Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 143 Supreme Authority, Trillion Points Quota

Chapter 143 Supreme Authority, Trillion Points Quota

"You have a strong will and a strong state of mind. It is indeed unheard of for a star to be able to do this." The original ancestor continued.

"As for the chance encounter... not to mention, Chaos and the others all say that you can change the future of the ethnic group, and I believe this."

"However, if you can gain opportunities, you may also lose them. However, you already have the conditions to become a super strong person. Next, you should practice hard."

"I have mentored many strong people in the human race, but the number of direct disciples under my command is also not large. There are only four of them including you."

"But your three senior brothers are now able to stand on their own, and I believe you... won't lose to them in the future."

"Disciple must go all out." Wei Wen said respectfully.

With the talent, strength, and status of the original ancestor, the requirements for direct disciples will naturally be higher.

Coupled with the rapid growth rate of the original ancestor and the fact that he was suppressed early, it is natural that the number of disciples is not large.

However, strong men such as the founder of the named disciple Giant Axe, and the follower Dragon Walk Master are probably where they are today because of the guidance and teachings of the original ancestors.

He looked at Wei Wen in front of him. Now, hundreds of millions of years later, he never thought that he would accept a disciple again.

The former disciples are now able to stand alone, and naturally they will take more care of Wei Wen, a star level.

"I have a general understanding of your training, talent, etc. It is a good choice for you to take the path of analysis based on the laws of time and space. Just follow this plan for the time being."

"This is just the basis of the original law of time and space, and it will make no difference to anyone's perception."

"If you have any doubts about cultivation, you can ask Nine Swords or Chaos. Come to me after you understand the essence of all the original laws of time and space."

"Yes, teacher." Wei Wen said respectfully.

Although Wei Wen was accepted as a direct disciple by the Original Ancestor, even the Lords of the Universe such as Giant Ax and Chaos rarely saw the Original Ancestor, and of course they would not always personally instruct him on the basic essence of the law of time and space.

And the most important thing is that with his current level of understanding, he really does not need the original ancestor to bother to give guidance.

After he realizes all the essence, it will not be too late for the original ancestor to give him guidance.

"In addition, from now on, your authority in the virtual universe will be upgraded to the highest authority level." The original ancestor seemed to have thought of something.

"No one can query your information. Secondly, you can also query the information in the virtual universe network."

"It includes some secrets, treasures, etc. that cannot be found in the virtual universe company's treasure house. It will definitely help you grow."

"As long as the free resources I set for you are within the limit, the human race will ask for anything from you. I hope you can grow up as soon as possible and don't let the human race down!"

Most of the secrets in the treasure troves of major forces are for core geniuses and immortal gods. When they reach a higher level, many of them are 'forbidden items'.

For Wei Wen, he may not care about money or ordinary treasures, but he lacks the authority to obtain these more precious secrets and treasures.

Just like when Wei Wen gave birth to a second clone and wanted to choose a special life, but he couldn't find any information in the virtual universe, now he is equivalent to having GM authority.

"Thank you, teacher." Wei Wen suddenly beamed, "Can those resources be used to help others, such as Luo Feng?"

"As long as it is within the free resource quota." The original ancestor shook his head and smiled, and Wei Wen's figure disappeared directly from the origin of the virtual universe.

The original ancestor was more optimistic about Wei Wen's behavior of helping his friends. After all, when Wei Wen grew up, he would also help the higher-ups of the human race.

Moreover, Wei Wen's talent is that of the strongest person in the universe after all, so it is normal to receive such treatment. With this kind of treatment, the possibility of Wei Wen's many secrets being exposed is even lower.

"Thank you, teacher." Wei Wen suddenly beamed with joy.


Horned Dragon Star.

After he met with the original ancestor, he received an email from the Lord of Chaos City and others, which directly stated the results of the highest-level meeting of the human race.

Not only will they no longer claim ownership of the Earth, but the Virtual Universe Company will also change the specifications of training for the geniuses of the Earth's lineage.

"The opportunities in life are really wonderful." Wei Wen looked confused.

“I thought that my outburst would only alarm the Lord of Chaos City at most, but I didn’t expect that the fluctuations this time would be so big.”

"Because of the special characteristics of the earth, I worried for a long time, just thinking about how to deal with it after being exposed."

"But I never thought that the appearance of the original ancestor would directly solve the urgent need."

Now that Wei Wen has been accepted as a disciple by the original ancestor, the top leaders of the human race will never dare to embarrass him, so there is no need to worry about the earth's problems.

Wei Wen also understood that this was probably because he had shown enough value, and this value was the result of the hard work of himself, Luo Feng, and Ji Ning over the years.

There is also an email from the virtual universe system, which briefly introduces the permissions and the free resource quota of star level.

"Wei Wen: You now receive 1 trillion points for free. You can use these 1 trillion points to purchase any secret technique or item in the treasure house list."

"It is recommended that you buy the secret techniques you need, the secret techniques you have recently used to practice and grow."

"Also, I would like to remind you that there is no need to waste time cultivating original energy and telekinesis. The first to ninth levels from the stellar level, the universe level, the domain lord level, and the world lord level are just the accumulation of quantity."

"The human race will spend extremely precious resources for free to improve and strengthen your body, and improve your original power and telekinesis for free."

"It allows you to advance from level one to level nine in a short period of time after a breakthrough, allowing your body to reach the same level as soon as possible."

Virtual Universe Company will indeed not let its core members waste time on accumulating energy.

Most of the time should be saved to improve combat effectiveness, understand the original laws, secret methods, etc.

"With the so-called free resource quota, many problems must be solved. Then Luo Feng, Hong and Lei Shen will grow and develop, and no one can stop them." Wei Wen's eyes narrowed.

"My current star-level free resource quota...a total of 1 trillion points, which is about 1 trillion Hunyuan units of purchasing power."

"It should be noted that breaking through the original Tongtian Mountain at the universe level only costs 1 million points. Breaking through the original Tongtian Mountain at the world lord level only costs 1000 billion points, and you have to wait until the world lord level to get it!"

"It's quite an exaggeration for me to have so many for one star level."

"I will soon break through to the cosmic level, so I will naturally use it and enjoy it soon."

"While enjoying yourself, you can also help Luo Feng. You can also achieve higher and faster growth through Luo Feng's feedback."

"The most important thing at the moment is to focus on cultivation and realize the essence of all the laws of time and space as soon as possible. Only then will my status as the 'direct disciple of the original ancestor' be worthy of the name."

(End of this chapter)

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