Chapter 153 Lord Snow Eagle

At this moment, the entire black hole collapsed and disappeared completely, and a gray ball appeared where the black hole once was.

The gray ball looked like a snake shedding its skin, with a gray shell appearing around it. The gray shell around the ball continued to expand, expand, expand... until it was as big as the entire pronucleus.

Then the shell of the gray ball completely merged with the original nucleus and the crystal nucleus silently, causing some special changes to the cores of Wei Wenzun and the clone.

The pronucleus and crystalline core of the core transformed, and Wei Wen's original body and clone broke through simultaneously.

Wei Wen's true form has now broken through to the cosmic level, while the golden-horned beast and the void clone have reached the domain lord level.

After the breakthrough was completed, the entire body of the golden-horned beast and the void clone, which looked like a black mountain, began to undergo astonishing transformations.

The bones, tendons, etc. are getting thicker and longer, the scales are becoming denser, and the body is getting bigger and bigger!

Secondly, it is not only the transformation of the appearance, but also the internal changes of the golden-horned giant beast and the void clone are even more astonishing.

Every cell, every force, and mind power has undergone earth-shaking changes, and there has been a leap in the essential structure.

From star level to cosmic level, from cosmic level to domain master is a jump in physical fitness!

"Huh!" Wei Wen took a deep breath.

The cosmic level crosses into the domain main level, and the galaxies with proto-nuclei and crystal nuclei are completely swallowed up by black holes. The super-large black holes eventually collapse to form a ‘singularity’.

That is, the gray ball that appeared in the proto-nucleus and crystal core before Wei Wen was considered to have truly stepped into the Domain Lord level!

The singularity looks very small, but it is very heavy!

Because as a very small point, a singularity is actually formed by swallowing countless galaxies, and a real world will gradually be born inside it.

And this gradual gestation process will run through the entire process of the first level of Domain Lord - World Lord level!

When you reach the World Lord level, a fundamental transformation will occur, and the conceived world will become a real world!

The Realm Lord's body is truly a world of its own, and he can use the 'power of the world' with a wave of his hand.

Moreover, the realm lord-level inner world can already allow other strong people to survive, store items, etc., just like the real world and world rings!

[Congratulations on breaking through to Domain Lord level, you will have an additional chance to bind. 】

"A new binding opportunity has finally arrived." Wei Wen's eyes suddenly lit up.

In fact, it is difficult to improve to the level of a genius like Wei Wen who emerged in ten million epochs.

And now that new tool people are about to appear, there will be a new way of growth.

In fact, the emergence of a new world also comes with a new era, and he may be able to find treasures that can improve him.

According to Wei Wen's perception, he soon discovered that his sea of ​​consciousness was illusive, and a unique light gate appeared in an instant.

On the other side of the light gate, a new world is connected.

With just a thought, Wei Wen sank his consciousness into closing the door, and the memory of seeing Lord Snow Eagle became clearer in his mind.

So according to his expectations, the world he wants to travel through should be the world of Lord Snow Eagle.

"But seriously speaking, Swallowing Starry Sky and Lord Snow Eagle should be considered the same world?" Wei Wen looked stunned.

"If I go to Lord Snow Eagle's world, doesn't it mean that there will be two of me in this world?"

"And judging from the timeline of Lord Snow Eagle's world, Luo Feng was already the Lord of Luo City at that time, and his strength was at the level of Lord Hunyuan."

"So I am bound to Luo Feng as my friend. After Luo Feng's feedback, I must at least be a Hunyuan Lord, or even surpass the Lord?"

"Forget it, it's useless to think more about it. Let's go and take a look first."

"According to my expectations, I should appear in the Snow Eagle Territory of Novice Village. With my strength, in fact, the entire Xia Clan world is not expected to be in any danger."

"What's more, it's just a projection clone that appears, and it won't have any impact on the original person." Wei Wen was silent for a moment, and finally decided to test what was going on.

With a thought, Wei Wen's consciousness instantly passed through the light gate and landed in the world of Lord Snow Eagle.

"Hmm..." Wei Wen briefly felt it and shook his head slightly.

"It seems that it should be a different world. Otherwise, I can reach the sky in one step. At least I must have the strength of Lord Hunyuan, and I can take off directly and be invincible."

As for how to compare specific strengths, according to Wei Wen's understanding, Tianyu Universe is roughly divided into four major realms.

Ordinary level - human level, earth level, heaven level!

Star level - shooting star level, silver moon level, title level!

Extraordinary level - pseudo-extraordinary, extraordinary, holy level, demigod!

God level - gods, world gods!

True God - Heaven and Earth Realm, Opening Realm, and Dominant Realm.

Wei Wen didn't know the specific comparison of combat power.

The God of the Void has transcended the Tianyu Universe, so it should correspond to the True God of the Void who devoured the stars and transcended reincarnation.

Based on the introduction of the True God Realm of Heaven and Earth, I have mastered the complete laws of heaven and earth.

You can rely on the power of heaven and earth to jump out of the long river of time, and the world inside your body has evolved into a world with perfect rules, and time can easily accelerate ten thousand to ten million times.

Based on these data alone, it is not too much to consider him as a true god.

As for the world gods being divided into four levels, and the complete time god heart can be considered as a breakthrough, it must probably correspond to the venerable and lord of the universe.

Therefore, gods are probably comparable to immortals, demigods are probably world lord level, and domain lord level is saint level.

Of course, this is just a rough comparison of hard power, and it does not mean that Wei Wen's perception is very poor. It is definitely not an exaggeration to say that Wei Wen's perception of the original laws of time and space is that of a demigod, or even a god.

Because although some true meanings and divine hearts are very high-level, true meanings and divine hearts also have levels, and low-level divine hearts are not as powerful as true intentions.

For example, a demigod who has realized the true meaning of the first level (the true meaning of time, etc.) and the second level (the true meaning of space, etc.) can kill a powerful spiritual person with the third level of divine heart!

The Saint level of the third level true meaning can exert the strength of the fourth and fifth level true meaning demigods.


Snow Eagle Lord World, Tianyu Universe, Xia Clan World, Black Wind Cliff.

After Xiang Pangyun revealed the true form of the monster, Dongbo Snow Eagle was unable to resist him.

"Brother, brother!" Dongbo Qingshi was crying and staring at the black wind cliff in the distance below, praying for some miracle.

As Dongbo Snow Eagle fell, his spear penetrated the rock more than one meter deep.

Dongbo Snow Eagle's flying body barely stopped, but the four-hooved, black-armored beast in front of him pounced on him again.

"Drink!" Dongbo Snow Eagle suddenly exerted his strength and dodged to the side. At the same time, he pulled out the Flying Snow Spear from the rock and tried his best to dodge the attack of the four-hoofed black-armored beast.

The blood-red eyes of the four-hoofed black-armored beast were full of murderous intent, and its huge body instantly smashed into Dongbo Snow Eagle.

Dongbo Snow Eagle avoided the alien beast's body attack, but what followed was an oncoming attack with huge wings.

Blood was still flowing on the surface of the wings. Before Dongbo Snow Eagle could use his spear to block, the surging force caused him to be slapped downwards.

(End of this chapter)

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