Chapter 147 The road ahead

In addition, Wei Wen passed the seventh trial tower, which really shocked the geniuses.

But because the gap was so huge, and most of them had been in the trial tower before, there was nothing too intuitively shocking.

But now facing the explosive Luo Feng, they realized just how powerful Wei Wen's strength was!

The barbarian Rong Jun from the Qianwu Universe Kingdom, the young prince Wuka from the Manka tribe, the genius girl Ai Chen from the Mengluo Wing tribe... They were disappointed with Wei Wen's performance.

"I aspire to be the best genius in the universe. Even if I know Wei Wen is scary, I can still fight him. But now I didn't expect Luo Feng to be so strong." Bolan's eyes narrowed.

"You have really made me see the vastness of the universe. From today on, you will become my goal."

"Maybe the star level is not enough, then the universe level, the domain lord level, the world lord level!"

Wei Wen and Luo Feng were like big mountains, especially Wei Wen standing across Bolan's path, as if blocking his entire field of vision.

If he wanted to move on, Nabolan would have to face them both.

But is this guy really a genius of their era?

Being in the same era as Wei Wen, is it his luck or sorrow?


"Thirteen, congratulations on joining the Witch Universe Kingdom."

"It has been a long time since there was a genius who broke into the top 20. I didn't expect that this time it would be so terrifying. So many appeared all at once."

"There are millions of geniuses here, but your universe accounts for five of the top 20."

"Even the first and second are geniuses from your Ganwu Universe Kingdom. Do you think this will allow others to live?"

"Hong, Lei Shen, and Rong Jun will most likely be able to enter the Taichu Secret Realm, while Wei Wen and Luo Feng will be able to enter the Original Secret Realm."

"Actually, before the trial started, many people said that Bolan from the Noah Universe would be the first, but who would have thought that in the end it would be Wei Wen and Luo Feng from the Witch Universe who showed up."

"The most exaggerated thing is Wei Wen. He actually finished all the trial towers before. His future potential is limitless."

Thousands of immortals around him congratulated Scale Giant Thirteen one after another. After all, in this battle of geniuses, Ganwu Universe Kingdom's performance was really amazing.

Genius actually represents the future hope of a universe country. Of course, the upper limit of the growth of ordinary geniuses is not high and may not be absolutely accurate, but it is enough to give Ganwu Universe Country hope.

Especially for geniuses like Wei Wen and Luo Feng, the probability of them becoming super powerful is much higher.

Therefore, when a genius with super potential appears, no force will let go of their news.

But now this glory belongs to Qianwu Universe Kingdom. When people talk about geniuses versus geniuses, they will inevitably mention Wei Wen and Luo Feng.

At this time, the achievements achieved by the few of them made the citizens of Qianwu Universe Kingdom, Black Dragon Mountain Empire and Silver Blue Empire extremely excited.

"Didn't the brother and sister from Planet Augustus also hit the top 20?" Scale Giant Thirteen said with a smile.

"The two of them can't compare with Wei Wen and Luo Feng. Their performance is so surprising." One of the immortals sighed.


In Building No. 0825, the scaled giant Thirteen briefly explained the situation of the upcoming arena battle.

Nowadays, geniuses who are not among the top 7300 will be directly teleported out of the genius battle plane.

Wei Wen, Luo Feng, Hong, Lei Shen and Rong Jun are directly among the top 100 and can qualify to enter the core of the Virtual Universe Company in advance.

"The five of you have performed very well. At least you can enter the Secret Realm of Heaven and Earth. As long as you are not unlucky, you can also compete in the Secret Realm of Taichu."

Although the scale giant Thirteen always had a straight face before, he is always smiling now. There is no other way. Wei Wen, Luo Feng and others have earned him enough face this time, allowing him to feel proud in front of all immortals.

If you are like this and still don't have a good attitude towards Wei Wen and the others, then there is really something wrong with Thirteen's head.

"Wei Wen and Luo Feng have no problem. Hong, Lei Shen, and Rong Jun are strong enough to enter the secret realm of Taichu."

"It's just that genius battles sometimes depend on luck. No one is sure what kind of opponent the virtual universe system will arrange for you in the next arena battle."

"Maybe you are very strong, but don't underestimate the genius of the universe. For example, the trial tower is actually at a disadvantage for illusionists."

"But in a one-on-one battle, the illusionist's strength can be fully utilized. Pay attention to that Galesi, his illusion is very strong."

"Anyway, don't be careless at all, otherwise you may become a stepping stone for others!" Thirteen left the building as soon as he finished speaking.

Wei Wen and others nodded. In fact, the genius battle has reached the final stage. No matter how stupid they are, they will not be careless!

"Thor God, I didn't expect that your ranking this time is actually higher than mine. Let's discuss and compare later?"

Because Rong Jun quickly entered the trial tower, he was eliminated early, but he was still in the top 20.

Luo Feng, Hong and Lei Shen are all stalling for time. It can be regarded as an achievement after one year. Rong Jun has also grown up this year.

Although Rong Jun's ranking is not as good as Hong and Lei Shen, those results were a year ago. Who is stronger and weaker now can only be known after playing against them.

After all, one of them follows the original law of space, and the other follows the original law of time, and they are not sure about the strength of the other party.

Moreover, the genius is somewhat unconvinced, and more geniuses are needed to confirm the power.

"Haha, yes, let's compete in advance to confirm the level of strength." Thor grinned. Their personalities are quite compatible.

"The genius battle is just an experience for us. My future will not be limited by one trial. Are you Rongjun brave enough to fight with us?" Luo Feng took a deep breath.

Compared to the battle of geniuses, the four people on Earth are more concerned about the future of the Earth. Fortunately, this problem has been solved for now.

"Haha, I can't beat you, Luo Feng, and I can't beat the God of Thunder?" Rong Jun laughed.

"Don't underestimate me, I'm afraid you won't know enough by then!" Thor smiled mysteriously.

Regarding the secret of the earth, Luo Feng, Hong and Lei Shen may not know the specific situation, but Wei Wen briefly told them about the visit of the Lord of Chaos City before.

They can tell from the fact that the Lord of Chaos City went there personally that the earth is definitely not simple.


Noah Universe.

"Sir, I have something in my heart this time in the trial tower, and I want to simply retreat for a while." Bolan said after a moment of silence.

"Go, don't worry about time, the next decisive battle in the arena will remind you." Noah Universe Kingdom said with an immortal smile.

"If you haven't come out before the next round starts, it won't be too late for me to call you."

Although Bolan obviously has no hope of getting first place, Bolan's talent cannot be underestimated, and third place can also get a spot in the original secret realm.

Room 1 in the building.

Bo Lan, who was sitting cross-legged and practicing, suddenly opened his eyes, with a trace of unwillingness flashing in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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