World Lord-level Zerg warriors, with combat power comparable to that of the King!
  In the territory of the human race, any trace of the Zerg mother nest will have devastating consequences.

Moreover, the Zerg mother nest itself is extremely terrifying. The weakest Zerg mother queen can rival the human world lord as soon as she is born. She is the pinnacle of many strong people from the moment she is born.

Of course, the strength of the Zerg brood in this trial tower must have been reduced proportionally, otherwise no one with the world lord level strength alone would be able to kill it.

But even if the strength is reduced, it is not easy to deal with.

For example, countless Zerg warriors absolutely obey the orders of the Brood, which gave birth to a terrifying group of Zerg passive 'group attacks'.

The Zerg Mother Queen can concentrate the attacks of all Zerg warriors to achieve the purpose of fighting across ranks.

This is why Luo Feng's World Lord-level Zerg Mother Queen's explosive combat power is comparable to that of the King of Feng!
  In addition, as a being who can control a large number of Zerg warriors, the Zerg Mother Queen's soul and will are definitely not comparable to those of the same level, which makes them extremely good at soul attacks and illusion attacks.

Virtual Universe Company sets the goal of the seventh floor of each trial tower to be the Zerg mother nest, just to let the geniuses understand the terror of the Zerg mother queen.

"Every Zerg warrior born from this layer of Zerg Mother Queen is as strong as the top 100 super geniuses participating in this war." Wei Wen's mouth twitched.

"After all, the power of the explosion in a single realm alone is more than 10 times greater."

"As for the blessing of the original law, that is even more exaggerated."

"A genius of this level can easily kill the universe level!"

"Coupled with the ethnic group's talent, the combined attacks of tens of thousands of star-level peak super geniuses can even be enough to kill the Realm Lord!"


At the seventh level of the seventh trial tower, after Wei Wen arrived here, he naturally became the object of attention of all the immortal strong men, without exception.

Even Bolan, the God of Death, was completely eclipsed.

In fact, as for what the seventh level will go through, not to mention these geniuses, even these immortal strong men, there are only a few people who have witnessed it.

"Fuck!" When the uninformed Immortal saw the assessment content and prompts for this level, they all cursed.

"This is the last level prompt, who the hell can pass it?"

"I'm afraid even a peerless genius at the universe level will have to suffer through this!"

"This is more than perverted, it is simply unreasonable."

"What's the point of such a level? Do you just want the genius to pass the seventh trial tower?"

"This time, even if Wei Wen's understanding of the original laws of time and space is extremely high, I'm afraid he won't be able to pass."

"The assessment of these levels is too comprehensive. As long as there is one shortcoming, there is no hope of passing."    "But if you can pass..."

Many immortals are talking about it. If many immortals in the past firmly believe that they can pass through the seventh trial tower with Wei Wen's time and space fellow practitioners and their extremely high perception of advantages.

But now seeing the difficulty of the seventh trial tower, most immortals no longer believe that Wei Wen can break through this level.


The seventh floor of the seventh trial tower.

The Zerg Mother Queen instantly released the Zerg warriors in her inventory. Each wave contained 10000 green mantises and 1000 blood mantises, a total of 3 waves.

In addition, every minute that passes, a new wave of Zerg warriors will be born.

This was the prompt from Wei Wen's watch the moment he came in.




Ten green mantises led by a blood mantis formed a Zerg squad, and 10 of them appeared in an instant. The Zerg squad had a clear division of labor and was instantly divided into teams and formations.

Among them, 1000 Zerg teams directly surrounded and killed Wei Wen from high altitude, buying time for the remaining Zerg warriors to break out of the group's passivity.

Among them, the 1000 Zerg team remained motionless, guarding the Zerg Queen to prevent Wei Wen from showing his face.

The remaining 1000 Zerg teams seemed to have merged into one, and the strange lines on the Zerg warriors began to surge. This was a precursor to a group attack by the Zerg Queen.


At the same time, a high-pitched cry erupted from the Zerg nest in the distance, and invisible and illusory souls and illusion attack waves instantly attacked Wei Wen.

Wave after wave of soul attacks pierced Wei Wen from all directions. Wei Wen's soul, sea of ​​consciousness, and head instantly began to vibrate violently as if they had received a heavy blow.

"I had already guessed that it would be difficult, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult!" Wei Wen took a deep breath and said, "Fight!"

It can be said that if the Zerg Queen cannot be killed before the group attack comes, Wei Wen will definitely die.

So he must be faster and not give the Zerg Mother Queen a chance to completely unite the Zerg warriors!

So in this battle, Wei Wen did not hesitate to go all out!
  Tens of thousands of space phantoms made this space seem to have become Wei Wen's absolute domain. The sword was sharp and fast as lightning to fight against the Zerg warriors.

But Venerable Wei Wen did not hesitate to activate the secret method of body movement. His figure turned into a stream of light, but it has disappeared without a trace.

He had already used the secret method of time to accelerate time, and was speeding directly towards the Zerg mother nest.

As long as he can reach the vicinity of the Zerg mother nest before the Zerg mother queen breaks out a group attack, he will win.

But there are 1000 Zerg teams ahead guarding the Zerg Mother Queen, activating the power of the laws of time and space at all times, forming a unique law field that seals time and space.

More than 10000 Zerg warriors communicate with the origin of time and space. Even if Wei Wen's understanding surpasses every Zerg warrior, he cannot forcibly cross time and space.

"The power of this layer of Zerg Mother Queen is too strong, enough for these Zerg warriors to cooperate perfectly!" Wei Wen frowned.

"Now we can't advance or retreat, we can only forcefully kill the Zerg warriors!"

Most of the space phantoms entangled with tens of thousands of Zerg warriors in the distance twisted and disappeared like smoke, while tens of thousands of space phantoms instantly appeared around Venerable Wei Wen.

(End of this chapter)

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