Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 144 Sending the Lord of the Universe Secret Technique

Chapter 144 Sending the Lord of the Universe Secret Technique
  "What can I buy with a universe-level trillions of free points?" Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

Wei Wen casually clicked on the treasure house, and eight categories including "Secret Arts", "Weapons", "Rare Treasures" and "Technology Weapons" appeared on the screen.

There are many subcategories floating under each major category. For example, under the biological category, there are "plant life", "metal life", "special life" and so on.

"Barbara, you should learn more about the treasures in these treasure house lists. When I need something, you can give me good suggestions in time." Wei Wen said in silence for a moment.

In fact, in addition to the knowledge of the time traveler, his knowledge of the human race and the original universe is also limited, and it is impossible to invest much energy in learning on this.

Therefore, the assistance of intelligent life Barbara is very important. After all, the thinking calculation and logical processing speed of intelligent life are comparable to those of immortals.

Presumably Barbara learned this knowledge faster and was more receptive.

Moreover, intelligent life itself also needs to broaden its horizons through learning and growth, otherwise it will be easy to make mistakes like Babata in the original work.

For example, with the enthusiastic help of Babata, Luo Feng used the free quota of 10,000 points for members of the Taichu Secret Realm to purchase a complete set of "Shadow Secret Codex".

This is indeed a set of secret techniques for warrior combat that emphasizes a solid foundation. At least it is considered a good secret technique in immortality. After all, Hu Yanbo's strongest secret technique is only worth about 1 points.

But for the important opportunity that is about to be the first to comprehend the universe, it is a waste to use points to buy these things, and they will not play their due role at all.

If Luo Feng hadn't fought his way through the first floor of the Tongtian Bridge and gained extra points, he would have been tricked by Baba Tower.

"What are you going to buy?" Barbara was curious after briefly browsing.

"Click on the most expensive secret method in the secret method category." Wei Wen said without hesitation.

Regardless of whether it is correct or not, according to Wei Wen's understanding, the most expensive secret method in the virtual universe is the Lord of the Universe secret method!

The content on the screen in front of Wei Wen became sparse. Among them, there were only hundreds of secret books and related information introductions, all of which had a starting price of at least 100 billion points!
  If Wei Wen was just an ordinary genius, even if he was a core member of the original secret realm and only had 10 points when he first joined, he would definitely not be able to afford it.

But now the original ancestor has given him 1 trillion free points directly at the cosmic level stage. He should be able to buy a few books, such as "Chaos Principle", "Space-Time Essay", "Black Hole Evolution"...

Wei Wen has a very high talent for the original law of time and space. There is nothing wrong with buying the Lord of the Universe secret law. At most, it is just a matter of compatibility.

In addition, one of the rewards for the top 1,000 people in the universe in the Genius Battle is to go to the "Initial Universe" for enlightenment.

The most important opportunity in the initial universe is the 52 Chaos Monuments, and each Chaos Monument corresponds to a large number of secret methods and so on!
  After all, these 52 Chaos Monuments can be regarded as the 52 various cultivation paths currently known to the human race, all of which can lead directly to the highest road!
  It is easy to understand any Chaos Monument and become the Lord of the Universe. It is possible to become the Lord of the Universe and the strongest person in the Universe.

When Wei Wen arrives in the Chaos City of the Initial Universe, he will definitely choose one of the Chaos Monuments for enlightenment. Of course, the opportunities for enlightenment are very rare and very rare...
  "The universe level is already one trillion points. It must be more than just a reward for my golden-horned behemoth to break through to the domain lord level." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

"Actually, many treasures can no longer be measured by points or Hunyuan units. For example, any important treasure cannot be purchased with trillions of points."

"I think the free resources at the domain lord level are enough to afford heavy treasures, but I don't know if there will be special resources, like the number of times to comprehend the Chaos Monument."

"The human race values ​​me so much, and they must want me to grow up as soon as possible, so there should be such an opportunity, right?"

Wei Wen thought for a moment and then ended his thinking. Now it was useless no matter how much he thought about it.

Wei Wen then continued to look at the hundreds of most expensive books, all of which were created by these top-level Chaos Monument creators!
  If the Chaos Monument makes people feel that it is profound and unfathomable, and can even automatically guide people to automatically comprehend many secret methods, then these books themselves record thousands of secret methods. They correspond to the cultivation paths inscribed in the Chaos Monuments created, and are also the best secret methods for cultivating the respective Chaos Monuments.

According to the understanding of the original work, the growth effect will be better when combined with the Chaos Monument when comprehending these secret techniques.

Wei Wen's choice about the Chaos Monument... Since the original ancestor did not leave behind the Chaos Monument, he has only one choice, and that is the Cosmic Chaos Monument.

What is the universe?

The four directions, up and down, are the universe, and the past and present are the universe, so the universe chaos monument represents both the original laws of time and space.

As these two original laws are the two most difficult upper-level original laws in the original universe, it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to understand one, let alone two.

Therefore, the "Universe" style of practice is the most difficult. For most geniuses in Virtual Universe Company, this kind of practice is too difficult to try.

Not to mention that Wei Wen was also studying the nature of the original laws of space and time at the same time, which made the difficulty even higher.

Fortunately, there are Chaos Monuments and Secret Techniques to choose from, which will allow Wei Wen to grow faster.

As for the choice of secret method, it is obvious. The secret method "Chaos Principle" corresponding to the Cosmic Chaos Monument has a purchase price of 2000 billion points!
  Generally speaking, a king can only have a net worth of 10 billion points. Such a high and exaggerated price can only be afforded by those who have the property of the Venerables of the Universe.

Wei Wen bought two copies directly, one as a gift to Luo Feng and the other for his own understanding.

Of course, this is only the secret method that he has understood on the surface. Behind the scenes, he must have understood the secret method of feedback.

The Lord of Chaos City can be called the strongest Lord of the Universe in the original universe, and the secret method of feedback must be at the level of the strongest in the universe!

In addition, judging from the original work, the secret method that is most suitable for Luo Feng is obviously "Time and Space Essay".

Wei Wen was not short of the 1000 billion points, so he simply bought another book for Luo Feng.

In short, the faster Luo Feng improves, the higher Wei Wen's income will be. He cannot afford to suffer losses or be fooled.

As for Hong and Thunder God... there is no need to worry about the earth anyway. Wei Wen also chose the appropriate secret methods for them corresponding to the chaos tablets related to 'light, time' and 'thunder, time'.

As for why Wei Wen was able to find out these things, it was naturally because of his authority. Now the entire human race has almost no secrets to Wei Wen.


While Luo Feng was practicing unhurriedly, he was also looking at the points ranking list, and information about the points flashed in his mind.

Judging from the points ranking, Wei Wen has obviously passed all trial towers.

As for Bolan, because he insisted on competing with Wei Wen this time, he fell on the first floor of the seventh trial tower not long after the elimination round.

"It's very difficult to handle." Luo Feng couldn't help but secretly thought.

(End of this chapter)

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