Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 142 Become a disciple of the original ancestor

Chapter 142 Become a disciple of the original ancestor
  "The paths taken by the original ancestor and Dong Bo Xueying are very similar. Once there is enough opportunity, it will be another Hunyuan Lord!" Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

Moreover, the virtual universe is different from Dong Bo Xueying's virtual world illusion. First of all, the scope. The true god level can spread throughout the entire original universe and form its own universe origin.

Even if everything in it can be virtualized, any law can be understood and practiced in it!
  It should be noted that in the virtual universe, countless powerful people are practicing at all times, and even the sages and masters of the universe practice secret techniques, unique skills, etc. in it, but almost no external energy is consumed.

Just like the conservation of energy in the original universe, the virtual universe can also do the same.

Except that the original universe is real, the virtual universe is just virtual. It can be said to be another original universe!
  Of course, the original ancestor was very talented, but his understanding seemed to be no longer as good as Luo Feng at the Universe Venerable level, so the original ancestor was inferior in understanding.

Therefore, its growth rate will be far inferior to Luo Feng later.

However, once he gets enough opportunities, with his talent, he will probably be enough to become a Hunyuan, and 10% of Hunyuan may be at least a world-class Hunyuan.

How defiant?

To be honest, after Wei Wen's talent was revealed before, Wei Wen was not surprised that the Lord of Chaos City or even the founder of Giant Ax accepted him as his disciple.

After all, he has shown his potential as the Lord of the Universe. It is normal for the Lord of the Universe and the strongest person in the universe to accept him as his disciple, but it is also difficult for him to make a qualitative change!
  After all, with such a level of talent, it would be difficult for him to have any opportunity to continue to improve his potential.

Therefore, Wei Wen didn't care much about who he accepted as a disciple.

Of course, the original ancestor has been suppressed by the origin of the universe and can only appear in the virtual universe. Even many powerful people in the Hongmeng do not know the existence of the original ancestor.

Even if the original ancestor really accepts him as his disciple, then this matter must be kept secret. It is estimated that only the master of the universe and the founder of the giant ax of the human race will know.

And even if the Lord of Youhou knew that, as the Lord of the Universe, he would probably not be willing to call a stellar level uncle...

This is no wonder. This must be why when the Lord of Chaos City took Wei Wen to see the original ancestor, no other universe Lords in the virtual universe showed up.

"If I am really accepted as a disciple by the original ancestor, wouldn't I become the junior brother of the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Youhou, and the future senior uncle of Luo Feng?" Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

"Not to mention anything else, just saying that my seniority in the human race is indeed exaggerated. It is absolutely impossible for anyone in the human race to dare to embarrass me again, and the earth's problems can be easily solved."

"We're here!" The Lord of Chaos City didn't know what Wei Wen was thinking. He just stopped after seeing the statue in front of him.

"This statue is carved by my teacher. He made great contributions to our human race."

"If the teacher had not led the rise of the human race, the human race would not have become the pinnacle race so easily."

"It is also because he founded the Virtual Universe line that our Virtual Universe company is what it is today."

I saw that the surrounding chaotic airflow had become thinner, and there was an endless towering statue in the endless void.

The towering statue that is unknown how tall is has endless power of the original law.

There are not only the ten basic laws of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder and lightning, light, space, and time, but also the fluctuations of the fusion laws of beasts and gods such as metal, air, wood, air, and water.

"Is this the original ancestor?" Wei Wen looked at the towering statue in the distance.

The statue is of a slightly thin man with a smiling face. His smile... seems to be a kind of perfection that has broken through everything.

"Chaos." A very ordinary voice sounded.

"Huh?" Wei Wen suddenly turned his head and saw a white-robed figure not far away, who looked like the man with the towering statue.

The spring breeze-like smile on his face made him feel extremely peaceful after seeing it. "Teacher." Chaos City Lord bowed when he saw the man in white robe.

"Yes." The man in white robe nodded, then looked at Wei Wen, his eyes seemed to see through the origin of everything in the universe, "Wei Wen, this is the first time we have met."

"You have been practicing for a very short time, but your will is extremely strong. It is actually comparable to the immortal level. Your own potential is even more extraordinary. You are very good."

"The top experts of the human race are very optimistic about you and think that you can shoulder the hope of the race in the future!"

"I also agree with this. I plan to accept you as my direct disciple. Are you willing?"

"Disciple is willing." Wei Wen said respectfully.

He originally thought that as the original ancestor, even if he accepted him as a disciple, he would probably only be a registered disciple for the time being.

For example, when the Lord of Chaos City accepts Luo Feng as his disciple, he also needs to practice the secret method and confirm his growth rate and potential before he can become his direct disciple.

As a result, the original ancestor accepted him as his disciple, but did not take this step at all, which surprised Wei Wendu. Are the human race's expectations of him so exaggerated?
  "Very good." The original ancestor of the white robe showed a smile.

Before he was suppressed, he had already stood on the top of the primitive universe. That battle with the original will of the primitive universe made him realize a lot.

He had grown stronger during the years of perpetual repression.

Just like the Ancestral God of the Ancestral God Sect said, once the Original Ancestor is released, he can directly surpass the True God and become the True God of the Void!

At his level, since he really decided to accept Wei Wen as his disciple, why bother to set any tests? .

And even if there is any test, he feels that Wei Wen should be able to pass the test he may set, and the test is completely unnecessary.

"Teacher... Wei Wen is the strongest genius in the human race. I feel relieved to be in your hands." The Lord of Chaos City smiled.

"You still can't break through?" The original ancestor in white robe nodded and asked suddenly.

"I always feel that there are signs of a breakthrough, but I have been unable to break through. I must have fallen into a bottleneck. Teacher, I will leave first." The Lord of Chaos City shook his head helplessly, and then left here.

"I can feel that you seem to have a lot of doubts." Yuan Zu looked at Wei Wen.

"You may not think that the Lord of the Universe is great, but when you reach this level, you realize that your practice may have just begun."

"Just talking about this primitive universe, I still can't understand it even when I was growing up!"

"In short, the so-called road to becoming a strong person may never have a limit, and you have only just begun."

"The original ancestor is very defiant. To be able to reach this point, he should not be blind to the elephant." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

"Like the family treasure he left to the Lord of Chaos City, it is integrated with the concept of mechanical treasures, which can rival the most powerful treasures in the original universe."

"It's just a pity that the original ancestor didn't know much about cultivation, so he ended up taking a detour."

"It can't be said that it was a detour. In the words of the mountain guest, the original ancestor had a certain success rate when he seized the original universe."

"If he survives until the end of the original universe, he may be able to succeed."

(End of this chapter)

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