Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 140 The original ancestor appears

Chapter 140 The original ancestor appears
  "I don't know if I should accept a disciple..." The Lord of Chaos City shook his head slightly.

Each of the universe masters was stunned. What is the identity of the Lord of Chaos City?

He is the most powerful person in the Virtual Universe Company, and his strength and status in the human race is second only to the founder of Giant Axe. How can he be "unknown" about whether to accept a disciple?
  "Perhaps no one can imagine Wei Wen's situation, but I think... the virtual universe system must know better than us." The Lord of Chaos City was silent for a moment.

In fact, with a trace of consciousness connected to the virtual universe, how can a 100-fold life level be the same as ordinary life?
  The consciousness sensor of the virtual universe itself has detection capabilities, otherwise it would not be able to bind spiritual imprints, etc., and what is the nature of the virtual universe?
  "We all know that Wei Wen is an unprecedented genius in our human race, so I am not the most suitable person to guide him." The Lord of Chaos City continued.

"Because Wei Wen is an opportunity for the rise of our human race, perhaps the future of the human race will change drastically because of this. If the teacher is interested..."

As soon as the Lord of Chaos City finished speaking, all the strong men of the human race fell into silence at this moment.

Wei Wen's potential is indeed worthy of being evaluated as an unprecedented genius, so his growth does need to be done with caution.

They looked at the Chaos City Lord, but including the founder of the giant axe... they didn't notice a white-robed man standing not far from the Chaos City Lord.

This figure vaguely contains the mystery of the operation of the entire universe, no, it should be said to be the mystery of the virtual universe.

The original ancestor looks very ordinary on the surface, but this is a kind of perfect restraint after inner perfection. It only brings people the comfort like the spring breeze, which is completely different from other top experts.

"Is this an opportunity for the rise of the human race?" the man in white robe said softly.

During the endless years when the original ancestor was suppressed, he had seen the human race encounter crises again and again, but there was no way to do it because he was permanently suppressed by the original will and could not get out at all.

Because of this... although he often goes everywhere, and even occasionally appears during the Supreme Meeting of the Human Race and the Hongmeng League, no one knows he is there!

Because... he has been permanently suppressed and can't do anything now.

His gaze is long and leisurely, as if penetrating infinite dimensions of time and space. At least in the virtual universe, he is omnipotent.

"Even I seem to think that Wei Wen's appearance can change a lot. Maybe he really represents that possibility." The original ancestor's eyes narrowed.

  His figure condensed and appeared opposite the founder of the giant axe, which was another main position!
  The appearance of the original ancestor's will made all the powerful people present look shocked.

"Original Ancestor!" The founder of the giant ax and others stood up and bowed one after another.


The Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Ice Peak were surprised and delighted and saluted one after another.

They all looked at the man in white robes with awe and admiration in their eyes.

There is only one person who is qualified for the top powerhouse of the human race to show such an attitude. He is the most unparalleled genius and powerhouse in the history of the human race - the original ancestor!
  The original ancestor had huge potential and strength, and grew into an invincible existence in the original universe and the cosmic sea!
  Even the strongest people in other universes can only avoid him, because he really has the strength to kill the strongest people in the universe!

The emergence of the Original Ancestor made the human race at that time the most powerful force in the universe. Even the Ancestral God Sect, a peak force that relied on the original will, was unwilling to provoke the human race.

But the "invincible" strength still cannot satisfy the original ancestor. In order to surpass the limit, the original ancestor wants to fight with the origin of the virtual universe and the origin of the universe...

Although he has been suppressed, any master of the universe now has absolute admiration and awe for him.

After all, it was because of the original ancestor that the original human race rose. Even the founder of Giant Ax reached the level of the strongest person in the universe because of his guidance and growth.

If there had not been a peerless genius like the original ancestor, the history of the human race would not have been so wonderful. Of course, although the original ancestor himself was suppressed and could not come out, he could still appear in the virtual universe because he himself was the founder of the virtual universe.

Moreover, the core of the virtual universe is the master of a certain mechanical universe enslaved by the original ancestor.

However, after the original ancestors were suppressed, they were usually most closely associated with the human race, Giant Axe, and Chaos.

As for other powerful people, including the two direct disciples of Darkness and Bingfeng, they don't have many opportunities to see the original ancestor.

"You all seem to be very optimistic about Wei Wen?" Yuanzu said with a smile.

"The potential he has shown is indeed very high. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the strongest person in the universe." The Lord of Chaos City agreed.

"Once he becomes the Lord of the Universe and the strongest person in the universe, maybe he can be like his original teacher and be a great shock to all the races in the original universe and all the forces in the universe sea."

"In addition to his potential, his own circumstances are even more astonishing. He has such talent at the star level alone. The disciple infers that when he grows up, he will be able to transcend reincarnation in the future!"

"If the teacher is willing to give him guidance, I think the probability of Wei Wen becoming the strongest person in the universe may become inevitable."

"In addition, teacher, you are permanently suppressed by the origin of the universe. You may not be able to find a way to escape the suppression so far."

"Except for the Ancestral God Sect, I have never heard of anyone being favored by the original will of the original universe, and Wei Wen seems to be such an exception."

"If we wait until he becomes stronger, there may be hope of saving you, teacher!"

They have been together for countless years, and they all know that the Lord of Chaos City is the most selfless lord of the universe among the human race.

After all, after reaching the level of Lord of the Universe, how many people have the patience to deal with the trivial matters of the clan?

Most of the masters of the universe are too lazy to take care of themselves, and very few of them personally arrange various affairs of the clan!

The Lord of Chaos City is very patient, so he has always been respected.

Now that they have seen this scene, they have a deeper understanding of the "selflessness" of the Chaos City Lord. Who else would do this?

After all, with Wei Wen's potential, everyone wants to accept Wei Wen as his disciple, because it is very beneficial to them!
  As for the Lord of Chaos City, there has not yet been a Lord of the Universe.

But the original ancestor not only taught them the three masters of the universe, but the founder of the giant axe was also a named disciple of the original ancestor.

His perception and level of secrets are equally strong among the strongest in the universe. The reason why he is low-key is simply because the human race does not have the most powerful treasure.

This all shows that there is a huge gap between the Lord of Chaos City and the original ancestor in terms of their ability to teach disciples.

The Lord of Chaos City was very suitable to give guidance to Wei Wen, but he did not take the initiative to recruit disciples, but made a choice that was more beneficial to Wei Wen.

He believed...if Wei Wen could get the guidance of his teacher, the original ancestor, he would almost certainly become the strongest person in the universe, or even surpass the strongest person in the universe!
  Once the original ancestor was permanently suppressed, it is indeed difficult to come out again, but as long as the strength is sufficient in the future, nothing is impossible.

If there is still something you can't do, it can only mean that you are not strong enough!
  (End of this chapter)

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