Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 154 Battle with Chi Qiu Bai

Chapter 154 Battle with Chi Qiu Bai

After Xiang Pangyun recovered his monster body, he was completely overwhelming against Dongbo Snow Eagle. The four-hoofed black-armored beast was so huge that it was difficult for him to dodge.

"I'm afraid I will definitely die today..." Dongbo Snow Eagle took a deep breath, the gap between them was too big.

"Haha, Dong Bo Xueying, you are dead. I will ask your brother and the others under Xueying's leadership to accompany you. You will not be lonely even if you die." Xiang Pangyun said arrogantly.

"younger brother."

Dongbo Xueying felt that time around him seemed to slow down, and scenes from Xueying's previous life appeared in his mind.

An extremely strong will instantly penetrated his soul, and no one could kill his brother!

Even if he, Dong Bo Snow Eagle, dies, he still has to crawl out of hell!

"Ah!" Dongbo Snow Eagle roared, his mental power and soul reaching their peak in an instant.

Angry flames burned in Dongbo Snow Eagle's chest, endless anger and anxiety filled every part of his body, and endless flames suddenly appeared on the surface of Dongbo Snow Eagle's body.


Dongbo Snow Eagle thrust out his spear, and everything in the world seemed to be burning.

Flames appeared in the air around the spear. How bright and dazzling were the red flames?

"Huh? Is this the first level of understanding of the Fire Realm?!" Xiang Pangyun was suddenly shocked and hurriedly tried to resist.

Generally speaking, when you first enter the extraordinary world, you reach the state of unity between man and nature, but Dongbo Snow Eagle has already reached this state before entering the extraordinary world.

It is said that the heaven and earth are natural and all things are transformed. Dongbo Snow Eagle has now mastered a little bit of the mystery of the 'fire' of all things.

But this is the mysterious power of heaven and earth, the power enough to kill the pseudo-supernatural strongman, Xiang Pangyun is naturally no match for him!

Xiang Pangyun's hoofs and claws barely blocked it, but the entire spear pierced directly, piercing its huge body, and even the tip of the spear emerged from the back of its neck.

"Ten thousand... all things..." Xiang Pangyun looked at the figure in the flames in disbelief before he died.

The realm of all things is where extraordinary beings have just begun to understand the nature of heaven and earth. This is only the first step in understanding the nature of heaven and earth.

Dongbo Snow Eagle's life force completely exploded at the last moment, his will and mental power reached their peak, and his endless anger and desire... made him explode into the small universe.

"Huh?!" Dongbo Snow Eagle had just killed Xiang Pangyun when he suddenly saw two super huge alien beasts and a human appear in the void?

Although Xiang Pangyun transformed into the body of a monster, it was indeed quite large, but the gap between Wei Wen's golden-horned beast and its void clone was huge.

Dong Bo Xueying didn't need to think about it. He knew he couldn't beat him just by looking at this huge body.

Dong Bo Xueying even felt his soul trembling. With such a gap, it seemed as if the other party could kill him with just one breath.

At this moment, Dongbo Snow Eagle finally understood... why all the powerful men below the extraordinary level who came to explore the Black Wind Abyss from ancient times would definitely die!

"No matter what, I can only recuperate first, and then take it one step at a time." Dongbo Xueying is also a determined person.

As for Wei Wen's true self, he actually didn't expect that there would be three projections of him this time.

Wei Wen doesn't know what his specific strength is, but at worst he has to be extraordinary, right?

After all, compared to Dongbo Snow Eagle's recent burst of power, his power was far greater than Dong Bo Snow Eagle's, so there might be some discrepancies in his previous guesses.

Different power systems cannot completely correspond to each other, and Wei Wen doesn't really care. His main purpose of coming here is to improve himself.

[You choose to bind Dongbo Snow Eagle as a friend, and your strength will be fed back soon...]

Dongbo Snow Eagle's current strength is too weak, and Black Wind Abyss is also an opportunity for him. Wei Wen has no intention of saving him from Black Wind Abyss.

After all, his purpose in coming to this world is to practice, and practice is the most important thing.

…    Xiang Pang Yun and Dong Bo Snow Eagle fought in a battle, Xiang Pang Yun revealed his true identity, and Dong Bo Snow Eagle finally fell into the Black Wind Abyss?

Longshan Tower arranged for spies nearby to spread the news to Longshan Tower as quickly as possible. The strong men among them were also shocked and passed the news up.

"Wan, the realm of all things?"

"He reached the realm of all things at the age of twenty-two?"

If Dongbo Snow Eagle was an ordinary person, it would be fine if he was driven into the Black Wind Abyss by Xiang Pangyun, but Dongbo Snow Eagle's final outburst caused a sensation.

It can be said that a peerless monster like Dong Bo Xueying will definitely be able to enter the extraordinary realm, and his future achievements will definitely not be comparable to ordinary extraordinary people.

Once the news about Dong Bo Snow Eagle is reported, it will definitely alarm the saint-level and demigod high-ups!

After all, the birth of every extraordinary person is not easy, especially for a monster like Dong Bo Xueying.

If Dong Bo Xueying was still alive, he might be able to go far in the world of transcendence, and Anyang Province would have one more top transcendent in the future.



Above the Black Wind Cliff, the sun shone on everything. Suddenly, a crack appeared in the surrounding space, and a figure tore through the void and stepped out.

To tear apart the void, one must at least have demigod-level strength. In fact, those saints at the top of the holy list can indeed explode with demigod strength.

The person who came was none other than the most powerful extraordinary expert in the entire Anyang Province—Changfeng Knight Chi Qiubai, the number one expert on the holy list, who had once killed a demigod expert.

The so-called Holy List is a ranking list of Saint-level powerhouses. There are thirty places in total, including humans, Warcraft, Abyss Demon Gods, and even the extraordinary natives of the extraordinary world.

As for Chi Qiu Bai starting from the mystery of the wind of all things and mastering the so-called 'true meaning of space cutting'... Of course, this is only Chi Qiu Bai's superficial strength.

According to Wei Wen's understanding, Chi Qiubai is now hiding his strength. He is considered to be a second-grade True Meaning 'Great Destruction True Meaning' extraordinary saint.

In addition, Chi Qiubai is actually a traitor to the Xia world, and of course a double agent. In the end, in order to save Dongbo Snow Eagle, he stabbed Demon God Dalhao, the second-level heavenly god, in the back.

"Huh?" Chi Qiubai looked at the golden-horned giant beast in the void and frowned immediately.

"Alas, it's rare for our Anyang province to give birth to a new transcendent. I didn't expect that he would be killed by your witch temple. It's really not worth it."

Looking at Chi Qiu Bai, the power radiating around Wei Wen alone might be comparable to that of a demigod.


Chi Qiubai took a step out in an instant, and holy-level fighting spirit erupted. Black light swept in, tearing apart the surrounding void, and the space cut seemed to be inevitable.

"Huh?" Wei Wen was stunned when he saw Chi Qiubai suddenly taking action, but he soon understood something. Chi Qiubai should have regarded him as a so-called monster.

With a thought, Wei Wen easily collapsed the space cutting move in front of him.

After thinking for a moment, the golden-horned giant beast and the void clone tore apart the space and left this place.

It's not that he can't beat Chi Qiubai, but that his main purpose in coming to this world is to practice and improve himself, so this battle is of no benefit.

If Chi Qiu Bai is killed, it will be difficult to deal with the second level heavenly realm god.

(End of this chapter)

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