Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 141 Original Ancestor’s Talent

Chapter 141 Original Ancestor’s Talent
  The original ancestor looked at the Chaos City Lord in golden robes and smiled softly. In his eyes, he seemed to be able to see the figure who listened to the teachings beside him a long time ago.

Compared to Giant Axe, Chaos has always been the most obedient disciple.

He is also gentle and calm in temperament. After he was suppressed, the Lord of Chaos City guarded the original universe for endless years, trying to find ways to solve various crises encountered by the human race.

But for the Lord of Chaos City, his biggest wish is of course to save the teacher.

"Then bring him to see me." The original ancestor disappeared in the Great Ax Temple.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Chaos City couldn't help but smile. He knew that... the teacher said this, which meant that he had agreed.

Wei Wen's potential is extremely strong, especially the teacher who seems to have aroused his fighting spirit again, as if the teacher with invincible will has returned after countless years!
  After the original ancestor disappeared, the temple fell into a brief silence.

"Okay, the original ancestors have come out, so no matter what secrets there are about the earth, we can't force it!" The founder of the giant ax broke the silence.

"No matter how big the secret is, there is no need for us to discuss it."

"After all, the earth is used to give birth to human beings. They are all part of the human race anyway. Let them, the earthlings, develop peacefully."

Seeing this, the masters of the universe secretly sighed in their hearts, this is the prestige of the original ancestors within the human race!
  Even if the original ancestors said nothing about the decisions related to the earth, their willingness to accept disciples was enough for them to view Wei Wen from a higher perspective.

"In addition, there may be some things that need to be discussed, that is, the Earth's lineage should provide some convenience." The Lord of Chaos City was silent for a moment.

"In the same era, four geniuses can emerge on Earth. It should be noted that Earth has just set foot in the interstellar world, and its own background is still shallow."

"Once we support one or two, more geniuses, strong people, and some elite geniuses will emerge. Regarding resource tilt, I propose..."


virtual universe.

The genius battle in the genius battle plane is still going on. Bo Lan, Luo Feng and others are still entering the trial tower, but Wei Wen has temporarily left the genius battle plane.

After all, according to Wei Wen's understanding of the original work, Luo Feng may delay it for nearly a year.

The killing field simulation space, where opponents of any strength can be set, can also be regarded as a 'teacher'.

"Death!" Wei Wen stood in the void, looked at the simulated opponent in front of him, and instantly pulled out the long sword behind him.

"The perception is not bad, but the use is average." The opponent shook his head slightly.

  The surrounding area was blurred for an instant, and the dimensions of space and time were mobilized at the same time.

Even though Wei Wen instantly transformed into tens of thousands of phantoms and simulated timelines, he was still stabbed through the head by his opponent's sword!
  "We lost again." Wei Wen shook his head helplessly.

Judging from the Chaos Monument in Chaos City, the Space and Time Chaos Monument of the Universe is the most profound and difficult to study, and it tests the understanding of both time and space at the same time.

For example, in the original book, Bolan's understanding of the origin of space at a certain period was enough to reach a point comparable to the ninth floor of the Jiuyu Tongtian Bridge, but he still couldn't break through the seventh floor of the Universe Tongtian Bridge!

And now Wei Wen is planning to take the route of analyzing the original laws of space. In a sense, it can be regarded as rebuilding space.

If he chooses the Cosmic Chaos Monument after entering Chaos City, Wei Wen will never be able to defeat the opponents on the eighth floor when facing opponents who are advancing in time and space when he breaks through the overpass.

"Don't be impatient in understanding the original law, take your time." Wei Wen did not show how disappointed he was, but continued to study the original law of time and space.

"Wei Wen." A figure suddenly appeared, it was the Lord of Chaos City.

"I've met the Lord of Chaos City." Wei Wen saluted respectfully.

"I came today to tell you something important." The Lord of Chaos City said straight to the point, "With your current strength, it's time to find a higher-level teacher for you."

"Teacher?" Wei Wen was slightly startled.

The relationship between master and disciple in the human race is extremely strong, and it is almost impossible to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor, because once it happens, it will be the public enemy of all strong people!

Of course, all strong people...mostly have a large group of teachers. After all, if you climb up from a weak person step by step, you will easily encounter the problem of limited teacher ability.

And for the sake of human development, naturally we cannot limit everyone to have only one teacher, as this may delay the disciple's talent.

It stands to reason that at his current level, it would be enough for the Nine Swords Venerable to give him guidance.

To be honest, Wei Wen really didn't think much about finding a new teacher. He didn't think there was anything wrong with the ability of Master Nine Swords.

Of course, the Lord of Chaos City took the initiative to say this... Could it be that he wanted to accept him as his disciple?

With his potential, he is indeed worthy of being accepted as a disciple by the Lord of Chaos City. Wei Wen is quite confident in this point. After all, his original law of time and space is at least a genius born in tens of millions of epochs.

But I didn't mention it when I met him in person before, why did I suddenly mention it now?
  "Looking at this vast universe, there is no one who knows how to be a teacher better than him. It is estimated that apart from you, no one else is qualified to be accepted as his disciple." The Lord of Chaos City continued.

Wei Wen heard that the Lord of Chaos City did not mean that the Lord of Chaos City was recruiting disciples.

If Wei Wen was not a time traveler, he might not think much about it, but now he had a guess, could it be that one?
  "Let's go." The Lord of Chaos City waved his hand, and Wei Wen and the Lord of Chaos City disappeared.

Virtual universe, the top of Thunder Island.

In front of the palace of Chaos City Lord, the two figures appeared, but Chaos City Lord did not take him into his palace, which seemed to further confirm Wei Wen's guess.

The Lord of Chaos City led Wei Wen to fly deeper into the sky above Thunder Island, and the surrounding chaotic air flow separated in both directions.

Through the plot of the original work, Wei Wen had long known that...the deepest part of this chaotic airflow is actually the origin of the virtual universe!

In Wei Wen's view, the most powerful thing about the legendary "original ancestor" of the human race is not his invincible combat power in the universe, but his unparalleled talent that actually created this " The secret of "virtual universe"!
  A level 10 secret method can spread throughout the original universe. If it grows up and reaches the level of a god king, it may not be able to spread throughout the entire source world.

And at that time, I'm afraid it's more than just a virtual universe. After all, the eternal true god level can "create the universe with just one thought," and his virtual universe is enough to transform into a real universe.

What is Hunyuan?

Real Hunyuan powerhouses are roughly divided into three levels: advanced Hunyuan life, world-level Hunyuan life, and lord-level Hunyuan life.

Why did Dongbo Snow Eagle directly surpass the high-level Hunyuan beings as soon as he broke through Hunyuan, and reached the world level and lord level one after another?

It’s because Dongbo Snow Eagle follows the path of the virtual world and illusion!

And in a sense, this is similar to the path taken by the original ancestors.

In short, if the original ancestor has enough opportunities, his future achievements will definitely be high!
  (End of this chapter)

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