Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 148 Advantages of Earthlings

Chapter 148 Advantages of Earthlings

"Why is it that Wei Weneng, a fellow practitioner of time and space, has reached that point, but the law of the origin of time is so difficult for me to understand?" Bolan's suppressed roar echoed throughout the room.

In fact, Bolan had already demonstrated his talent for the terrifying origin of space laws a long time ago. As long as he majored in space, Luo Feng would naturally not be his opponent.

But geniuses are all very proud. Bolan is unwilling to be mediocre and wants to follow the original law of time and space at the same time.

However, in terms of talent for the original law of time, it is far inferior to the talent for the original law of space.

Of course, before meeting Wei Wen and Luo Feng, he still firmly believed that his choice was right, even if it was slower.

Because his own talent is not bad, at least at the same level, he has never encountered a decent opponent, so he feels that it doesn't matter if he delays for a while!

But now the appearance of Wei Wen and Luo Feng made him feel crisis and unwillingness.

Especially through the comparison between him and Wei Wen and Luo Feng, he found that he was in a very embarrassing situation because he was neither high nor low!

Bolan was in an unprecedented panic, and all kinds of negative emotions were biting Bolan's heart, which made him unable to practice at all.

"I should calm down, Wei Wen, Luo Feng, I, Bo Lan, will not admit defeat. I will prove that I am the strongest genius!" Bo Lan took a deep breath.

Now Bolan has no other thoughts in his mind, only one thought - work harder!

But simply redoubling his efforts or even more intense hard training seems to be difficult for him to surpass Wei Wen and Luo Feng.

"Remembering what the teacher said before leaving... I must achieve immortality faster, and even become a strong person among immortals, be granted the title of marquis or king..." Bo Lan sighed.

"After this painful lesson, maybe I should give up the law of wind and time origin..."

"Only in this way can we hope to surpass Luo Feng. As for Wei Wen... there is no hope at all."

In fact, it's not that Immortal, the leader of Noah's Universe, doesn't understand Bolan's pride and willfulness, but he can't persuade him.

Bolan is equivalent to the rebellious stage. The more he is persuaded, the more he deepens his own ideas, because Bolan is too proud, so proud that he is conceited!

It's normal when you think about it. After all, Bolan's space talent is considered a genius that only emerged in tens of thousands of epochs.

Ever since he was young, he has always been far ahead of his peers and far better than his peers, so he has an absolutely proud heart.

But Bolan's wrong choice made every immortal in Noah's universe feel regretful.

After all, being strong in everything means that nothing is strong enough. Of course, if Bolan has Wei Wen's talent, then pretend he didn't say this...

It stands to reason that since he is so talented in space origin, the best way to grow is to specialize in the laws of space.

Spend all your energy and time on the original laws of space, tap the greatest potential of your talents, and make your talents an absolute advantage!

Like Bolan's choice in the original work, many strong people regret it.

It's a pity that Bolan's state of mind is not good. Ruhong was always invincible at first, but he was not proud, but developed an ethereal and boundless state of mind.

"Bolan's extreme self-confidence makes him unable to listen to any suggestions at all." Leader Immortal said meaningfully.

"Seeing the current strength of Wei Wen and Luo Feng, he was a little anxious. His arrogance made him anxious, because finally there are people of his generation who have far surpassed him."

"Even a genius like Luo Feng, whose progress was not as fast as him before, has surpassed him. Only then can he realize the error of his choice."

"It depends on whether Bolan can figure it out. Being able to figure it out is naturally a good thing for him."

"If you can't figure out where your talent lies, maybe Bolan will be useless."


the next day.

"Next, I will talk about the rules of the ring qualification competition..." Lord Nine Swords once again summoned the geniuses and immortals. To put it simply, the top 101 people in the trial tower will qualify in advance, while the 7300st to th place will need to compete in three rounds of arena battles.

The virtual universe directly determines the opponent, and you cannot choose it yourself. The loser of the ring battle is directly eliminated, and only three consecutive victories can advance.

This tough rule does not allow any questioning.

If you feel it is unfair, you can withdraw directly.

Of course, if you really dare to quit, you may not be shot to death on the spot by the immortal leader.

After briefly explaining the rules, 7200 was teleported away directly and appeared on the 3600 stage.

Wei Wen and others walked to the spectator seats nearby, and 3600 live broadcast screens appeared directly in front of them, allowing them to directly see the battle in every arena.

"Watching other people fight, it feels a little different!" Thor watched with gusto.

"Let's think about what kind of opponents the virtual universe system will arrange for us. Only by knowing ourselves and the enemy can we win every battle." Hong looked at Thor with a speechless expression.

"What are we afraid of? With our strength, as long as we are not unlucky enough to meet Wei Wen, Luo Feng, and Bo Lan." The God of Thunder smiled calmly.

"Thunder God, are you too confident?" Rong Jun on the side asked doubtfully, "Look at that Phantom Demon Galesi, he just stood still and killed his opponent instantly."

"I can only say that illusionists are really scary. I'm afraid none of us are absolutely sure. After all, illusion has nothing to do with perception. It only depends on personal consciousness and will!"

"Except for a pervert like Wei Wen who can withstand the soul of the Zerg Mother Queen and illusion attacks in the seventh trial tower, even Luo Feng and Bo Lan may overturn when they encounter Galaixi."

The attack speed of illusion magic is only a moment, which is far faster than telekinesis weapons.

And the state of mind, will, consciousness, and soul that can more effectively resist illusions are so mysterious and mysterious. Without the advantages of people on earth, Rong Jun really has no confidence that he can defeat Galexi!

"Hmm!" Luo Feng couldn't help but frown, "As a spiritual master, I know the illusionists very well. They are indeed too weird."

"Rong Jun, if you meet him... wish yourself well." Wei Wen reminded.

"Hong and Lei guys just need to take it easy and don't be too fussy, okay?"

Luo Feng doesn't have to worry, just play the original work as usual, but Hong and Lei are different.

"Ah, yes, yes, Galesi is indeed a formidable opponent. We must be 'cautious' and 'pay attention'!" Hong and Lei Shen understood instantly.

"By the do you and the others have such strong will?" Ai Chen in front turned his head and stared at Wei Wen with his big eyes.

Regarding the situation in the trial tower, as a person from a special planet, she certainly knows the intensity of illusions and soul attacks in it.

Wei Wen is young, how can he have such a strong will?

Of course, Wei Wen alone has such a strong will, but Luo Feng, Hong and Lei Shen are all good.

In addition, there has been a rumor that the four of them came from the same planet, which has to make Ai Chen curious.

"Of course it's about practicing the muscles, bones and skin on the outside and one breath on the inside!" Wei Wen said casually.

"Huh, forget it if you don't want to say it!" Ai Chen snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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