Chapter 134
  "Actually, the earth will be exposed sooner or later. Just let everything take its course." Wei Wen took a deep breath. Why should he worry too much?


The top of Thunder Island in the virtual universe.

Under the endless chaotic air flow, in front of the palace of the Chaos City Lord, the Nine Swords Venerable was walking behind the Chaos City Lord.

"Nine Swords, I'm calling you here this time mainly because I have something to ask you." The Lord of Chaos City said straight to the point.

"Please tell me." Lord Nine Swords said respectfully.

"Come, sit down and talk." The Lord of Chaos City walked to a dining table and summoned two servants. The two servants respectfully served delicious food.

Although Lord Nine Swords was very confused, he also sat down.

Just seeing the attitude of the Lord of Chaos City, I knew that what the Lord of Chaos City said was important.

After all, you can just send emails, messages, and chat casually about things, so why go to such trouble and with such an attitude...

Although Lord Nine Swords was very proud, he didn't think that the Lord of Chaos City would treat him like this, so it was most likely because of Wei Wen.

"Nine Swords, are Wei Wen and the others your disciples?" Chaos City Lord continued.

"Yes, they are from the same galaxy as Wei Wen. When I accepted Wei Wen as a disciple, I found that they were not bad, so I accepted him as a disciple." The Nine Swords Venerable nodded.

"As for their hometown, I have never been there, because I am currently adventuring in a secret realm within the territory of the Machine Tribe."

"That's right!" The Lord of Chaos City nodded, "There are several extraordinary geniuses in this genius competition, and they come from the same era and the same galaxy, so they naturally attracted our attention."

"I originally planned to let you go, but it seems I have to go myself."


The territory of the human race, deep in the primitive secret realm.

The vast starry sky and the river are rushing endlessly, and there are all kinds of weird artifacts floating in them, each of which exudes the terrifying pressure of the treasure.

"Rumble..." Suddenly the endless river of stars disappeared out of thin air, turning into a piece of clothing covering a towering figure tens of thousands of kilometers tall.

I saw the Lord of Chaos City wearing Qianbaohe, holding the peak treasure and broken stone stick, standing barefoot in the primitive secret realm, looking into the depths of the void with a pair of lake-like eyes.

"Junior brother, I will go to Earth first and I will be back soon. Please stop studying your secret skills for the time being and help me guard the original secret realm." The voice of the Lord of Chaos City sounded beside the Lord of Darkness.

The human race has some masters of the universe with hidden powers. For example, outsiders only know that the human race has 15 masters of the universe, but in fact there are 18!
  For example, the Lord of Darkness of Virtual Universe Company is the powerful Lord of the Universe hidden in the dark.

He rarely interferes in the affairs of the human race, and rarely even shows up, and few outsiders know of his existence.

Back then, he was also an extremely low-key and secretive person under the original ancestor, but before he knew it, he quietly became the Lord of the Universe, and now he is a rare and powerful fifth-level Lord of the Universe.

"Senior brother, don't worry." The voice of the Lord of Darkness sounded.

The Lord of Chaos City nodded, and immediately took a step forward... before teleporting and disappearing.

"Where's Qianbaohe?"

"Teacher's Qianbaohe has disappeared."

"The teacher must be out for something."

Some disciples of the Universe Venerable in the palaces within the Qianbao River, as well as many servants and powerful men, all discovered that the mighty domain-like treasure Qianbao River had disappeared. A level 5 top universe master like the Chaos City Lord can teleport millions of light years.

The distance between the Virtual Universe Company's headquarters and the Milky Way, as can be judged from the time Luo Feng Genius took the F-class spaceship to the headquarters after the war, is only more than 10 billion light-years away.

The distance between the original secret realm and the earth is not that far away.

What's more, there is an ultra-long-distance transmission method like the Kingdom of God's teleportation, so in just a few breaths, the Lord of Chaos City has already arrived in the galaxy.

At the same time, in the solar system, a river projection enveloped the surrounding void. It was obvious that Hu Yanbo's secret method had no effect on the existence of the Lord of Chaos City and other universe masters.

The many detectors arranged by Wei Wen in the solar system and the earth were still operating normally, but they could not detect the sudden presence of the Lord of Chaos City at all.

  The Lord of Chaos City walked towards the earth with his bare feet on the waves of the Qianbao River.

"This... is the earth where Wei Wen, Luo Feng and others were born?" The Lord of Chaos City looked at the blue planet in the distance.

"The information on Earth is not too untrue compared to the clues left by Wei Wen and others in the virtual universe."

"I just learned from the past that before these few of them were born on this living planet, not even an apprentice-level powerhouse appeared!"

"'Hong' and 'Thunder God' were already the strongest people on Earth before Wei Wen and Luo Feng were born. Hong even realized the realm, which is similar to the aptitude he shows now."

"It's just that they are still not as good as Wei Wen and Luo Feng. The two of them showed their heaven-defying talents as soon as they started practicing, and they became even more uncontrollable after that."

"How is it possible for an indigenous planet to have four peerless geniuses appear in the same era? And there is such a thing as a golden-horned behemoth?"

"Wei Wen seems to have checked out the Golden-Horned Behemoth and knows that the Golden-Horned Behemoth has the ability to clone, but he actually looks down on the Golden-Horned Behemoth... How confident is he in his talent?"

"But judging from Wei Wen's performance, it seems normal for him to look down on the golden-horned giant beast."

"Afterwards, he deliberately concealed the existence of the earth, or was it because he guessed that there might be something unusual about the earth?"

"A genius with a thoughtful mind and astonishing talent who is worthy of being the most powerful person in the universe!"

The Lord of Chaos City was shocked. Faced with this result, the Lord of Chaos City did not find it too unbelievable.

After all, the more unusual a genius is, the more normal he is. How can a genius be a mediocre person?
  As long as it is a normal life, hiding secrets is almost instinctive.

Therefore, for the Lord of Chaos City, even if Wei Wen has a magical encounter, he has no intention of spying on it, as long as the final result is beneficial to the human race.

"If the earth is really special, there may indeed be an incredible secret hidden in it!" The Lord of Chaos City focused his eyes.

The planet itself seems to have been modified and refined, but at some cost.

But... the Lord of Chaos City frowned, because in his opinion, the earth seemed to have nothing special about it.

The Lord of the Universe, who controlled a space and time last night, logically said that any anomalies on the earth should be easily discovered by him.

But in the Chaos City Lord's perception, there is no difference between this earth and other living planets.

"Could it be that... the appearance of Wei Wen, Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God is just a coincidence?" The Lord of Chaos City was silent for a moment.

But after much thought, the Lord of Chaos City finally felt that the possibility of it being just a coincidence was a bit low, and maybe there was something else he hadn't discovered.

(End of this chapter)

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