Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 133 The decision of the founder of the giant axe

Chapter 133 The decision of the founder of the giant axe
  "Logically speaking, that is their home planet, and they also have ownership of the earth."

"Maybe there's no secret at all and we shouldn't get involved."

"But from the perspective of ethnic groups, the entire human territory belongs to ethnic groups. The earth may really have secrets that may even involve the common interests of mankind!"

"The so-called ownership does not convince others, but Wei Wen's future is equally important to our clan!" The Lords of the Universe were discussing one after another.

There are indeed many such things in the universe where strong people leave the original force and join and form their own force. This is what worries the Lord of Chaos City.

For example, the leader of the Yan Shen Clan, one of the human races, was originally the Lord of the Universe of the human race.

However, he had a bad temper and even robbed the treasures of the strong men of the human race. Therefore, he had a quarrel with the strong men of the human race and led the Yan Shen Clan to break away from the human race.

Powerful people who can become the masters of the universe have different temperaments. As long as the bottom line is not touched, the human race will naturally tolerate these super beings.

After all, super strong people have made great contributions to the human race itself, so they naturally have their own privileges!

There may be a big secret behind the emergence of geniuses like Wei Wen on this earth, and there may also be interests entangled with other factions and powerful masters of the universe.

Even if he gets the Earth by then, I'm afraid it will leave a thorn in Wei Wen's heart.

But not everyone thinks so, because people can't be completely selfless, because there can't be perfect people.

As the saying goes, a saint does not care about his heart when discussing his deeds. There is no saint in the world when it comes to his heart.

They are already strong men at the top of the human race, and Wei Wen is just a star.

Once their own interests are involved, I am afraid they will not let go easily.

What is more important, the future of the earth and Wei Wen?

"The unity of our human race lies in our ability to openly talk about these important things." The founder of Giant Ax was silent for a moment.

"At the moment, at least Wei Wen has a lot to do with it."

"But although their performance is more magical than the people from other top planets, such as Mankasi, Mazu Star and other planets."

"But what exactly is so special... is only based on conjecture. After all, further investigation is still needed."

"I am currently adventuring in the cosmic sea. When I return to the original universe, I will go there myself."

"We will discuss it after all of this is understood clearly. And I feel that even if there is a secret, its value may not be as important as Wei Wen's potential as a true god."

"So for now, we just pretend we don't know about the Earth!"

"After all, the emergence of the genius Wei Wen is definitely a great benefit to our human race."

"We have a virtual universe, resources, and strength, and we have more advantages than other top groups and forces."

"When the lineage in Wei Wen's hometown flourishes, perhaps hundreds of millions of epochs will pass, and the emergence of digital masters of the universe will not be a delusion."

"What do you say?"

"I agree!" The Lord of Chaos City nodded.

In fact, the reason why he convened the supreme meeting was because he had a deep relationship with Juaxe and others and knew them well.

Speaking of the founder of the giant ax alone, the Lord of Chaos City and the founder of the giant ax can be regarded as the two earliest disciples of the original ancestor.

The Lord of Chaos City is relatively obedient and has always obeyed the teachings of the original ancestor. He is considered the great disciple of the original ancestor.

The founder of Giant Ax is different. He has a more unruly and independent personality, and often wanders in the universe sea. Therefore, the original ancestor and him do not even have the status of master and disciple. However, the founder of the giant axe is like a brother to the Lord of Chaos City... Especially after the original ancestor was suppressed, the entire human race was supported by the founder of the giant axe, and the human race was walking on thin ice!
  Over a long period of time, the top leaders of the human race naturally have a very deep friendship and often discuss things together.

Although the founder of Giant Ax is considered the 'only' strongest person in the human race, Giant Ax never acts arbitrarily. This is also a reflection of the cohesion and unity at the highest level of the human race.

"Second!" The masters of the universe nodded.

Leaving aside whether there are any secrets on earth, Wei Wen's qualifications alone are enough for them to take him seriously.

"Chaos, before I return to the original universe, you must first protect Wei Wen and his hometown without any accidents." The founder of the giant ax continued.

"In addition, please first understand Wei Wen's thoughts, at least on matters related to the earth, and try to avoid any conflicts when the time comes."

"The best result is to convince him to carve out the ownership of a part of the earth. If he can't get it, that's okay."

"The star level has the qualities of a true god. His potential is too strong. Once he grows up, he will be able to change the destiny of our human race."

"It's just a planet. Before Wei Wen and others appeared, there didn't seem to be any magical manifestations. Could there be any big secrets?"

"I will communicate with him." The Lord of Chaos City nodded.


Building No. 0825, Room 0001.

"I have done my best, and Luo Feng, Hong and Lei Shen have also shown their talents." Wei Wen kept thinking in his mind.

"Luo Feng is probably a genius who only appeared in tens of thousands of epochs, and Hong and Lei Shen are geniuses who were born in a thousand epochs."

"The four of us are so talented that we may not be able to keep the secrets of the earth a secret, but there is no need to keep it a secret."

"After all, in the eyes of the higher-ups of the human race, I can be regarded as the asset of the Lord of the Universe. In the words of my teacher, the Nine Swords Venerable, my current status in the human race is completely comparable to that of the Lord of the Universe."

Of course, the special characteristics of the earth in the universe are unheard of. If the human race discovers that the earth was built by the "strongest person in the universe", it will be a mountain guest.

The core planets of the human race are nothing more than transformed planets that are larger and more difficult to destroy.

At most, the original energy of the universe will be more abundant, the original rules will be clearer, and it will be easier to understand the original laws, secret methods, etc.

At least among many living planets, it has almost no impact on the soul, state of mind, and will.

Among human beings, bloodline and genes have a significantly greater influence on talent than soul, state of mind, and will.

As for the concept of understanding, it is more elusive and highly random.

If Qian Shui and Jiang Mo are from the same planet, and they are brothers and sisters, aren't they both peerless geniuses? !

Of course, no one deliberately searched for the home planet of Qian Shui and Jiang Mo. After all, their home planet was famous. It was normal for geniuses to appear, but it was abnormal for them not to appear.

But the planet where Wei Wen, Luo Feng and others were located was, at best, the territory of the Immortal Hu Yanbo.

However, in this case, several "Bolans" appeared at the same time.

Therefore, in the eyes of the higher-ups of the human race, the potential of the earth and Wei Wen and others is more important... Wei Wen is not easy to judge.

At least with his current strength, it would be difficult for Wei Wen to refuse once a robbery situation like the original one arises.

Of course, Wei Wen has shown such talent as the master of the universe. The worst case scenario... will not be worse than the ceding of half of the ownership in the original plot.

(End of this chapter)

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