Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 135 Surprised Chaos City Lord

Chapter 135 Surprised Chaos City Lord


The Lord of Chaos City looked at the earth, and then controlled time and space with a thought, causing the dimensions of time and space in the void to quickly flow back - scenes from the past quickly flowed back.

In fact, the Lord of Chaos City came to Earth in person, and he obviously also believes that Earth has something special about it.

After all, under normal circumstances, the earth would not be able to have geniuses as talented as the four of Wei Wen.

But if this is the case, the earth should have been discovered by the strong people of the human race long ago, otherwise the leader of the Ganwu Kingdom would not be as messy as he is now.

The Lord of Chaos City looked at the earth in the distance. He reversed this side of time and space and could easily detect the past time and space, but he was far from omniscient and omnipotent.

"Huh?" The speed of Chaos City Lord's control of the reversal of the time dimension slowed down, and soon his expression gradually changed.

Because judging from the situation of reversing time and space, Wei Wen mentioned the special characteristics of the earth more than once.

Of course, the reason why Wei Wen did this was to take a precaution in advance.

This was also proven by the Chaos City Lord's exploration of reversing time and space.

What’s special about the earth?
  From the conversations between Wei Wen and others, the Lord of Chaos City could probably guess the specific situation.

"It seems that Wei Wen's understanding of the earth's special characteristics is only based on conjecture." The Lord of Chaos City nodded.

"That's right. Even I couldn't make any special discoveries. What can they see?"

"I'm afraid Wei Wen made the guess because of their amazing talents, so he made some subsequent countermeasures plans."

"Related to Wei Wen once said that the understanding of earthlings is indeed higher than that of 'aliens', which is quite reasonable."

"After all, the so-called apprentice level can understand the artistic conception, and the planet level can understand the realm. Once they set foot in the universe, they will realize how exaggerated this is!"

The Lord of Chaos City does feel that the understanding of these earthlings seems to be quite good, but the specialness of this understanding is somewhat beyond his understanding.

"Is it true that as they guessed, the high level of understanding is due to the illusory will and state of mind?" The Lord of Chaos City was silent for a moment.

"As far as the findings are concerned, the main speciality at present is indeed the will, and I am not sure whether there are other influences."

"But I can't determine in what form this affects will and state of mind, and where the root of its existence comes from."

With the strength of the Lord of Chaos City, he is the top existence among the Lords of the Universe.

It stands to reason that whether there is something special about a living planet should be easily discovered, but now there is an "uncertain" conclusion?

"Wei Wenhui has been hiding this, and it seems to be based on the conjecture of the 'special nature of the earth.'"

"Perhaps it is really necessary to let the giant ax come in person. He should be able to understand it in more detail than me."

The Lord of the Universe can indeed control a space and time, and can reach the level of "the strongest person in the universe". His strength is even more incredible, and he can even speak and speak.

The strongest person in the universe can easily change the laws and completely control a certain area.

Within the scope of their control, it is not the original rules of the universe that call the shots, but themselves!

In other words, within a certain range, whatever they say the law is, the law can only be what it is. For example, if fire can freeze people to death, then fire can freeze people to death.

If we say that stars should breed life and planets should release endless power, then it will really happen.

It is said that the limit speed of entering the dark universe is no longer the speed of light, but ten thousand or one million times the speed of light. Then the limit speed of the original universe in this area can indeed reach ten thousand or one million times the speed of light.

Of course, being able to follow your words is just a privilege granted by the original universe, and it is completely different from actually violating the laws of the universe.

For example, the reason why the human race is the "peak race" is because there were "original ancestors" before and now there are "the founders of the giant axe".

The Lord of Chaos City had an idea, and time moved forward rapidly, and everything in the previous time and space seemed like an illusion.

"The earth may not have any secrets, but before that, I also need to meet Wei Wen." The Lord of Chaos City had an idea and teleported to the Horned Dragon Planet.

Wei Wen's golden-horned beast and void clone are not here, but his true self has indeed been cultivating on this planet.

The Lord of Chaos City glanced briefly, and his eyes lit up when he saw Wei Wen, and then he stared at Wei Wen carefully.

"The level of life genes has actually reached 100 times?" The Lord of Chaos City looked surprised. "Is it possible that it was because he absorbed the Heart of Time before?"

"In addition, his genes and bloodline seem to be stronger than the first-class bloodlines such as those from the Manka Star. Is it possible that he is also a world lord-level bloodline that has never appeared in the human race?"

As the world lord-level bloodline, the "strongest bloodline" in the original universe, the Golden Horned Behemoth's secret talents include "clone" and "strengthening". "Swallow" these three secret talents.

In addition, as a giant beast in the starry sky and with a huge divine body, Wei Wen's world lord-level bloodline seems to only have the secret method of controlling time, which makes him appear much weaker.

Another innate secret method of this deity - ever-changing, is actually due to the heart of time, not because of the world lord level bloodline.

"Of course, it will take a long time to verify whether Wei Wen is of World Lord level blood." The Lord of Chaos City couldn't help but secretly thought.

"Once it is confirmed to be true, then he will be the pioneer of the strongest realm lord bloodline in mankind, and this is a far-reaching lineage inherited in the human territory."

"Take the inherited memory as an example. The inherited memory of the Golden Horned Behemoth is very huge, but it was created by generations of powerful Golden Horned Behemoths."

"Wei Wen should be different from Fang Shui, the golden-horned giant beast who gave birth to offspring. As the ancestor of the bloodline, he may have left a legacy memory in his own bloodline."

"Once he grows up, with his qualifications and the blessing of the human race's cultivation knowledge, how amazing will his descendants be?"

"Perhaps the human race devoted everything they had to helping him, although this approach is somewhat illegal."

"But when his lineage is discovered by other top powerhouses, the founder of Giant Ax and other top beings will probably smile from ear to ear. Who will care about this trivial matter?"

"It's just that Wei Wen seems to have never had any thoughts in this regard..."

From the perspective of ethnic groups - the strongest races in the human race, such as the Desolate Gods, the Manka Stars, etc. are all peak bloodlines that can become "Domain Lords" when they reach adulthood.

These peak lineage races are naturally extraordinary, and have given birth to many cosmic sages and immortal powerhouses.

But not to mention compared with the strongest world lord-level bloodlines in the universe such as the Golden Horned Behemoth, it is even worse than those of the demon royal family, let alone the birth of the Zerg Queen Mother into world lord-level existences.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the Chaos City Lord knows that Wei Wen's clone is a special life, in his eyes, it is far less important than the world lord-level human bloodline.

(End of this chapter)

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