Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 132 The shocked senior leaders of the human race

Chapter 132 The shocked senior leaders of the human race

There is a long stone table in the small open space in front of the Great Ax Temple of the Supreme Council. There is only a black stone chair on the main seat of the long stone table.

One after another figures appeared immediately, all of them were the powerful masters of the universe who dominated the universe from the human race.

"Haha, Chaos, I heard that you got a treasure in the Qingfeng Realm, and you even had a fight with the God Eye Clan for it!" The Lord of Virtual Gold said with a smile.

"The strong men in the first reincarnation era were all lunatics. If they weren't afraid of me having a clone, they would have fought me tooth and nail!" The Lord of Chaos City laughed dumbly.

"Of course I am crazy, but my strength is not bad, and I have not suffered any losses."

"Do you know what happened when Giant Ax suddenly held the highest-level meeting this time?" The Lord of Qingdong looked at the Lord of Xujin.

"No, you guessed wrong. This time it was not Giant Ax who convened the supreme meeting, but me." The Lord of Chaos City smiled.

In the eyes of the Lord of Chaos City, Wei Wen has the qualifications to be the strongest in the universe, enough to influence the entire ethnic group!
  Even though Wei Wen is about to enter the core level of Virtual Universe Company, how he should treat Wei Wen is no longer the final say for him alone.

Rather, it requires a joint decision by the founder of the Great Ax and all the masters of the universe.

At this moment, a figure with disheveled hair, like a savage, appeared on the main seat. It was the founder of the giant axe.

"Chaos, why are you looking for us today?" The founder of the giant ax was also very confused.

"Giant Ax!" The Lord of Chaos City lowered his head slightly, "I have discovered a genius and I need to discuss it with you. He may be related to the future development of our human race."

Being judged as an extremely dazzling genius by Chaos definitely has its merits.

The founder of the giant ax is also the only strongest person in the universe who can take action among the human race today. He is the true pillar of the entire human race!

It is precisely because of the existence of the founder of Giant Ax that mankind can continue to maintain the title of the pinnacle race.

Since the original ancestors of the human race were suppressed, several crises in history have been successfully overcome because of the existence of the founder of the giant axe.

Therefore, even the Lord of Chaos City, who is also the leader of a giant force, must respect the founder of the giant axe.

"What happened?" Hearing the words of the Chaos City Lord, the founder of the giant ax also became serious.

"Listen to what I will tell you in detail. The Genius Battle is currently being held. Among them, I discovered Wei Wen, a peerless genius. He..." The Lord of Chaos City briefly explained Wei Wen's situation to everyone.

"Chaos, are you telling the truth?"

"Does he really have the qualifications to be the strongest person in the universe?"

"Are you kidding me?" The top experts of the human race, including the founder of the giant axe, suddenly stood up with shocked expressions on their faces.

This is the strongest person in the universe. According to everyone's knowledge, if there is anyone in the entire human race who can possibly break through the strongest person, it is only the Lord of Chaos City.

Because except for the route of the original law of time and space fusion taken by the Lord of Chaos City, others have not even found their own path, and have not even reached the fifth level. There is still a long way to go before they can break through.

"What I said is true. He has the talent for the original law of time and space that only emerges in tens of millions of epochs." The Lord of Chaos City continued.

"In addition to his own incredible talent, Wei Wen has actually found a path that no one has ever taken before. It is absolutely no problem to say that he has the talent to be the strongest person in the universe."

The Lord of Chaos City waved his hand, and a picture appeared in front of his eyes. It was the picture of Wei Wenchang on the seventh floor of the seventh trial tower.

Whether it's an incredible talent or the so-called 'sword' path, everyone has learned something about it through genius battles. "He really has the qualifications to be the strongest person in the universe, and he still manifests it at the star level. It's simply unbelievable!" the founder of Giant Ax said with emotion.

"The human race has never seen a genius with such qualifications. If he gets some more opportunities in the future, his final achievements will be unimaginable!"

"The emergence of the genius Wei Wen is so important to our human race!"

"Having said that, the main reason is that I am a little worried." The Lord of Chaos City frowned slightly.

"What are you worried about?" The founder of Giant Ax asked doubtfully, "Worried about Wei Wen's safety?"

"With Wei Wen's qualifications, he is enough to enjoy unprecedented protection from the human race. Even if I have to protect him personally, he has this qualification!"

"Unless other peak ethnic groups want to launch a full-scale ethnic war, Wei Wen is unlikely to have any problems."

"Besides, even if there is a full-scale ethnic war, as long as Wei Wen is in the original universe and my small universe, the two of us are invincible, and the strongest people in other universes cannot kill Wei Wen!"

"It's not a matter of Wei Wen's safety. Regarding Wei Wen's situation, I have briefly learned about it through the virtual universe system." The Lord of Chaos City was silent for a moment.

"Virtual Universe Company discovered that there are several extraordinary geniuses in Wei Wen's hometown, and they are from the same era, and their ages are not much different."

"Perhaps out of some concerns about the future of the earth, a few of them were vague about their hometown and concealed it."

"This is not a big problem." The founder of Giant Ax did not comment on the behavior of Wei Wen and others, but just breathed a sigh of relief.

They are all at the top of the human race. It is impossible to guess what Wei Wen and others have in mind. Maybe his hometown really has some secrets.

They also had to admit... Wei Wen's considerations were not unreasonable.

In short, no matter what secrets there are about Wei Wen's hometown, if it is not handled properly, it will affect the entire ethnic group.

"I can confirm that Wei Wen's home planet is an indigenous planet. Of course, it cannot be said to be a completely indigenous planet. It was said that it was ruled by a man named Hu Yanbo." The Lord of Chaos City took a deep breath.

"He has risen all the way from his hometown, and now he has reached such heights after only setting foot in the universe for more than 10 years."

"I don't think the relics left after Hu Yanbo's death would have the ability to cultivate a peerless genius like Wei Wen."

"Of course, Wei Wen himself may really have this kind of incredible talent. I believe you all know something about the achievements of my teacher, the original ancestor!"

They are all at the top of the human race. They naturally understand the existence of the original ancestors, and the virtual universe is the evidence!

Recalling the achievements of the original ancestors, the masters of the universe took a breath and looked shocked.

And Wei Wenxing level shows such incredible qualifications, his future performance may be comparable to the original ancestor, or even surpass the original ancestor!

The masters of the universe couldn't help but be cautious when facing Wei Wen.

"As an incredible genius of our human race, his arrogance can be imagined." The Lord of Chaos City continued.

"The more incredible a genius is, the more extremely confident he is in himself. Some clues can be seen from his concealment of his hometown."

"If this matter is not handled properly, it can easily arouse dissatisfaction."

(End of this chapter)

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