Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 155 Meeting Dongbo Snow Eagle for the First Time

Chapter 155 Meeting Dongbo Snow Eagle for the First Time

"Although my attack did not trigger the second-level true intention, it was enough to crush the Saint level. He seemed to be only a Saint level, but he dodged it easily?" Chi Qiubai was shocked.

"Could it be the true meaning of the second-grade space?"

"When did such a saint-level powerhouse appear in the Warcraft clan?"

The world of the Xia Clan has a long history, and there are many god-level experts born. Naturally, there are also amazingly talented people in the Warcraft Clan.

The great elder of the Witch Temple of the Warcraft clan is too great a threat to the human race. Many powerful people have always wanted to kill the great elder of the Witch Temple.

But the Great Elder's whereabouts are unpredictable, and he has mastered the true meaning of life, so he is still difficult to kill.


"Is this the extraordinary alchemical creature guarding the first level of Black Wind Abyss, the black dragon?" Wei Wen raised his eyebrows.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the black dragon's head, I was secretly shocked, because it was a powerful alchemical creature guard at the semi-god level!

"You want to break through?" Heilong looked at Lord Wei Wen in front of him.

"I didn't come here today just to break through the barrier." Wei Wen shook his head, "A mortal fell just now. What's his condition now?"

"Oh, there is indeed a young man, but as long as he is not extraordinary, I don't bother to pay attention. Maybe he has fallen to death." Black Dragon said casually.

"I am just the first guardian. There are naturally more powerful guardians guarding the palace of the master's cave. I can't control the bottom of the valley, nor can I control the inheritance of the cave!"

"If you want to go down and search, you still need to defeat my old dragon first!"

"Defeat you?" Wei Wen shook his head slightly, "No need."

Wei Wen just moved his mind, and a crack appeared in the surrounding space, and he stepped directly into it and disappeared.

"When did the Xia Clan create such a weird extraordinary person? It seems to make my heart palpitate!" The black dragon's head looked at the space cracks that were gradually healing.

After a while, Wei Wen's figure remained motionless. Black Dragon thought Wei Wen had left and swayed, and his head retracted into the abyss outside Heifeng Cliff.

The suppressed black wind vortex gradually took shape, and the howling wind made the entire black wind abyss tremble.

"The black dragon is just a demigod-level extraordinary alchemy creature. Its combat power is no less than that of a demigod, but it just has a special body material." Wei Wen couldn't help but smile.

"You can't see through the ever-changing me who walks in the dimension of time and space and uses my innate secrets."

"Let's see if we can get into the palace below. If we are discovered, it will probably only be a battle."

Wei Wen's figure descended towards the bottom of the abyss below. Firstly, he wanted to see what was going on with Dongbo Snow Eagle. Secondly, he was just bored and wanted to earn some resources to strengthen himself.

After all, if one relies solely on absorbing the power of heaven and earth to reach the realm of extraordinary - holy - demigod, it will take at least half of one's lifespan.

And if you have the resources, it will be easier.

Until Wei Wen was less than ten meters away from the black dragon's body and was about to touch the black dragon a few steps forward with the help of ever-changing secret techniques, the black dragon still didn't pay any attention to Wei Wen.

Wei Wen showed a smile and landed directly at the bottom of the abyss.

"There are so many extraordinary alchemy creatures inside!" As Wei Wen continued to fly downward, there were dozens of alchemy creatures in the black cliffs along the way.

But most of them are not as good as the black dragon, so they turn a blind eye to Wei Wen flying past them.

"Finally arrived at the bottom of the Black Wind Abyss."

Wei Wen looked at the abyss in front of him. At the bottom of the valley, about fifty or sixty miles away from where he landed, there was indeed a cave palace that exuded a misty blue light.

There are a large number of black-armored soldiers patrolling outside the Dongfu Palace. These black-armored soldiers are not weak, and at worst they are pseudo-supernormal.

At this moment, they were walking and patrolling around the palace that was glowing green, as if they never felt tired.

Wei Wen Wei Wen transformed into a black-armored soldier. He just walked around in a circle and found nothing unusual. "I didn't find Dongbo Snow Eagle, which is a bit strange." Wei Wen looked around and inferred what might have happened through some clues.

Has he already entered the palace?

Wei Wen really didn't know how Dongbo Snow Eagle, a powerful man with a title level, could escape so many patrolling black-armored soldiers.

Wei Wen took one step forward and turned into a stream of light, flying towards the palace in the distance. The large number of black-armored soldiers patrolling on the ground ignored him.

"Huh? This palace can actually prevent outsiders from entering." Wei Wen was already standing outside the main entrance of the palace.

When he wanted to enter as a black-armored soldier, he found that the entire palace was enveloped by an invisible force.

He was able to force open the closed palace door, but opening the door like this would definitely alert the defending alchemy creatures.

Wei Wen waved his hand, and a huge fist formed by extraordinary fighting spirit exuding tyrannical energy fluctuations appeared from the void and bombarded the tall palace gate.


With a loud bang, the two doors were pushed open, revealing the scene inside.

"Who is it?" The black dragon's majestic roar came from above the palace, and a kilometer-long figure swooped down from above, looking at the abnormal 'black-armored soldiers' below.

"Impossible. There is a magic circle above the master's palace, so you can't tear apart the space and teleport in."

"How did you escape my protection and come to the master's palace!"

"The true meaning is mysterious and unusual, and the true meaning I have comprehended happens to be the true meaning that allows me to sneak in easily, such as disguising myself as a black-armored soldier." Wei Wen said casually.

"I wonder if there was a rule in the palace that I had to defeat you in order to pass the so-called first level?"

"You've passed." Black Dragon was speechless for a moment. He didn't think he could really beat Wei Wen, so he might as well give the other alchemy creatures a headache.

"But don't be complacent, I am the most useless demigod-level alchemy creature among the master's main subordinates!"

"There are many alchemical creatures in the palace that are stronger than me. If you don't have peak demigod strength, you will only die inside."


Inside the sealed hall deep in the underground palace.

Dongbo Snow Eagle was holding a spear, surrounded by mighty flames, and was fighting with golden apes and golden roc alchemy creatures.

Dong Bo Xueying was naturally unable to gain the upper hand, but he could still manage to fight with his exquisite marksmanship and agility.

"Are you really going to kill like this?" The golden ape looked confused.

"Of course!" Dong Bo Xueying's gaze condensed, "You are all alchemical creatures, and fighting also requires energy. The more intense the battle, the greater the consumption!"

"Perhaps you can also absorb power from the heaven and earth to replenish it, but the replenishment speed will definitely not keep up with the consumption."

This is the only way Dongbo Xueying can think of to survive, so naturally he won't give up!

The battle lasted for three full hours. Dongbo Snow Eagle escaped from the ripples and went outside to sit on the ground to rest and recover.

"It seems you are Dongbo Snow Eagle?"

Suddenly a voice sounded behind Dongbo Snow Eagle. Dongbo Snow Eagle jumped up in shock, holding a gun and looking at Wei Wen warily.

(End of this chapter)

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